
All Product Document

          Cloud Container Engine

          Instance Related Interfaces

          CCE Instance OpenAPI

          Create Node (Cluster Scale-out)


          Add cluster node

          Request Structure

          POST /v2/cluster/{clusterID}/instances  HTTP/1.1
          Host: cce.bj.baidubce.com
          Authorization: authorization string

          Request Header Field

          No other special header fields are available except for the public header fields.

          Request Parameters

          Parameter Name Type Required or not Parameter Position Description
          clusterID String Yes URL parameter Cluster ID
          None. RequestBody is an array. List<InstanceSet> Yes RequestBody parameter List of nodes added to the cluster

          Return Header Field

          There are no other special header fields except for the public header field.

          Return Parameters

          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          cceInstanceIDs List Yes List of IP addresses for added nodes
          requestID String Yes Request ID. Provide the ID to locate bugs.

          Request Example: Create BCC

          POST /v2/cluster/cce-f7zeyx1u/instances HTTP/1.1
          Host: cce.bj.baidubce.com
          Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2019-03-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
          [ {
            "instanceSpec" : {
              "instanceName" : "",
              "clusterRole" : "node",
              "existed" : false,
              "machineType" : "BCC",
              "instanceType" : "N3",
              "vpcConfig" : {
                "vpcID" : "vpc-mwbgygrjb72w",
                "vpcSubnetID" : "sbn-mnbvhnuupv1u",
                "availableZone" : "zoneA",
                "securityGroup": {
                  "customSecurityGroups": [],
                  "enableCCERequiredSecurityGroup": true,
                  "enableCCEOptionalSecurityGroup": true
              "instanceResource" : {
                "cpu" : 1,
                "mem" : 4,
                "rootDiskSize" : 40,
                "localDiskSize" : 0,
                "cdsList" : [ ]
              "imageID" : "m-gTpZ1k6n",
              "instanceOS" : {
                "imageType" : "System"
              "needEIP" : false,
              "adminPassword" : "test123!T",
              "sshKeyName" : "k-3uvrdvVq",
              "instanceChargingType" : "Postpaid",
              "runtimeType" : "docker"
            "count" : 1
          } ]

          Request Example: Use Existing Nodes

          • When you add the Node machine configuration, set instanceSpec.existed to true and instanceSpec.existedOption.existedInstanceID to the existing node ID you want to use.
          • If you don’t want to reinstall the system, set instanceSpec.existedOption.rebuild to false and ensure the correct machine password. Otherwise, you cannot deploy services on the node and the creation fails.
          • If you don’t want to reinstall the system, you don’t need to set up instanceSpec.instanceOS and instanceSpec.machineType.
          • For other parameters, see the API documentation to make settings as required.
                      "instanceOS": {
                          "imageName": "7.5 x86_64 (64bit)",
                          "imageType": "System",
                          "osType": "linux",
                          "osName": "CentOS",
                          "osVersion": "7.5",
                          "osArch": "x86_64 (64bit)"

          Request: Attach CDS
          When we want to attach one or more CDSs to the node in creating nodes, we can set the CDS parameters and related mounting paths for the node in creating a cluster. The example is as follows:
          note that only one CDS can be mounted in one path, but another CDS can be mounted in a sub-path of the path. For example, only one CDS can be mounted under the /a directory, but you can mount another CDS under the /a/b directory.
          For existing nodes, you can only mount the CDS in the specified path and cannot create a CDS. Therefore, when an existing node tries to mount the CDS to the specified Path but cannot find a desirable CDS, then it will ignore the CDS configuration.

                          "instanceResource": {
                              "cdsList": [
                                   {diskPath: "/home/cce", storageType: "cloud_hp1", cdsSize: 60}

          Request Example: Create BBC

          Smart card BBC needs to use a common subnet and needs a security group ID. The non-smart card BBC uses a BBC subnet and cannot transmit a security group ID.

          POST /v2/cluster/cce-f7zeyx1u/instances HTTP/1.1
          Host: cce.bj.baidubce.com
          Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2019-03-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
          [ {
            "instanceSpec" : {
              "instanceName" : "",
              "clusterRole" : "node",
              "existed" : false,
              "machineType" : "BBC",
              "vpcConfig" : {
                "vpcSubnetID" : "sbn-mnbvhnuupv1u",
                "securityGroupID" : "g-xh04bcdkq5n6"
              "instanceResource" : {
                "rootDiskSize" : 100,
                "cdsList" : [ ]
              "bbcOption": {
          	  "flavor": "BBC-G4-02S",
          	  "diskInfo": "NoRaid"
              "imageID" : "m-zGnlzI5v",
              "instanceOS" : {
                "imageType" : "BbcSystem"
              "adminPassword" : "test123!T",
              "instanceChargingType" : "Postpaid",
              "runtimeType" : "docker"
            "count" : 1
          } ]

          Return Example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          X-Bce-Request-Id: 58868d06-2e79-4d68-9f62-389e70f54996
          Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2020 06:29:48 GMT
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
              "cceInstanceIDs": [
              "requestID": "58868d06-2e79-4d68-9f62-389e70f54996"

          Delete Node (Cluster Scale-in)


          Delete a cluster node.

          Request Structure

          PUT /v2/cluster/{clusterID}/instances  HTTP/1.1
          Host: cce.bj.baidubce.com
          Authorization: authorization string

          Request Header Field

          No other special header fields are available except for the public header field.

          Request Parameters

          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter Position Description
          clusterID String Yes URL Parameters Cluster ID
          deleteOption DeleteOption No RequestBody parameter Delete options. Use the “DeleteOption” configuration for the node when it is empty.
          instanceIDs List Yes RequestBody parameter ID list of nodes to be deleted

          Return Header Field

          No other special header fields are available except for public header fields.

          Return Parameters

          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          requestID String Yes Request ID for the response

          Request Example: Delete related resources after removing the node from the cluster

          PUT /v2/cluster/cce-f7zeyx1u/instances HTTP/1.1
          Host: cce.bj.baidubce.com
          Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2019-03-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
          	"instanceIDs": [
          	"deleteOption": {
          		"moveOut": false,
          		"deleteResource": true,
          		"deleteCDSSnapshot": true

          Request Example: Only remove the node out of the cluster.

          PUT /v2/cluster/cce-f7zeyx1u/instances HTTP/1.1
          Host: cce.bj.baidubce.com
          Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2019-03-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
          	"instanceIDs": [
          	"deleteOption": {
          		"moveOut": true

          Return Example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          X-Bce-Request-Id: 23a82d7e-954f-4539-b828-ce620eaa97b3
          Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2020 06:29:48 GMT
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
              "requestID": "23a82d7e-954f-4539-b828-ce620eaa97b3"

          Update Node Properties


          Update certain information of a node. You can update only some properties for now.

          Request Structure

          PUT /v2/cluster/{clusterID}/instance/{instanceID} HTTP/1.1
          Host: cce.bj.baidubce.com
          Authorization: authorization string

          Request Header Field

          No other special header fields are available except for public header fields.

          Request Parameters

          Parameter Name Type Required or not Parameter Position Description
          clusterID String Yes URL parameter Cluster ID
          instanceID String Yes URL parameter Node ID
          labels Map<String,String> Yes RequestBody parameter Node tag
          taints List<Taint> Yes RequestBody parameter Node taint
          cceInstancePriority Integer Yes RequestBody parameter Node priority

          Return Header Field

          No other special header fields are available except for public header fields.

          Return Parameters

          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          instance Instance Yes Node query results
          requestID String Yes Request ID, provide the ID to locate bugs

          Request Example

          PUT /v2/cluster/cce-oi0ihu53/instance/i-bn71n2eK  HTTP/1.1
          Host: cce.hkg.baidubce.com
          Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2019-03-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
              "labels": {
                  "cluster-id": "cce-b3gzxpwg",
                  "cluster-role": "node",
                  "new-label-key": "new-label-value"
              "taints": [
                      "key": "testKey",
                      "value": "testValue",
                      "effect": "NoSchedule"
              "cceInstancePriority": 5

          Return Example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          X-Bce-Request-Id: 60dae0e8-8fa0-443c-a5d5-45b1e7beea68
          Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2020 06:29:48 GMT
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
              "instance": {
                  "spec": {
                      "cceInstanceID": "cce-oi0ihu53-pfmx3lu6",
                      "instanceName": "cce-oi0ihu53-pfmx3lu6",
                      "runtimeType": "docker",
                      "runtimeVersion": "18.9.2",
                      "clusterID": "cce-oi0ihu53",
                      "clusterRole": "node",
                      "userID": "eca97e148cb74e9683d7b7240829d1ff",
                      "instanceGroupID": "",
                      "instanceGroupName": "",
                      "machineType": "BCC",
                      "instanceType": "N3",
                      "bbcOption": {},
                      "vpcConfig": {
                          "vpcID": "vpc-epyxw9mwjc18",
                          "vpcSubnetID": "sbn-11gfqpsax4jn",
                          "securityGroupID": "g-urmir67c35x3",
                          "vpcSubnetType": "BCC",
                          "VPCSubnetCIDR": "",
                          "VPCSubnetCIDRIPv6": "",
                          "availableZone": "zoneA"
                      "instanceResource": {
                          "cpu": 4,
                          "mem": 12,
                          "rootDiskType": "hp1",
                          "rootDiskSize": 40
                      "deployCustomConfig": {
                          "dockerConfig": {}
                      "imageID": "m-Yp443gTZ",
                      "instanceOS": {
                          "imageType": "System",
                          "imageName": "centos-7u5-x86_64-20200601203742",
                          "osType": "linux",
                          "osName": "CentOS",
                          "osVersion": "7.5",
                          "osArch": "x86_64 (64bit)",
                          "osBuild": "2020060100"
                      "needEIP": false,
                      "eipOption": {},
                      "sshKeyID": "",
                      "instanceChargingType": "Postpaid",
                      "deleteOption": {
                          "deleteResource": true,
                          "deleteCDSSnapshot": true
                      "labels": {
                          "cluster-id": "cce-oi0ihu53",
                          "cluster-role": "node"
                      "cceInstancePriority": 5
                  "status": {
                      "machine": {
                          "instanceID": "i-bn71n2eK",
                          "instanceUUID": "60c466f2-929a-4cf9-af7c-52af00fa4476",
                          "orderID": "0fe2237296b644da8ef2b215b4ff19c8",
                          "vpcIP": ""
                      "instancePhase": "running",
                      "machineStatus": "ACTIVE"
                  "createdAt": "2020-09-15T06:43:20Z",
                  "updatedAt": "2020-09-25T06:03:40Z"
              "requestID": "60dae0e8-8fa0-443c-a5d5-45b1e7beea68"

          Get Node Details


          Get detailed information of a node.

          Request Structure

          GET /v2/cluster/{clusterID}/instance/{instanceID} HTTP/1.1
          Host: cce.bj.baidubce.com
          Authorization: authorization string

          Request Header Field

          No other special header fields are available except for public header fields.

          Request Parameters

          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter Position Description
          clusterID String Yes URL parameter Cluster ID
          instanceID String Yes URL parameter Node ID

          Return Header Field

          No other special header fields are available except for public header fields.

          Return Parameters

          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          instance [Instance](CCE/API_V2 References/Appendix.md#Instance) Yes Node query results
          requestID String Yes Request ID, provide the ID to locate bugs

          Request Example

          GET /v2/cluster/cce-oi0ihu53/instance/i-bn71n2eK  HTTP/1.1
          Host: cce.hkg.baidubce.com
          Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2019-03-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de

          Return Example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          X-Bce-Request-Id: a13e8b5f-6878-4f1f-8746-3e986ee49a96
          Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2020 06:29:48 GMT
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
              "instance": {
                  "spec": {
                      "cceInstanceID": "cce-oi0ihu53-pfmx3lu6",
                      "instanceName": "cce-oi0ihu53-pfmx3lu6",
                      "runtimeType": "docker",
                      "runtimeVersion": "18.9.2",
                      "clusterID": "cce-oi0ihu53",
                      "clusterRole": "node",
                      "userID": "eca97e148cb74e9683d7b7240829d1ff",
                      "instanceGroupID": "",
                      "instanceGroupName": "",
                      "machineType": "BCC",
                      "instanceType": "N3",
                      "bbcOption": {},
                      "vpcConfig": {
                          "vpcID": "vpc-epyxw9mwjc18",
                          "vpcSubnetID": "sbn-11gfqpsax4jn",
                          "securityGroupID": "g-urmir67c35x3",
                          "vpcSubnetType": "BCC",
                          "VPCSubnetCIDR": "",
                          "VPCSubnetCIDRIPv6": "",
                          "availableZone": "zoneA"
                      "instanceResource": {
                          "cpu": 4,
                          "mem": 12,
                          "rootDiskType": "hp1",
                          "rootDiskSize": 40
                      "deployCustomConfig": {
                          "dockerConfig": {}
                      "imageID": "m-Yp443gTZ",
                      "instanceOS": {
                          "imageType": "System",
                          "imageName": "centos-7u5-x86_64-20200601203742",
                          "osType": "linux",
                          "osName": "CentOS",
                          "osVersion": "7.5",
                          "osArch": "x86_64 (64bit)",
                          "osBuild": "2020060100"
                      "needEIP": false,
                      "eipOption": {},
                      "sshKeyID": "",
                      "instanceChargingType": "Postpaid",
                      "deleteOption": {
                          "deleteResource": true,
                          "deleteCDSSnapshot": true
                      "labels": {
                          "cluster-id": "cce-oi0ihu53",
                          "cluster-role": "node"
                      "cceInstancePriority": 5
                  "status": {
                      "machine": {
                          "instanceID": "i-bn71n2eK",
                          "instanceUUID": "60c466f2-929a-4cf9-af7c-52af00fa4476",
                          "orderID": "0fe2237296b644da8ef2b215b4ff19c8",
                          "vpcIP": ""
                      "instancePhase": "running",
                      "machineStatus": "ACTIVE"
                  "createdAt": "2020-09-15T06:43:20Z",
                  "updatedAt": "2020-09-24T08:27:21Z"
              "requestID": "74a74b2e-f439-4147-b27a-f473e3576338"

          Get Cluster Node List


          Request cluster node list.

          Request Structure

          GET /v2/cluster/{clusterID}/instances HTTP/1.1
          Host: cce.bj.baidubce.com
          Authorization: authorization string

          Request Header Field

          No other special header fields are available except for public header fields.

          Request Parameters

          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter Position Description
          clusterID String Yes URL parameter Cluster ID
          keywordType String No Query parameter Cluster fuzzy query field. The option includes [instanceName, instanceID, clusterRole]. It is instanceName by default.
          keyword String No Query parameter Query keyword
          orderBy String No Query parameter Cluster query sort field. The option includes [instanceName, instanceID, createdAt]. It is instance_name by default.
          order String No Query parameter Sorting method. The optional method includes [ASC, DESC ], of which ASC represents ascending order and DESC represents descending order. It is ASC by default.
          pageNo Integer No Query parameter Page, whose default Value is 1.
          pageSize Integer No Query parameter Result of a single page, which defaults to 10.

          Return Header Field

          No other special header fields are available except for public header fields.

          Return Parameters

          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          instancePage InstancePage Yes Query results of the cluster node.
          requestID String Yes Request ID for the response

          Request Example

          GET /v2/cluster/cce-f7zeyx1u/instances?keywordType=instanceName&keyword=&orderBy=createdAt&order=asc&pageNo=1&pageSize=10  HTTP/1.1
          Host: cce.bj.baidubce.com
          Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2019-03-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de

          Return Example

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          X-Bce-Request-Id: a13e8b5f-6878-4f1f-8746-3e986ee49a96
          Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2020 06:29:48 GMT
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
              "instancePage": {
                  "clusterID": "cce-f7zeyx1u",
                  "keywordType": "instanceName",
                  "keyword": "",
                  "orderBy": "createdAt",
                  "order": "ASC",
                  "pageNo": 1,
                  "pageSize": 10,
                  "totalCount": 1,
                  "instanceList": [
                          "spec": {
                              "cceInstanceID": "cce-f7zeyx1u-vbsry5uc",
                              "instanceName": "cce-f7zeyx1u-vbsry5uc",
                              "runtimeType": "docker",
                              "runtimeVersion": "18.9.2",
                              "clusterID": "cce-f7zeyx1u",
                              "clusterRole": "node",
                              "userID": "eca97e148cb74e9683d7b7240829d1ff",
                              "instanceGroupID": "",
                              "instanceGroupName": "",
                              "machineType": "BCC",
                              "instanceType": "N3",
                              "bbcOption": {},
                              "vpcConfig": {
                                  "vpcID": "vpc-mwbgygrjb72w",
                                  "vpcSubnetID": "sbn-mnbvhnuupv1u",
                                  "securityGroupID": "g-xh04bcdkq5n6",
                                  "vpcSubnetType": "BCC",
                                  "VPCSubnetCIDR": "",
                                  "VPCSubnetCIDRIPv6": "",
                                  "availableZone": "zoneA"
                              "instanceResource": {
                                  "cpu": 1,
                                  "mem": 4,
                                  "rootDiskType": "hp1",
                                  "rootDiskSize": 40
                              "deployCustomConfig": {
                                  "dockerConfig": {}
                              "imageID": "m-gTpZ1k6n",
                              "instanceOS": {
                                  "imageType": "System",
                                  "imageName": "centos-7u3-x86_64-20191105104647",
                                  "osType": "linux",
                                  "osName": "CentOS",
                                  "osVersion": "7.3",
                                  "osArch": "x86_64 (64bit)",
                                  "osBuild": "2019110600"
                              "needEIP": false,
                              "eipOption": {},
                              "sshKeyID": "",
                              "instanceChargingType": "Postpaid",
                              "deleteOption": {},
                              "labels": {
                                  "cluster-id": "",
                                  "cluster-role": "node"
                          "status": {
                              "machine": {
                                  "instanceID": "i-HJitrtYn",
                                  "orderID": "b49e015b819c4fd1887b8848c7a38025",
                                  "vpcIP": ""
                              "instancePhase": "running",
                              "machineStatus": "ACTIVE"
                          "createdAt": "2020-07-21T12:12:54Z",
                          "updatedAt": "2020-07-21T12:15:00Z"
              "requestID": "a13e8b5f-6878-4f1f-8746-3e986ee49a96"

          Get List of Nodes for Node Group


          Get a list of nodes for node group.

          Request Structure

          GET /v2/cluster/{clusterID}/instancegroup/{instanceGroupID}/instances HTTP/1.1
          Host: cce.bj.baidubce.com
          Authorization: authorization string

          Request Header Field

          No other special header fields are available except for the public header fields.

          Request Parameters

          Parameter Name Type Required or not Parameter Position Description
          clusterID String Yes URL parameter Cluster ID
          instanceGroupID String Yes URL parameter Node group ID
          pageNo Integer No Query parameter Page number, which is 0 by default. When the value is 0, all nodes under the node group are returned.
          pageSize Integer No Query parameter The number of results per page, which is 0 by default. When the value is 0, all nodes under the node group are returned

          Return Header Field

          There are no other special header fields except the public header field.

          Return Parameters

          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          instancePage ListInstancesByInstanceGroupIDPage Yes Query results of cluster node
          requestID String Yes Request ID for the response

          Request Example

          GET /v2/cluster/cce-47bqnhmj/instancegroup/cce-ig-796lmt7a/instances?pageNo=1&pageSize=10  HTTP/1.1
          Host: cce.bj.baidubce.com
          Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2019-03-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de

          Return Examples

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          X-Bce-Request-Id: d52c646c-207d-4630-95ba-0539124fd42b
          Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2020 06:29:48 GMT
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
          	"requestID": "d52c646c-207d-4630-95ba-0539124fd42b",
          	"page": {
          		"pageNo": 0,
          		"pageSize": 0,
          		"totalCount": 3,
          		"list": [
          				"spec": {
          					"cceInstanceID": "cce-z6qjgcq7-7dd7z1fc",
          					"instanceName": "cce-z6qjgcq7-7dd7z1fc",
          					"runtimeType": "docker",
          					"runtimeVersion": "18.9.2",
          					"clusterID": "cce-z6qjgcq7",
          					"clusterRole": "node",
          					"instanceGroupID": "cce-ig-dvej1d3y",
          					"instanceGroupName": "sdk-testcase",
          					"existedOption": {},
          					"machineType": "BCC",
          					"instanceType": "N3",
          					"bbcOption": {},
          					"vpcConfig": {
          						"vpcID": "vpc-pi9fghaxcpnf",
          						"vpcSubnetID": "sbn-ww1xf6a5fi88",
          						"vpcSubnetType": "BCC",
          						"availableZone": "zoneA"
          					"instanceResource": {
          						"cpu": 1,
          						"mem": 4,
          						"rootDiskType": "hp1",
          						"rootDiskSize": 40
          					"imageID": "m-4Umtt2i5",
          					"instanceOS": {
          						"imageType": "System",
          						"imageName": "centos-8u0-x86_64-20200601205040",
          						"osType": "linux",
          						"osName": "CentOS",
          						"osVersion": "8.0",
          						"osArch": "x86_64 (64bit)",
          						"osBuild": "2020060100"
          					"eipOption": {},
          					"instanceChargingType": "Postpaid",
          					"instancePreChargingOption": {},
          					"deleteOption": {
          						"deleteResource": true,
          						"deleteCDSSnapshot": true
          					"deployCustomConfig": {
          						"dockerConfig": {}
          					"labels": {
          						"cluster-id": "cce-z6qjgcq7",
          						"cluster-role": "node",
          						"instance-group-id": "cce-ig-dvej1d3y"
          					"cceInstancePriority": 5
          				"status": {
          					"machine": {
          						"instanceID": "i-HVq1GwKr",
          						"orderID": "71f6d4249aed4a08b2bc1470fefd6b2a",
          						"vpcIP": ""
          					"instancePhase": "running",
          					"machineStatus": "ACTIVE"
          				"createdAt": "2020-09-27T06:35:04Z",
          				"updatedAt": "2020-09-27T06:36:53Z"
          				"spec": {
          					"cceInstanceID": "cce-z6qjgcq7-asf0p09i",
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          				"updatedAt": "2020-09-27T06:37:02Z"
          Instance Related Interface
          InstanceGroup Related Interface