
All Product Document

          Cloud Container Engine

          CCE Node CDS Expansion

          Node Service Migration

          Here take the node as an example for explanation. Execute the drain eviction node service.

          # kubectl drain  --ignore-daemonsets 

          Check that the node status is SchedulingDisabled:

          # kubectl get nodes 
          NAME            STATUS                     ROLES    AGE   VERSION 
   Ready,SchedulingDisabled   <none>   47m   v1.13.10 

          Check that the business Pod eviction on the node is completed:

          # kubectl get pods --all-namespaces=true -o wide  |grep 

          Stop Node Service

          Stop kube-proxy

          # systemctl stop kube-proxy 
          # Check that the component is stopped successfully. 
          # systemctl status kube-proxy 

          Stop kubelet

          # systemctl stop kubelet 
          # Check that the component is stopped successfully. 
          # systemctl status kubelet 

          Stop docker

          # systemctl stop docker 
          # Check that the component is stopped successfully. 
          # systemctl status docker 

          CDS Expansion

          Enter the page of node BCC details, select the corresponding CDS data disk, and operate expansion on the console:

          Refer to the CDS expansion document for details: https://cloud.baidu.com/doc/CDS/s/Lk0629a17

          When the CDS Console displays that the disk status is "Mounted", it means that the expansion is completed.

          Unloading/Data Directory

          The CCE uses the /data directory as the docker and kubelet data disks. Before the scaling up of partition, you should first unload the disk mounting:

          # Unload docker and kubelet mount directories 
          # for dir in $(df -h |grep -e docker -e kubelet); do umount $dir; done 
          # Unload /data mount directory 
          # umount /data 

          After unloading, when the /data directory is not seen by df-h, it means success.

          Expand the Existing Disk Partition

          Refer to the CDS expansion steps:

          After the expansion and file system mounting are completed, the /dev/vdb1 is mounted to /data:

          # mount /dev/vdb1 /data 

          Check the partition size, and consistent sizes means to meet expectations.

          # df -h| grep data 
          /dev/vdb1        99G  1.3G   93G   2% /data 

          Restart the Node Service

          Start kube-proxy

          # systemctl start kube-proxy 
          # Check that the component is started successfully. 
          # systemctl status kube-proxy 

          Enable kubelet

          # systemctl start kubelet 
          # Check that the component is started successfully. 
          # systemctl status kubelet 

          Start docker

          # systemctl start docker 
          # Check that the component is started successfully. 
          # systemctl status docker 

          Recover the Node Scheduling

          Here take the node as an example for explanation. Execute the kubectl uncordon to recover the node scheduling:

          # kubectl uncordon 

          At this time, the node CDS expansion is completed.

          Resource Reservation
          CCE Security Group