
All Product Document

          Database Transmission Server

          PostgreSQL as Destination

          1. Applicable Scenarios

          This document applies to scenarios where you migrate a DTS-supported data source to a PostgreSQL destination using the Baidu AI Cloud’s Data Transmission Service DTS.

          2 Restrictions on Using PostgreSQL Database as DTS destination

          • Structure migration from a non-PostgreSQL database to a PostgreSQL database is unavailable

          3 Prerequisites for Using PostgreSQL Database as DTS destination

          3.1 Environment Requirements

          DTS allows you to use the PostgreSQL 9.4 and 10.10 versions of the self-built database as destinations.

          3.2 Requirements for Privilege of Database Account


          Database Structure migration Total migration Incremental migration
          Self-built PostgreSQL database create and usage privileges of migration objects owner privilege of schema owner privilege of schema

          For the self-built PostgreSQL database, and the creation and authorization method of a database account, see CREATE USER and GRANT Syntax.

          4 Application of PostgreSQL Database as DTS destination

          In terms of a PostgreSQL database as the destination, for the operation process of task creation, task configuration, pre-check, task start, task pause, and task termination, see Best Practice Documentation. It is slightly different from other data sources in the task configuration parameters and object mapping parts.

          4.1 Task Configuration Parameters


          As shown in the figure above, you can self-build a PostgreSQL instance by the public network at the destination of DTS. The instructions for configuration parameters at the PostgreSQL destination are as below:

          • Access Type: A self-built PostgreSQL instance that supports Public Network/BCC/BBC/DCC
          • **Data Type:** Regularly chose PostgreSQL
          • IP/ Port: Access IP and service port of a self-built PostgreSQL database
          • Database: Database name to be migrated in the self-built PostgreSQL database
          • Account: Account of the self-built PostgreSQL database
          • Password: Password corresponding to the account of the database

          4.2 Object Mapping

          PostgreSQL is a three-level schema. When you migrate data from the source end of the two-level schema to PostgreSQL, you need to map the database name at the source end as the schema name at the destination via DTS. DTS provides a database table name mapping function for you to choose. As shown in the following figure, the selected migration objects may appear in the list of the selected objects on the right side. DTS supports the upstream and downstream database table name mapping, the column filter of blacklist/whitelist, and other functions. You can click “Edit” to configure the mapping and filter rules for each migration object.

          After you finish the mapping configuration of the objects, click Save and Pre-check to start the Pre-check of the task.

          5 PostgreSQL destination Data Types Supported by DTS

          The following table lists the default mapping between the DTS data types supported by DTS and the PostgreSQL destination data types.

          For any information on how to view the data types mapped at the source end, see the Data Type Mapping of Source-end Data Sources.

          DTS Field Type POSTGRESQL Data Type
          DTS_TYPE_INT1 smallint
          DTS_TYPE_INT2 smallint
          DTS_TYPE_INT4 integer
          DTS_TYPE_INT8 bigint
          DTS_TYPE_NUMBER If precision is<=147455 && scale is<=16383, you should use decimal (p,s), or else, you should use character varying
          DTS_TYPE_FLOAT real
          DTS_TYPE_DOUBLE double precision
          DTS_TYPE_BYTES bytea
          DTS_TYPE_DATE date
          DTS_TYPE_TIME If the decimal digits are=>0, and are<=6, you should use time, or else, you should use character varying
          DTS_TYPE_DATETIME If the decimal digits are=>0, and are<=6, you should use datetime, or else, you should use character varying
          DTS_TYPE_STRING In case of fixed length, you should use the character(n); and in case of variable length, you should use character varying(n)
          Use Mysql Database as the DTS Destination
          Palo as Destination