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          Cloud Container Engine

          Set Namespace Resource Limit

          Namespace Resource limit

          When multiple users or teams share a CCE cluster, resource constraints need to be set for each user or team's tenant to prevent a user or team from occupying too many resources in the cluster. The cluster administrator can set resource quota for each tenant through Resource Quota.

          Resource Quota Supports Limited Resources

          • Computing resource constraints
          Resource name Description
          cpu Under this namespace, the sum of CPU requests of all Pod resources not in ternial state cannot exceed this value
          limits.cpu Under this namespace, the sum of total CPU limits of all Pod resources that are not in the terminal state cannot exceed this value
          limits.memory Under this namespace, the sum of total memory limits of all Pod resources that are not in the terminal state cannot exceed this value
          memory Under this namespace, the sum of total memory requests of all Pod resources that are not in the terminal state cannot exceed this value
          requests.cpu Under this namespace, the sum of total CPU requests of all Pod resources that are not in the terminal state cannot exceed this value
          requests.memory Under this namespace, the sum of total memory requests of all Pod resources that are not in the terminal state cannot exceed this value
          • Storage resource limitations
          Resource name Description
          requests.storage Under this namespace, the total storage requests of all persistent volume claims cannot exceed this value
          persistentvolumeclaims The total number of persistent volume claims that exist under this namespace cannot exceed this value
          requests.ephemeral-storage The sum of total storage requests of local temporary storage of all pods under this namespace cannot exceed this value
          limits.ephemeral-storage The sum of total storage limit of local temporary storage of all pods under this namespace cannot exceed this value
          • API resource limit
          Resource name Description
          configmaps Number of ConfigMap that can be created under this namespace
          secrets Number of secrets that can be created under this namespace
          persistentvolumeclaims Number of persistent volume claims that can be created under this namespace
          services Number of services that can be created under this namespace
          services.loadbalancers Number of load balancer type services that can be created under this namespace
          services.nodeports Number of node port type services that can be created under this namespace
          pods Number of non-terminal Pod that can exist in this namespace
          deployments.apps Number of deployments that can be created under this namespace
          statefulsets.apps Number of statefullsets that can be created under this namespace
          jobs.batch Number of jobs that can be created under this namespace
          cronjobs.batch Number of cronjobs that can be created under this namespace


          This example demonstrates the number of PersistentVolumeClaims created in a namespace by ResourceQuota.

          (1) Create sample namespace

          kubectl create namespace quota-example 

          (2) Create ResourceQuota

          Save the following yaml as quota-demo.yaml and create ResourceQuota kubectl create -f quota-demo.yaml. The ResourceQuota restricts this namespace to create only one PersistentVolumeClaim.

          apiVersion: v1 
          kind: ResourceQuota 
            name: quota-demo 
            namespace: quota-example 
              persistentvolumeclaims: "1" 

          (3) Verify ResourceQuota Create a PersistentVolumeClaim by the following yaml.

          apiVersion: v1 
          kind: PersistentVolumeClaim 
            name: pvc-quota-demo 
            namespace: quota-example 
            storageClassName: manual 
              - ReadWriteOnce 
                storage: 3Gi 

          View PersistentVolumeClaim created successfully.

           kubectl get persistentvolumeclaims --namespace=quota-example 

          The results are as follows. PersistentVolumeClaim Creation success.

          NAME                STATUS 
          pvc-quota-demo      Pending 

          Try to create a second PersistentVolumeClaim by the following yaml.

          apiVersion: v1 
          kind: PersistentVolumeClaim 
            name: pvc-quota-demo-2 
            namespace: quota-example 
            storageClassName: manual 
              - ReadWriteOnce 
                storage: 4Gi 

          As a result, as you can see, ResourceQuota takes effect, limiting the creation of the second PersistentVolumeClaim.

          persistentvolumeclaims "pvc-quota-demo-2" is forbidden: 
          exceeded quota: object-quota-demo, requested: persistentvolumeclaims=1, 
          used: persistentvolumeclaims=1, limited: persistentvolumeclaims=1 
          Namespace Basic Operations
          Helm Management