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          Cloud Container Engine

          How do Service Applications Use Load Balance

          In the process of service application, there may be high concurrency scenarios. Through the traffic balance and distribution feature of Baidu Load Balance (BLB), it can provide multiple WebServer concurrent services for the application, so as to achieve the effect of service level expansion.

          At present, there are two ways to create service applications: one is to create service applications through kubectl; the other is to create service service applications through Kubernetes Dashboard. Therefore, there are two ways to create and use load balance:

          Kubectl Uses Load Balance in Deploying Service Applications

          Create Load Balance and Elastic IP

          In the public cloud environment, you can create a service of LoadBalancer type by entering the command. At the same time, you can also link with the public cloud to create a load balance and a public IP. The specific operation instructions are as follows:

          kubectl expose deployment my-nginx --port=80 --type=LoadBalancer 

          View Load Balance and Elastic IP

          By viewing the command of the service, you can see the status of the service and the created public IP.

          $ kubectl get services 
          NAME         CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)        AGE 
          kubernetes   <none>           443/TCP        1h 
          my-nginx   80:30356/TCP   47s 

          Through the link, you can see the created service as shown in the figure:

          Note: The symbol "$" represents the input instruction, and other lines represent the service information displayed after the input instruction, among which is the service website published to the Internet.

          Use Load Balance in Deploying service Applications through Kubernetes Dashboard

          Create Load Balance and Elastic IP

          Select External in the Service to complete EIP and BLB configuration, and then 80 80 will be filled in the pop-up port page, and then click DEPLOY to start service creation;

          View Load Balance and Elastic IP

          Click Services on the creation success page to enter the services page;

          View Load Balance and Elastic IP in Baidu AI Cloud Console

          After service creation, users can log in to Baidu AI Cloud platform, select "Product Services > Load Balance" and enter the BLB console to view the details of load balance. For specific operation steps, please see Baidu Load Balance Operation Guide

          Select "Product Services > Elastic IP" to enter the instance list of the console, where you can view the public IP information of node (instance)

          Create Simple Services through Kubectl
          Use Kubectl Under Windows