
All Product Document

          Load Balance


          Confirm Endpoint

          When confirming the Endpoint configured when you use the SDK, you can first read the section on BLB Access Domain Name in the Developer Guide to understand the Endpoint concept. Baidu AI Cloud currently supports multi-regions. Please see Region Selection Instructions.

          Currently support the regions of "Beijing", "Guangzhou", "Suzhou", "Hong Kong", "Wuhan" and "Baoding".

          The corresponding information of the service domain name is:

          Access region Corresponding Endpoint
          bj blb.bj.baidubce.com
          gz blb.gz.baidubce.com
          su blb.su.baidubce.com
          hkg blb.hkg.baidubce.com
          fwh blb.fwh.baidubce.com
          bd blb.bd.baidubce.com

          New BlbClient

          Being the client of the BLB service, BlbClient provides a series of methods for developers to interact with the BLB service.

          Before creating a BlbClient, you need to configure the BlbClient by creating a configuration file named YourConf.php with specific content as follows:

          // Report all PHP errors 
          define('__BLB_CLIENT_ROOT', dirname(__DIR__)); 
          // Set Access Key ID, Secret Access Key and ENDPOINT of BlbClient 
          $BLB_TEST_CONFIG =
                  'credentials' => array( 
                      'accessKeyId' => 'your ak', 
                      'secretAccessKey' => 'your sk', 
                      'sessionToken' => 'your session token' 
                  'endpoint' => 'http://blb.bj.baidubce.com', 
                  'stsEndpoint' => 'http://sts.bj.baidubce.com', 
          // Set the format and level of the log 
          $__handler = new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler(STDERR, \Monolog\Logger:DEBUG); 
              new \Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter(null, null, false, true) 
              new \BaiduBce\Log\MonoLogFactory(array($__handler)) 


          1. In the above codes, ACCESS_KEY_ID corresponds to the "Access Key ID" in the console, and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY corresponds to the "Access Key Secret" in the console. For how to obtain them, please see <Acquire ACCESSKEYin the Operation Guide>.
          2. If the user needs to specify the domain name by himself, it can be specified by passing in the ENDPOINT parameter which needs to be defined by the domain name of the specified region. If the service region is Beijing, it is http://blb.bj.baidubce.com.
          3. If STS authentication is not used, stsEndpoint and sessionToken can be empty or deleted.

          Create BlbClient Using AK/SK

          To access BLB through AK/SK, users can see the following code to create a BlbClient:

          //Use the PHP SDK and use a custom configuration file 
          include 'BaiduBce.phar'; 
          require 'YourConf.php'; 
          use BaiduBce\BceClientConfigOptions; 
          use BaiduBce\Util\Time; 
          use BaiduBce\Util\MimeTypes; 
          use BaiduBce\Http\HttpHeaders; 
          use BaiduBce\Services\Blb\BlbClient; 
          //Call parameters in the configuration file 
          global $BLB_TEST_CONFIG; 
          //New BlbClient 
          $client = new BlbClient($BLB_TEST_CONFIG); 

          Create BlbClient Using STS

          Apply for STS Token BLB can implement temporary authorized access by a third party through the STS mechanism. STS (Security Token Service) is a temporary authorization service provided by Baidu AI Cloud. With STS, you can issue a third-party user with a custom time-based and privileged access credential. The third-party user can use the access credential to directly call API or SDK of Baidu AI Cloud to access its resources.

          To access BLB through STS, users need to apply for an authentication string through STS client first. For the application method, please see Baidu AI Cloud STS Usage Introduction.

          Create BLBClient with STS Token After applying for STS, you can configure the STS token into BlbClient. Users can create BlbClient referring to the following codes:

          1. First perform endpoint configuration for STS. The configuration example of STS is as follows:
          $BLB_TEST_CONFIG =
                  'credentials' => array( 
                      'accessKeyId' => 'your ak', 
                      'secretAccessKey' => 'your sk', 
          	 'stsEndpoint' => 'http://sts.bj.baidubce.com', 
          1. The sample code of StsClient is as follows:
          //Create StsClient 
          $client = new StsClient($BLB_TEST_CONFIG); 
          $request = 
                  'acl' => $aclArray, //User-defined acl 
                  'durationSeconds' => 43200, //Validity time of STS certificate 
          $response = $client->getSessionToken($request); 
          $accessKeyID= $response->accessKeyId; 
          $secretAccessKey= $response->secretAccessKey; 
          $sessionToken = $response->sessionToken; 
          1. Write the obtained accessKeyID/secretAccessKey/sessionToken to the configuration file YourConf.php and create a BlbClient.
          $BLB_TEST_CONFIG =
                  'credentials' => array( 
                      'accessKeyId' => 'your ak', 
                      'secretAccessKey' => 'your sk', 
                      'sessionToken' => 'your session token' 
                  'endpoint' => 'http://blb.bj.baidubce.com', 
              //New BlbClient 
              $client = new BlbClient($BLB_TEST_CONFIG); 

          Note: When a client is configured using STS, the endpoint must be configured to http://sts.bj.baidubce.com regardless of the endpoint corresponding to the BLB service.

          Configure BlbClient

          The PHP SDK sets some basic parameters by default in \BaiduBce\Bce.php. If the user wants to modify the parameter values, he can create his own parameter configuration features referring to this file and pass in them while constructing the BlbClient. The codes passed in are as follows:

          public feature CustomizedConfig() { 
                  $customizedConfig = array( 
                      BceClientConfigOptions:PROTOCOL => 'http', 
                      BceClientConfigOptions:REGION => 'bj', 
                      BceClientConfigOptions:CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS => 120 * 1000, 
                      BceClientConfigOptions:SOCKET_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS => 300 * 1000, 
                      BceClientConfigOptions:SEND_BUF_SIZE => 5 * 1024 * 1024, 
                      BceClientConfigOptions:RECV_BUF_SIZE => 5 * 1024 * 1024, 
                      BceClientConfigOptions:CREDENTIALS => array( 
                          'ak' => 'your-access-key-id', 
                          'sk' => 'your-secret-access-key', 
                      'endpoint' => 'your-endpoint', 
                  //Create BLBClient with custom configuration 
                  $customizedClient = new BlbClient($customizedConfig); 
                  //Call methods through custom configuration 
                  $options = array(BlbOptions:CONFIG=>$customizedConfig); 

          Parameter Description

          Parameter Description Default value
          PROTOCOL Protocol http
          REGION Region bj
          CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS Request timeout (unit: millisecond) 50 * 1000
          SOCKET_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS Timeout for transmitting data over open connections (unit: millisecond) 0 refers to infinite waiting; if you set a non-zero value, you need to evaluate the file size and network speed, otherwise timeouts will occur when large files are uploaded)
          SEND_BUF_SIZE Send buffer size 1024 * 1024
          RECV_BUF_SIZE Protocol http
          PROTOCOL Receive buffer size 10 1024 1024
          Common BLB Instance