
All Product Document

          Cloud Container Engine

          FAQs About Cluster Management

          1. FAQs


          Error Code Error Description Solution
          BCC_LACKED_WHEN_CREATE_BLB To create a cluster, you need to create a BLB. However, there are restrictions on creating BLBs. That is, you can create a BLB only with one or more BCC DCCs or BBCs available in the VPC Create a BCC arbitrarily under this VPC (the VPC corresponding to vpcID in the failure message), and delete the BCC after the BLB is created. The problem is being fixed and will not recur in the future.
          MASTER_CREATE_FAILED Master Node Creation/Deployment Failure 1) If you are deploying a cluster independently, go to the node list page (cluster list -> click cluster name -> node list) to view the progress display of the failed Master node, consult this document to solve the problem according to the failure information prompt, and then delete the cluster and recreate.
          2) If it is a hosting cluster, directly submit a ticket to solve. For the product that has an error, select [Cloud Container Engine (CCE)]. Consult the end of the article for the information required by the ticket.
          MASTER_DELETE_FAILED Failure to delete the Master node 1) If you are deploying a cluster independently, go to the node list page (cluster list -> click cluster name -> node list) to view the progress display of the failed Master node, consult this document to solve the problem according to the failure information prompt, and then delete the cluster again.
          2) If it is a hosting cluster, directly submit a ticket to solve. For the product to which the question belongs, select [Cloud Container Engine CCE]. Refer to the end of the article for the information required by the ticket.
          NODE_DELETE_FAILED Failure to delete the worker node. Go to the node list page to view the progress display of the failed worker nodes. Refer to this document to solve the problem according to the failure information prompts, and then delete the cluster again.
          ACCOUNT_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE Insufficient account balance Recharge (a balance of 100 yuan or more) your account, clear the failed resources, and recreate them.
          FACE_AUTHENTICATION_NEEDED Failure to perform no advanced face authentication. Download the Baidu AI Cloud APP to perfrom the face authentication in "My-Real Name Authentication" and try again.
          UNDEFINED_ERROR Undefined Error Directly submit a ticket to handle the error. For the product that has an error, select: [Cloud Container Engine (CCE)]. Refer to the end of the article for the information required by the ticket.


          Error Code Error Description Solution
          BCC_INSUFFICIENT The creation of a virtual machine has been successfully initiated, but the creation has failed. It is highly probable that no virtual machine resources of the corresponding type and configuration in the availability zone exist in this region. 1) Delete the failed node and replace the available zone or machine configuration to recreate it.
          2) Submit a ticket to handle the error. The product to which the question belongs select: [**Baidu Cloud Compute (BCC)]. Consult the end of the article for the information required for the ticket. In the Problem Description**, enter the following content: The machine creation fails.
          INSTANCE_NO_STOCK The specified machine in the availability zone is out of stock 1) Delete the failed node and replace the availability zone or machine configuration to recreate it.
          2) Submit the ticket to handle the error. For the product that has an error, select: [**Baidu Cloud Compute (BCC)], consult the end of the article for the information required for the ticket. In the Problem description option, enter the following content: The specified instance is out of stock, so you must** list the specified machine instance type and configuration information.
          INSTANCE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED The number of machines under the user account has reached the quota Submit a ticket to increase the quota. For the product that has an error, select: [Baidu Cloud Compute BCC]. Refer to the end of the article for the information required for the ticket. In the Problem description option, enter the following content: Increase the instance quota. You can specify a desired value.
          HOSTNAME_DUPLICATE_IN_VPC The same hostname appears in the same VPC The instance hostname is automatically generated based on the instance name specified by the user in accordance with certain rules (such as changing the instance name to all lowercase as the hostname). You can create an instance and choose another instance name or cannot specify the instance name (generated randomly).
          NODE_SSH_TIMEOUT Node ssh Login Timeout Directly submit a ticket to handle the error. For the product that has an error, select: [Cloud Container Engine (CCE)]. Refer to the end of the article for the information required by the ticket.
          PREPAID_BCC_CANNOT_DELETED The prepaid machine is not allowed to be deleted. 1) If an error is reported after deleting the cluster, remove the failed node out of the cluster on the node list page, and then delete the cluster.
          2) If the error is reported after deleting the node, you can directly remove the failed node out of the cluster on the node list page.
          ACCOUNT_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE Insufficient account balance Please recharge first (a balance of 100 yuan or more), then clean up the failed resources and recreate them.
          INSUFFICIENT_IP_IN_SUBNET Insufficient Subnet IP Clear the failed resources, replace the subnet, and recreate it.
          VOLUME_NOT_AVAILABLE_IN_ZONE Insufficient CDS resources specified in the availability zone. 1) Clear the failed resources, replace the available zone or recreate the CDS type.
          2) If CDS is not a strong need, you can clear the failed resources and then do not select CDS to re-create
          3) Submit a ticket to handle the error. For the product that has an error, select: [Baidu Cloud Compute (BCC)]. Refer to the end of the article for the information required for the ticket. In the Problem description option, enter the following content: The machine creation fails. Volume.ZoneResourceNotAvailable.
          EIP_BY_TRAFFIC_BANDWIDTH_QUOTA_EXCEEDED The total EIP bandwidth charged by traffic has reached the account quota 1) Clear the unused EIPs under the account, release the occupied bandwidth quota, and then delete the failed node and recreate it.
          2) Submit a ticket to increase the total EIP bandwidth quota charged by traffic. For the product that has an error, select: [Elastic Public IP (EIP)]. Refer to the end of the article for the information required for the ticket. In the Problem description, enter the following content: increase the charge based on traffic EIP total bandwidth quota.
          DELETE_INSTANCE_WITH_USER_CUSTOM_ROUTE A user-defined route exists for the node you want to delete. Go to "Private Network VPC-Routing Table" on the Baidu AI Cloud console to find the route of the node, delete it after confirming that it is useless, and then try to delete the node again.
          UNDEFINED_ERROR Undefined Error Directly submit the ticket to handle the error. For the product that has an error, select : [Cloud Container Engine (CCE)]. For the information required by the ticket, consult the end of the article .

          *More frequently asked questions about cluster management are being added...*

          2. Considerations about Tickets

          To improve the problem handling efficiency and save your time, strictly follow the following conventions to submit a ticket!

          Ticket link: https://ticket.bce.baidu.com/?_=1603264688209/#/ticket/create

          Information to be provided in the ticket:

          • Domain names: such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Baoding, Hong Kong, Wuhan, etc.
          • Cluster ID (if any): the clusterID in the failure message, such as c-xxxxxxx, cce-xxxxxxxx. Do not provide the cluster ID if the product that has an error is not [Cloud Container Engine (CCE)].
          • CCE node ID (if any): The cceInstanceID in the failure message, such as cce-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx. Do not provide the CCE node ID if the product that has an error is not [Cloud Container Engine (CCE)].
          • Node ID (if any): the instanceID in the failure message, such as i-xxxxxxxx.
          • Order ID (if any): the orderID in the failure message.
          • Screenshot of the failure page: Do not provide the screenshot if the product that has an error is not [Cloud Container Engine (CCE)].
          • Description
          FAQs in Automatic Scaling
          API_V2 Reference