
All Product Document

          Load Balance

          Error Code

          When there is an error in the user's access to the BLB, the corresponding error code and error information will be returned to the user, which is convenient for the user to locate the problem and make appropriate treatment. The detailed error information is returned through Response Body in case of a request error, and the following format is followed:

          Parameter name Type Description
          code String Error code
          message String Err description
          requestId String RequestID of this request


              "requestId" : "ae2225f7-1c2e-427a-a1ad-5413b762957d", 
              "code" : "NoSuchKey", 
              "message" : "The resource you requested does not exist" 

          BCE Common Error Code

          Error code Err description HTTP status code Semantics
          AccessDenied Access denied. 403 Forbidden No permission to access the corresponding resources
          InappropriateJSON The JSON you provided was well-formed and valid, but not appropriate for this operation. 400 Bad Request The JSON format in the request is correct, but doesn't meet the requirements semantically, such as lack of one necessary item or value type mismatch. For consideration of compatibility, all unrecognizable items should be ignored directly, and this error should not be returned.
          InternalError We encountered an internal error. Please try again. 500 Internal Server Error All other undefined errors should not be utilized when there are specific corresponding other types of errors (including generic and service customized errors).
          InvalidAccessKeyId The Access Key ID you provided does not exist in our records. 403 Forbidden The Access Key ID does not exist.
          InvalidHTTPAuthHeader The HTTP authorization header is invalid. Consult the service documentation for details. 400 Bad Request The format of Authorization header is wrong.
          InvalidHTTPRequest There was an error in the body of your HTTP request. 400 Bad Request The HTTP body format is wrong. E.g. inconformity with the designated Encoding, etc.
          InvalidURI Could not parse the specified URI. 400 Bad Request The URI format is incorrect, such as mismatch of some service-defined keywords. For ID mismatch and other problems, a more specific error code should be defined, such as NoSuchKey.
          MalformedJSON The JSON you provided was not well-formed. 400 Bad Request The JSON format is invalid.
          InvalidVersion The API version specified was invalid. 404 Not Found The version number of URI is invalid.
          OptInRequired A subscription for the service is required. 403 Forbidden The corresponding service is not subscribed.
          PreconditionFailed The specified If-Match header doesn't match the ETag header. 412 Precondition Failed ETag not matched
          RequestExpired Request has expired. Timestamp date is XXX. 400 Bad Request The request has timed out.
          IdempotentParameterMismatch The request uses the same client token as a previous, but non-identical request. 403 Forbidden The API parameters corresponding to clientToken are non-identical.
          SignatureDoesNotMatch The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details. 400 Bad Request The signature attached in the Authorization header is inconsistent with the server authentication.

          BLB Service Error Code

          Error code Err description HTTP status code Semantics
          InstanceNotFound The specified BLB instance does not exist. 404 LoadBalancer instance designated does not exist
          ListenerNotFound The specified listener does not exist. 404 The listener designated does not exist
          BackendServerNotFound The specified backend server does not exist. 404 The back-end server designated does not exist
          ListenerAlreadyExist Listener already exists. 400 The listener to be created already exists
          BackendServerAlreadyExist Backend server already exists. 400 The back-end server to be bound already exists
          LastOperationNotFinished Last operation has not finished. 409 The last LoadBalancer request has not been handled
          RealNameAuthenticationRequired You need to pass real-name authentication. 403 The current user has not passed the identity verification
          QuotaExceeded You have exceeded current quota. 413 The number of BLBs exceeds the user quota limit
          ServerRequired You must have at least one bcc, dcc or bbc to create BLB. 404 There must be BCC, DCC or BBC instances before the creation of BLBs
          ListenerExceeded You can create at most 20 listeners per BLB instance. 413 Each BLB instance can create a maximum of 20 listeners
          ServiceBlocked Your BLB service is blocked, please contact technical support for assistance. 403 BLB service is banned, please contact the Technical Support
          InstanceCreationFailed Fail to create blb instance. 400 The failure of BLB instance creation is usually due to insufficient resources, insufficient user amount, etc
          MissingParameter A required parameter 'parameterName' is not supplied. 400 This request lacks necessary parameter "parameterName"
          InvalidParameter The parameter 'parameterName' is invalid. 400 Illegal "parameterName" parameter
          EipUnbindFailed Fail to unbind EIP 400 EIP unbind fails
          RedirectPortNotFound The specified redirect port does not exist. 404 HTTPS listener designated does not exist
          CertificateNotFound The specified certificate does not exist. 404 Certificate designated does not exist
          Interface Specification
          Common BLB Interface