
All Product Document

          Load Balance

          Access Log

          The BLB supports 7-layer access log collection. After opening the access log service, we push your original access log to the bucket you select. For the charging, please refer to BOS Charging Rules. The BOS storage can guarantee the permanent storage of your log and facilitate management, download and analysis of your logs.

          Before configuring the access log, you should ensure:

          • The seven-layer load balance is created.
          • The BOS service is opened.

          Configuration access log

          1.Log in to the Baidu AI Cloud platform, and select "Product Service>Baidu Load Balance (BLB)". Then click the BLB instance name to enter the details page of the BLB instance.

          2.Click "Log" in the left navigation bar to enter the page of log configuration.


          3.Fill in the following configuration information:

          Configuration items Description
          Stored in Required. The bucket must exist. If it does not exist, the bucket should be created; the folder may not exist. If it doesn't exist, the system automatically create one.
          Log prefix: Not required. You can customize the log prefix.


          • The service publishing point has regional attributes, and can only bind to the regional BLB.
          • A service publishing point in the "in service" state cannot be released, and the user needs to unbind the BLB or disassociate all associated NIC from it.

          4.Click "Save". The service publishing point is created.

          5.After configuring the load balance access log, you can view the log information in BOS.

          Field Type Description
          time_local string Time of logging
          vip string BLB IP
          vport int BLB listening port
          response_status int BLB returns the response code of client.
          vdum_ups_id string Server group ID for traffic access
          upstream_addr string Backend server address for traffic access
          upstream_status string Response code of back end server of traffic access
          remote_addr string For the remote client IP connected to BLB, if BGW doesn't open cip_forward, it is BGW BIP
          cip string Remote client IP connected to BLB
          cport int Remote client port connected to BLB
          server_addr string Virtual server IP of accesses BLB
          server_port int Virtual server port of accesses BLB
          scheme string The types of protocol, HTTP/HTTPS
          host string Domain name
          request string Request line information
          request_length int Request length
          body_bytes_sent int Byte number of response sent
          http_referer string Refer of request
          http_user_agent string User Agent of request
          http_x_forwarded_for string XFF field in the request
          upstream_connect_time float Time of connection between BLB and back end server
          upstream_response_time float Response time of BLB from forwarding request to back end server to receiving back end server
          request_time float Time of BLB from receiving request of client to returning response to client
          Identity and Access Management
          Access Control