
All Product Document

          Cloud Container Engine



          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          clusterID String No The cluster ID. Do not pass this field during the creation of this cluster.
          clusterName String Yes The cluster name. It can include English uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, -, ., and _ only, has a length of not more than 65 characters, and cannot be empty.
          clusterType String No The cluster type. At present, it supports the normal type only, so its default value is normal.
          description String No The cluster description.
          k8sVersion String Yes The K8S version number. You can select [1.13.10, 1.16.8].
          runtimeType String No The container runtime type. You can select [docker, bci]. Typically, the cluster’s default value is docker, while the Serverless cluster’s default value is BCI.
          runtimeVersion String No The version runtime version. At present, it supports 18.9.2, so its default value is 18.9.2.
          vpcID String Yes The VPC ID
          vpcCIDR String No The VPC IP address range. You do not need to set this value during the cluster creation.
          vpcCIDRIPv6 String No The VPC Ipv6 IP address range. You do not need to set this value during the cluster creation.
          plugins List No The plugin list. The supported plugins include [ cce-ingress-controller, cluster-autoscaler, core-dns, core-dns-for-serverless, cronhpa, ip-masq-agent, kongming-nvidia, kube-proxy, kunlun-nvidia, metrics-adapter, metrics-server, network-inspector, nvidia-gpu, vpc-cni, vpc-route ]. Among them, core-dns, kube-proxy, and metrics-server are deployed by default in all clusters; when the container network mode is kubenet, ip-masq-agent is deployed by default; kongming-nvidia is deployed in the GPU shared cluster by default, and nvidia-gpu deployed in other GPU clusters; when the VPC routing mode is CNI, vpc-route is deployed and vpc-cni deployed in the VPC auxiliary IP mode;
          masterConfig MasterConfig Yes The master node configuration
          containerNetworkConfig ContainerNetworkConfig Yes The container network configuration
          k8sCustomConfig K8SCustomConfig No The K8S custom configuration.


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          skipNetworkCheck Boolean No Whether to skip the container network check.


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          masterType String Yes The master machine source. You can select managed, custom, or serverless.
          clusterHA Integer No The number of master replicas. You can select a value among [1, 3, 5, 2 ]. For the managed cluster, you can select a value in [1, 3], and its default value is 3. For a Serverless cluster, its value can be 2 only. For a custom cluster, you need not set this value.
          exposedPublic Boolean No Whether to have it exposed to the public network.
          clusterBLBVPCSubnetID String No The BLB VPC subnet ID of the cluster. For the managed cluster, you need not set this value. For the custom cluster, you must set this value.
          managedClusterMasterOption ManagedClusterMasterOption No The Master node option of the managed cluster. You need to set it only when the cluster is a managed cluster.
          serverlessMasterOption ServerlessMasterOption No The node option of the Serverless Master node. You need to set it only when the cluster type is Serverless.


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          masterVPCSubnetZone String No The VPC subnet region where the Master is located. You can select it among [zoneA, zoneB, zoneC, zoneD, zoneE, and zoneF]. Its default option is zoneA.


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          masterSecurityGroupID String No The cluster master security group. It is overwritten at the backend automatically, so the user does not need to enter it manually.
          vkSecurityGroupID String Yes The security group of the bci instance started in the cluster
          vkSubnets List<VKSubnetType> No The subnet list where the bci instance started in the cluster is located. If failed to pass it, you need to use clusterBLBVPCSubnetID during fallback.


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          mode String Yes The container network mode. You can select a mode in [kubenet, vpc-cni, vpc-route-veth, vpc-route-ipvlan, vpc-route-auto-detect, vpc-secondary-ip-veth, vpc-secondary-ip-ipvlan, and vpc-secondary-ip-auto-detect].
          eniVPCSubnetIDs Map<String,List> No The ENI VPC subnet ID
          eniSecurityGroupID String No ENI Security Group ID
          ipVersion String No The container IP type. You can select a type in [ipv4, ipv6, dualStack]. Its default type is ipv4.
          lbServiceVPCSubnetID String Yes The ID of the subnet where the associated BLB is located.
          nodePortRangeMax Integer No The port range of the specified NodePort Service, whose default value is 32767 and the maximum value is 65536.
          nodePortRangeMin Integer No The port range of the specified NodePort Service, whose default value is 30000 and maximum value is 65536.
          clusterPodCIDR String No The cluster Pod IP address range. It is valid in the kubenet network mode. When the network type is VPC-CNI, the system uses the CIDR of the VPC.
          clusterPodCIDRIPv6 String No The Pod Ipv6 Ip address range of the cluster. It is valid in the kubenet network mode. When the network type is VPC-CNI, the system uses the CIDR of the VPC automatically.
          clusterIPServiceCIDR String No The Ip address range of the Service ClusterIP. You need to set it when the system uses ipv4.
          clusterIPServiceCIDRIPv6 String No The IPv6 address range of the Service ClusterIP. You need to set it when the system uses ipv6.
          maxPodsPerNode Integer No The maximum number of Pods on each Node, which is 128 by default.
          kubeProxyMode String No The kube-proxy mode. You can select a mode in [ipvs, iptables]. Its default value is ipvs.


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          masterFeatureGates Map<String,Boolean> No The custom MasterFeatureGates
          nodeFeatureGates Map<String,Boolean> No The custom NodeFeatureGates
          admissionPlugins List No The custom AdmissionPlugins
          pauseImage String No The custom Pauselmage
          kubeAPIQPS Integer No The custom KubeAPIQPS
          kubeAPIBurst Integer No The custom KubeAPIBurst
          schedulerPredicates List No The custom SchedulerPredicates
          schedulerPriorities Map<String,Integer> No The custom SchedulerPrioritiess
          etcdDataPath Integer No The custom etcd data directory


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          instanceSpec InstanceSpec Yes The node configuration information
          count Integer No The number of nodes for the above configuration. When the node configuration is the existed node, you do not need to set this value.


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          cceInstanceID String No Is used for the unique identification of the Instance for the CCE. If the user fails to specify it, The CCE generates it by default; if the user specifies it, The CCE generates it according to rules.
          instanceName String No The node name
          runtimeType String No The container runtime type. You can select [docker, bci]. Typically, the cluster’s default value is docker, while the Serverless cluster’s default value is BCI.
          runtimeVersion String No The version runtime version. At present, it supports 18.9.2, so its default value is 18.9.2.
          clusterID String No The cluster ID. You do not need to enter it during the cluster creation.
          clusterRole String No The role of the node in a cluster. You can select a role in []master, node]. You do not need to set it during the cluster creation.
          instanceGroupID String No The node group ID to which the node belongs
          instanceGroupName String No The name of the node group to which the node belongs
          masterType String Yes The Master machine source. You can select a type in [managed, custom, serverless].
          existed Boolean No Whether it is the existed node. You need to set it when the node type is the existed node.
          existedOption ExistedOption No The configuration relevant to the existed instance. You need to set it only when the node type is the existed node.
          machineType String No The machine type. You can select a type among [BCC, BBC, Metal, BCI]. The user does not need to set this value. For the Serverless node, the system sets it to BCI automatically. For the Master node of the managed cluster, the system sets it to BCC automatically. For other new nodes, the system sets it to BCC automatically. For the existed node, the system sets it to BCC or BBC according to the node type.
          instanceType String No The machine specification. You can select the specification among [N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, C1, C2, S1, G1, F1, and ServerlessMaster]. You need to set it only for the new custom node. For the Master node of the Serverless cluster, the system sets it automatically. For the Master node of the managed cluster, you can use the configuration in the DefaultMasterConfig. For the existed node, you can use the type of the current node.
          deploySetID String No Deployment set ID
          bbcOption BBCOption No The BBC option. You need to set it only when the node is the BBC type existed.
          vpcConfig VPCConfig No The VPC option. When you create a BCC node or Serverless Master, you need to set this option. For the managed Master node group, the system uses the Master Config configuration automtically. For the existed node, the system uses its VPC configuration automatically.
          instanceResource InstanceResource No The cluster specification related configuration. When you create a BCC node, you must set it. For the managed Master node group, the system uses the default configuration at the backend automatically. For the existed node, the system uses its resource configuration.
          imageID String No You need to set either of both the imageID and InstanceOS when it is required to re-install the system for the new BCC node and existed nodes. The ImageID is the preferred option. If the user inputs the InstanceOS information, the backend can give the ImageID.
          instanceOS InstanceOS No You need to set either of both the imageID and InstanceOS when it is required to re-install the system for the new BCC node and existed nodes. The ImageID is the preferred option. If the user inputs the InstanceOS information, the backend can give the ImageID.
          needEIP Boolean No Whether the machine requires EIP
          eipOption EIPOption No The EIP option. You must set it when the needEIP is true.
          adminPassword String No The administrator password. The system generates it automatically when you do not set it. You must set it when you do not re-install the system for the existing BCC node. The password should have 8 - 32 characters and must be limited to and include letters, numbers, and specified symbols, such as !, @, #, $, %, ^, *, and ().
          sshKeyID String No SSH Key ID
          instanceChargingType String No The node billing mode. You can select the billing mode among [Prepaid, Postpaid, and bidding]. The new nodes, Master nodes of the managed clusters, and Serverless nodes support the postpaid mode by default. Also, the existing nodes support the prepaid mode or postpaid mode.
          instancePreChargingOption InstancePreChargingOption No The node prepayment option. For the prepaid node, you need to set it.
          deleteOption DeleteOption No The node deletion option.
          deployCustomConfig DeployCustomConfig No The custom deployment option
          tags List<Tag> No The node Tag list.
          labels Map<String,String> No The node Label list. The backend can add the cluster-id and cluster-role labels for the node.
          taints List<Taint> No The node Taint list
          bid Boolean No Whether to enable the spot mode. This option defaults to false
          bidOption BidOption No The spot instance option, required when bid=true


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          existedInstanceID String Yes The existing node ID.
          rebuild Boolean No Whether to re-install the system. It is true by default, i.e., reinstall the system


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          reserveData Boolean Yes Whether to reserve the data
          raidID String No This disc array type ID. In the case of reserveData=false, this option is required; in the case of reserveData=true, it does not take effect.
          sysDiskSize Integer No The size of the allocated system disc expressed in GB. In the case of reserveData=false, this option is required; in the case of reserveData=true, it does not take effect.
          flavor String No Package ID, e.g., BBC-G4-02S
          diskInfo String No Disk array type, such as Raid5, which does not support BBC of RAID and is set to NoRaid


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          vpcID String No The VPC ID. You can use the VPC ID of the cluster when this option is empty.
          vpcSubnetID String No The VPC subnet ID. You must set this value for the new node but do not need to set it in the existing node.
          securityGroupID String No Security group ID. You must set this value if failed to set securityGroup for new nodes, You do not need to set this value for existing nodes.
          securityGroup SecurityGroup No Security group information. Baidu AI Cloud recommends you set this option for the new BCC. You do not need to set this option for existing nodes.
          vpcSubnetCIDR String No The IP address range of the VPC subnet. You do not need to set it during the cluster creation because the backend sets it according to the subnet ID automatically.
          vpcSubnetCIDRIPv6 String No The Ip address range of the VPC IPv6 subnet. You do not need to set it during the cluster creation because the backend sets it according to the subnet ID automatically.
          availableZone String No The available zone. You can select it among [ZoneA, zoneB, zoneC, zoneD, zoneE, and zoneF]. You do not need to set it during the cluster creation because the backend sets it according to the subnet ID automatically.


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          customSecurityGroups String array No The security group specified by the user, which is bound to the node
          enableCCERequiredSecurityGroup bool No Whether to bind the CCE optional security group to the node
          enableCCEOptionalSecurityGroup bool No Whether to bind the CCE optional security group to the node


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          cpu Integer No The number of CPU cores. You must set this field for the new nodes.
          mem Integer No The memory size in GB. You must set this field for the new nodes.
          rootDiskType String No The root disk type. You can select it among [hp1, cloud_hp1, hdd, local, sata, and ssd]. For the new nodes, it is hp1 by default. The existing node is consistent with it in their attribute.
          rootDiskSize Integer No The root disk size in GB. The default value is 40.
          localDiskSize Integer No The local disk size. You must specify the GPU machine, which is in GB.
          cdsList List<CDSConfig> No The CDS list. By default, the first disk is used as the docker and kubelet data disk.
          gpuType String No The GPU type. You can select it among [V100-32, V100-16, P40, P4, K40, and DLCard]. You must set it when the node type is G1.
          gpuCount Integer No The number of GPUs. You must set it when the node type is G1.


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          diskPath String Yes The disk path.
          storageType String Yes The storage type. You can select it among [hp1, cloud_hp1, hdd, local, sata, and ssd].
          cdsSize Integer Yes The disk space storage capacity
          snapshotID String No The snapshot ID, which supports the disk creation from the snapshot.


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          imageType String Yes The image type. The value range includes [ All, System, Custom, Integration, Sharing, GpuBccSystem, GpuBccCustom, BbcSystem, BbcCustom ]
          imageName String No The image name. For example: ubuntu-14.04.1-server-amd64-201506171832
          osType String Yes The operating system type. You can select it [linux, windows].
          osName String Yes The operating system name. You can select it among [CentOS, Ubuntu, Windows Server, Debian, and opensuse].
          osVersion String Yes The operating system version, such as 14.04.1 LTS.
          osArch String Yes The operating system architecture, such as x86_64 (64bit).
          osBuild String No The image creation time information, such as 2015061700.


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          eipName String Yes The EIP name
          eipChargeType String Yes The EIP billing mode. You can select it between [ByTraffic and ByBandwidth].
          eipBandwidth Integer Yes The EIP bandwidth. Its value range is 1 - 200 in the bill-by-bandwidth mode and 1 - 1000 in the bill-by-traffic mode.


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          purchaseTime Integer Yes The purchase time
          autoRenew Boolean Yes Yes The automatic renewal
          autoRenewTimeUnit String Yes The renewal unit
          autoRenewTime Integer Yes The renewal time


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          moveOut Boolean No Whether to move out the node. The true represents that you need to move out the cluster only, and the false represents that you need to delete the node. For the new node, it is false by default during the cluster creation. For the existing node, it is true by default.
          deleteResource Boolean No Whether to delete relevant resources. It is true for the new node by default, and false for the existing node.
          deleteCDSSnapshot Boolean No Whether to delete the CDS snapshot. It is true by default for the new node during the cluster creation and false by default for the existing node.


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          dockerConfig List<DockerConfig> No The docker related configuration
          kubeletRootDir String No The kubelet data directory
          EnableResourceReserved Boolean No Whether to enable the resource reserve.
          kubeReserved Map<String,String> No The reserved resource quota, such as {cpu: 100m, memory: 1000Mi }
          enableCordon Boolean No Whether to block the node
          preUserScript String No The execution script before deployment. You need to input the parameter after the base64 coding at the frontend.
          postUserScript String No The execution script after deployment. You need to input the parameter after the base64 coding at the frontend.


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          dockerDataRoot String No The custom docker data directory
          registryMirrors List No The custom RegistryMirrors
          insecureRegistries List No The custom InsecureRegistries
          dockerLogMaxSize String No The docker log size, which is 20m by default.
          dockerLogMaxFile String No The number of retained docker logs, which is 10 by default.
          dockerBIP String No The Ip address range of the docker1 network bridge, which is by default.


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          tagKey String Yes The tag key
          tagValue String Yes The tag value


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          effect String Yes The behavior incurred when Pod does not tolerate Taint. You can select it among [NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule, and NoExecute].
          key String Yes Taint Key
          timeAdded Date-time No The time of adding a taint. You can use it when the effect is NoExecute。
          value String Yes Taint Value


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          bidMode String Yes Spot mode, whose value is MARKET_PRICE_BID. You can determine a price based on the market price or give a bid price.
          bidPrice String No Spot instance price. bidMode=MARKET_PRICE_BID is required
          bidTimeout Integer Yes The bidding timeout (unit: minute). When the bidding is not successful after the timeout, the order is automatically cancelled and the instance is cleaned
          bidReleaseEIP Boolean No Whether to delete EIP in cascade when the spot instance is preempted and released. The default value is false
          bidReleaseCDS Boolean No Whether to delete CDS in cascade when the spot instance is preempted and released. The default value is false


          Parameter Name Type Description
          keywordType String The fuzzy search field of the cluster. You can select it between [clusterName and clusterID].
          keyword String The query keyword.
          orderBy String The cluster query sorting field. You can select it among [clusterName, clusterID, and createdAt].
          order String The sorting method. You can select it between [ASC, DESC].
          pageNo Integer The page number
          pageSize Integer The number of results on a single page
          totalCount Integer The total number of clusters
          clusterList List<Cluster> The queried cluster list


          Parameter Name Type Description
          spec ClusterSpec The cluster attribute
          status ClusterStatus The cluster status
          createdAt String The creation time
          updatedAt String The updating time

          Cluster Status

          Parameter Name Type Description
          clusterBLB BLB The cluster BLB
          clusterPhase String The cluster status. You can select it among [pending, provisioning, provisioned, running, create_failed, deleting, deleted, and delete_failed].
          nodeNum Integer The number of nodes


          Parameter Name Type Description
          id String The BLB ID
          vpcIP String The VPC IP address
          eip String The EIP address


          Parameter Name Type Required or not Description
          availableZone String Yes The available zone name
          subnetID String Yes The subnet ID


          Parameter Name Type Description
          clusterID String The cluster ID
          keywordType String The fuzzy search field of the cluster. You can select it between [clusterName and clusterID].
          keyword String The query keyword
          orderBy String The cluster query sorting field. You can select it among [clusterName, clusterID, and createdAt].
          order String The sorting method. You can select it between [ASC and DESC].
          pageNo Integer Page
          pageSize Integer The number of results on a single page
          totalCount Integer Nodes
          instanceList List<Instance> The node list


          Parameter Name Type Description
          createdAt String The node creation time
          spec InstanceSpec The node configuration
          status InstanceStatus The node status
          updatedAt String The node updating time


          Parameter Name Type Description
          instancePhase String The node status. You can select it among [pending, provisioning, provisioned, running, create_failed, deleting, deleted, and delete_failed ].
          machine Machine The virtual machine information
          machineStatus String The BBC virtual machine status. You can select it among [ACTIVE, BUILD, REBUILD, DELETED, SNAPSHOT, DELETE_SNAPSHOT, VOLUME_RESIZE, ERROR, EXPIRED, REBOOT, RECHARGE, SHUTOFF, STOPPED, and UNKNOWN].


          Parameter Name Type Description
          eip String The EIP IP address
          instanceID String The corresponding node ID
          mountList List<MountConfig> The disk mounting information list
          orderID String The order number
          vpcIP String The VPC IP address
          vpcIPIPv6 String The VPC IPv6 address


          Parameter Name Type Description
          cdsID String The CDS disk ID
          cdsSize Integer The CDS disk size
          device String The device path, such as /dev/vdb
          diskPath String The disk path, such as /data
          storageType String The disk storage type. You can select it among [hp1, cloud_hp1, hdd, local, sata, and ssd]


          Parameter Name Type Description
          pageNo Integer The page number
          pageSize Integer The number of results on a single page
          totalCount Integer The total number of nodes
          instanceList List<Instance> The node list


          Parameter Name Type Description
          spec InstanceGroupSpec The node group configuration
          status InstanceGroupStatus The node group status
          createdAt String The creation time of the node group


          Parameter Name Type Description
          cceInstanceGroupID String The node group ID
          instanceGroupName String The node group name
          clusterID String The cluster ID
          clusterRole String The role of node in a cluster. At present, the node supports nod By default. It is node by default.
          shrinkPolicy String The node group shrink policy. You can select [Priority, Priority].
          updatePolicy String The node group updating policy. You can select it between [Rolling and Concurrency].
          cleanPolicy String The node cleaning policy. You can select it between [Remain and Delete].
          instanceTemplate InstanceTemplate The node configuration
          replicas Integer The number of node replicas
          clusterAutoscalerSpec ClusterAutoscalerSpec The autoscaler specification of a cluster.


          This structure is equivalent to InstanceSpec. For details, see InstanceSpec#.


          Parameter Dame Type Description
          enabled Boolean Whether to enable the Autoscaler
          minReplicas Integer The minimum number of replicas. Its value range is the natural number set.
          maxReplicas Integer The maximum number of replicas. Its value range is the natural number set, which should be bigger than the minReplicas.
          scalingGroupPriority Integer The scaling group priority, whose value range is the natural number set.


          Parameter Name Type Description
          readyReplicas Integer The number of nodes in the node group that are in Ready status.
          pause Pause The pause status of a node group


          Parameter Name Type Description
          paused Boolean Whether the node group is in pause status.
          reason String The reason why the node group is in pause status.


          Parameter Name Type Description
          pageNo Integer The page number
          pageSize Integer The number of results on a single page
          totalCount Integer The total number of node groups
          instanceList List<InstanceGroup> The node group list


          Parameter Name Type Description
          clusterID String The cluster ID
          clusterName String The cluster name
          caConfig ClusterAutoscalerConfig The node group list


          Parameter Name Type Description
          expander String The group selection policy for automatic expansion. You can select it among [random, most-pods, least-waste, and priority]. It is random by default.
          instanceGroups List<ClusterAutoscalerInstanceGroup#> The Autoscaler configuration of the node group. The user does not need to input this content.
          kubeVersion String The K8S version. The backend can query the cluster K8S version number automatically when this field is empty.
          maxEmptyBulkDelete Integer The maximum number of concurrent scale-downs
          replicaCount Integer The expected number of replicas
          scaleDownDelayAfterAdd Integer The scale-down start time delay after the scale-up, which is in minutes.
          scaleDownEnabled Boolean Whether to start the scale-down. Its default value is false.
          scaleDownGPUUtilizationThreshold Integer The GPU scale-down threshold percentage, whose value range is (0, 100).
          scaleDownUnneededTime Integer The scale-down triggering time delay in minutes.
          scaleDownUtilizationThreshold Integer The scale-down threshold percentage, whose value range is (0, 100).
          skipNodesWithLocalStorage Boolean Whether to ship the node that uses the local storage. Its default value is true.
          skipNodesWithSystemPods Boolean Whether to skip the node where a system Pod is deployed. Its default value is true.


          Parameter Name Type Description
          instanceGroupID String The node group ID
          minReplicas String The minimum number of replicas.
          maxReplicas String The maximum number of replicas.
          priority String The priority


          Parameter Nme Type Description
          conflictCluster ConflictCluster The cluster in the VPC that is in conflict with the container IP address range. It is not nil only when the NetworkConflictType is ContainerCIDRAndExistedClusterContainerCIDRConflict.
          conflictNodeCIDR ConflictNodeCIDR The node IP address range in conflict with the container IP address range. It is not nil only when the NetworkConflictType is ContainerCIDRAndNodeCIDRConflict.
          conflictType String The network conflict type. You can select it among [ContainerCIDRAndNodeCIDR, ContainerCIDRAndExistedClusterContainerCIDR, ContainerCIDRAndVPCRoute, ClusterIPCIDRAndNodeCIDR, and ClusterIPCIDRAndContainerCIDR].
          conflictVPCRoute ConflictVPCRoute The VPC route in conflict with the container IP address range. It is not nil only when the NetworkConflictType is ContainerCIDRAndVPCRouteConflict.


          Parameter Name Type Description
          conflictContainerCIDR ConflictContainerCIDR The container IP address range conflict information
          conflictNodeCIDR ConflictNodeCIDR The conflict information of node IP address range
          conflictType String The network conflict type. You can select it among [ContainerCIDRAndNodeCIDR, ContainerCIDRAndExistedClusterContainerCIDR, ContainerCIDRAndVPCRoute, ClusterIPCIDRAndNodeCIDR, and ClusterIPCIDRAndContainerCIDR].


          Parameter Name Type Description
          clusterID String The cluster ID
          containerCIDR String The conflict container IP address range


          Parameter Name Type Description
          containerCIDR String The conflicting container IP address range


          Parameter Name Type Description
          nodeCIDR String The conflicting node IP address range


          Parameter Name Type Description
          routeRule RouteRule The conflicting VPC route


          Parameter Name Type Description
          routeRuleId String The routing rule ID
          routeTableId String The routing table ID
          sourceAddress String The source address
          destinationAddress String The destination address
          nexthopId String The next hop ID
          nexthopType String The next hop type
          description String The description
          Cluster Related Interface