
All Product Document

          Cloud Container Engine

          Cluster Connection through KubeCtl

          Connect to Kubernetes Cluster through kubectl

          If users need to connect to the Kubernetes cluster of cloud platform from their local personal computers, they need to use Kubernetes command-line client kubectl. The installation steps of kubectl are as follows.

          Operation steps

          Download the corresponding kubectl client from Download Page of Kubernetes Version. For other information about kubectl, please see the official Kubernetes Install and Set Kubectl Documentation.


          The operation steps given in this operation guide are all based on the Linux operating environment.

          1.Unzip the downloaded file, add the execution permission for kubectl, and put it under PATH

              chmod +x ./kubectl
              sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
          1. Download the cluster credential.
          • You can view and download the cluster credential in the cluster list


          • You can also view and download the cluster credential on the Cluster Details page


          1. Configure kubectl, and put the cluster credential downloaded in step 2 in the default configuration path of kubectl.

            mv kubectl.conf ~/.kube/config

          2. After successful configuration, you can use kubectl to access the Kubernetes cluster from the local computer

            kubectl get node

          Create Simple Services through kubectl

          Create Nginx application

          This command assumes that the kubectl command-line tool is already in the PATH and has permission to operate the Kubernetes cluster (that is, the operation of connecting the Kubernetes cluster through kubectl has been completed) and input the following instructions:

          kubectl run my-nginx --image=nginx --replicas=3 --port=80 

          The above command creates 3 Nginx containers, each of which exposes its port 80.

          The instructions for creating Nginx container state are as follows:

          $ kubectl get pods 
          NAME                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE 
          my-nginx-858393261-pfjdn   1/1       Running   0          14s 
          my-nginx-858393261-sn7g5   1/1       Running   0          14s 
          my-nginx-858393261-spv8w   1/1       Running   0          14s 

          Note: The "$" symbol represents the input instruction, and the other lines represent the container information displayed after the input instruction.

          Expose Services to the Internet

          Create service

          In the public cloud environment, you can create a service of LoadBalancer type by entering the command. At the same time, you can also link with the public cloud to create a load balance and a public IP. The specific operation instructions are as follows:

          kubectl expose deployment my-nginx --port=80 --type=LoadBalancer 


          Load balance: By virtualizing multiple cloud platform servers in the same area into a group, setting an internal or external network service address, and forwarding the front-end concurrent access to multiple cloud servers in the background, you can achieve the traffic balance of applications. You can find the BLB instance you created on the cloud platform's BLB page by querying the public network IP obtained by the service. Please see "load balance pricing" for the charging standard. Public IP: As an independent product, it provides users with public bandwidth services. You can query the public IP address you created through View Service. Please see "Elastic IP Pricing"for the charging standard, and the automatic default charging standard is postpaid.

          View service

          By viewing the command of the service, you can see the status of the service and the created public IP.

          $ kubectl get services 
          NAME         CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)        AGE 
          kubernetes   <none>           443/TCP        1h 
          my-nginx   80:30356/TCP   47s 

          Through the link, you can see the created service as shown in the figure:

          Note: The symbol "$" represents the input instruction, and other lines represent the service information displayed after the input instruction, among which is the service website published to the Internet. In addition to the above instruction calls for the service using load balance, it can also be called by dashboard. For the specific operations, see Create Service through Kubernetes-Dashboard

          Delete service

          If you need to delete the service, you don't want to expose it to the public network. Services can be deleted directly

          kubectl delete svc my-nginx 


          Kubernetes will delete the public IP and load balance created just now, and then delete the created service.

          Local Access to Kubernetes Dashboard (Web UI)


          Before using the Kubernetes Dashboard locally, users need to configure kubectl to connect to the Kubernetes cluster of cloud platform through kubectl.

          Operation steps

          Create Dashboard service. You can create a Dashboard application in the Kubernetes cluster through the kubectl tool locally.

          $ kubectl create -f dashboard.yaml 
          secret "kubernetes-dashboard-certs" created 
          serviceaccount "kubernetes-dashboard" created 
          clusterrolebinding "kubernetes-dashboard" created 
          deployment "kubernetes-dashboard" created 
          service "kubernetes-dashboard" created 

          The corresponding dashboard.yaml file is:

          apiVersion: v1 
          kind: Secret 
              k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
            name: kubernetes-dashboard-certs 
            namespace: kube-system 
          type: Opaque 
          apiVersion: v1 
          kind: ServiceAccount 
              k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
            name: kubernetes-dashboard 
            namespace: kube-system 
          apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1 
          kind: ClusterRoleBinding 
            name: kubernetes-dashboard 
              k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
            apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io 
            kind: ClusterRole 
            name: cluster-admin 
          - kind: ServiceAccount 
            name: kubernetes-dashboard 
            namespace: kube-system 
          kind: Deployment 
          apiVersion: apps/v1
              k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
            name: kubernetes-dashboard 
            namespace: kube-system 
            replicas: 1 
            revisionHistoryLimit: 10 
                k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
                  k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
                - name: kubernetes-dashboard 
                  image: hub.agilecloud.com/public/dashboard:v1.8.3-caas 
                  - containerPort: 8443 
                    protocol: TCP 
                    - --auto-generate-certificates
                  - name: kubernetes-dashboard-certs 
                    mountPath: /certs 
                  - mountPath: /tmp 
                    name: tmp-volume 
                      scheme: HTTPS 
                      path: / 
                      port: 8443 
                    initialDelaySeconds: 30 
                    timeoutSeconds: 30 
                - name: kubernetes-dashboard-certs 
                    secretName: kubernetes-dashboard-certs 
                - name: tmp-volume 
                  emptyDir: {} 
                serviceAccountName: kubernetes-dashboard 
                - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master 
                  effect: NoSchedule 
          kind: Service 
          apiVersion: v1 
              k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
            name: kubernetes-dashboard 
            namespace: kube-system 
              - port: 443 
                targetPort: 8443 
              k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard

          After creating the dashboard, use the kubectl proxy command to open a proxy and connect to the Kubernetes API Server.

          kubectl proxy

          After successfully opening the proxy, you can access!/login, connect to the dashboard.


          localhost refers to the local machine rather than the virtual machine used by the user, and the corresponding IP address is:

          Create Services through Kubernetes-Dashboard

          1.After visiting the Kubernetes Dashboard (Web UI) locally, enter the Dashboard page, click Create in the upper right corner to start creating services;

          2.Enter the Create application page, and enter the application name, container image, and the number of container groups (Pod) to be created;

          3.Select external in the service, the background will complete the creation of EIP and BLB, fill in 80, 80 port configurations respectively, select TCP protocol, and then click the deployment button to start the service creation;

          4.Wait for the service to be created successfully, and the page shall be refreshed manually;

          5.Click the service button on the creation success page to enter the service page;

          6.The external network address of the service will be displayed in this page;

          7.Enter the Internet address in the browser to show that the service is created successfully;

          Create Service with Private Image

          If users need to use private images, they need to configure ImagePullSecrets first, and indicate this ImagePullSecrets in the created resources. The following is a brief introduction to the creation steps. For more detailed information about ImagePullSecrets, please see the Official Kubernetes Document.

          • Create ImagePullSecrets from kubectl.

            First of all, the user needs to have the user name and password of the private repository space. With the following command, you can create an ImagePullSecret named myregistrykey

                  $ kubectl create secret docker-registry myregistrykey --docker-server=DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER --docker-username=DOCKER_USER --docker-password=DOCKER_PASSWORD --docker-email=DOCKER_EMAIL 
                  secret "myregistrykey" created. 
          • Use this ImagePullSecret in the resource you need to create.

            For example, the following pod yaml file indicates that this Pod uses the private image hub.agilecloud.com/private-online/awesomeapp:v1. At the same time, it uses the imagePullSecrets of myregistrykey to pull the image from the image repository.

              apiVersion: v1
              kind: Pod
                name: foo
                namespace: awesomeapps
                  - name: foo
                    image: hub.baidubce.com/private-online/awesomeapp:v1
                  - name: myregistrykey
          • Specify the ImagePullSecrets of the created service in the dashboard.

            After successfully creating ImagePullSecrets through kubectl, when creating an application in dashboard, you can also choose to use ImagePullSecrets. For example, in the following figure:

            We have selected the myregistrykey created earlier for the application to be created, so Kubernetes has permission to pull the image of the private repository.

          Use kubectl under Windows

          • After creating the cluster, download the kubectl tool of Windows version, such as the 64-bit tool, as follows:

          Note: Before downloading kubectl, users need to log in to their servers and use the command kubectl version to view the version number of the cluster they created, and then select and download the corresponding kubectl version. E.g.: If the cluster version number of the user is 1.8, the kubectl to download is 1.8.The download link is https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md?spm=5176.app53755.3.2.2uYdIN&file=CHANGELOG.md#client-binaries-17, users can download the corresponding version of the tool according to their cluster version number.

          • After downloading, unzip it to any directory, such as disk D.

          • Enter the user's folder under the directory C:\users\, for example, if the user name is foo, the folder should beC:\users\foo. At the same time, enter the directory and create the folder .kube.
          • On the cluster list page, download the cluster configuration file, place it in the .kube folder created in the previous step, and rename it to config.
          • Open windows command line prompt.

          • Enter the directory where the kubectl file is stored and run kubectl.exe get node to view the nodes of the cluster.

          • In the same directory, create the dashboard.yaml file, whose content is the dashboard.yaml in the previous article. For example, you can use Notepad to create.

          • Then enterkubectl.exe create -f dashboard.yaml to create dashboard.

          • Check whether the creation is successful by the command kubectl.exe get pod --all-namespaces.

          • Enter kubectl.exe proxy to open proxy, and then access127.0.0.1:8001/uiin the browser to access the dashboard.

          Operation Cluster
          Cluster Automatic Scaling