
All Product Document

          Load Balance


          Model Object Definition


          Parameter name Type Description
          blbId String LoadBalancer identifier
          name String LoadBalancer name
          desc String Description of LoadBalancer
          address String The assigned intranet service address IP. Through this IP, the instance can be accessed through the intranet.
          status blbStatus BLB status
          vpcId String vpc ID
          subnetId String subnet ID
          publicIp String In case EIP has been bound to LoadBalancer, this item will be displayed, otherwise it will not be displayed
          tags List<TagModel> List of tag key-value pairs
          allowDelete Boolean Allow deletion


          Parameter name Type Description
          listenerPort int Listening port of listener
          backendPort int Listening port of backend server
          scheduler String Load balance algorithm, the value is "RoundRobin"/"LeastConnection"/"Hash"
          healthCheckTimeoutInSecond int Health check timeout
          healthCheckInterval int Health check interval
          unhealthyThreshold int Unhealthy threshold (the number of failed consecutive health check before the backend server is blocked).
          healthyThreshold int Healthy threshold (the number of successful consecutive health checks before the backend server is made available again).
          tcpSessionTimeout int tcp set connection timeout (unit: second); 900 by default; it must be an integer between 10 and 4000


          Parameter name Type Description
          listenerPort int Listening port of listener
          backendPort int Listening port of backend server
          scheduler String Load balance algorithm, the value is "RoundRobin"/"LeastConnection"/"Hash"
          healthCheckTimeoutInSecond int Health check timeout
          healthCheckInterval int Health check interval
          unhealthyThreshold int Unhealthy threshold (the number of failed consecutive health check before the backend server is blocked).
          healthyThreshold int Healthy threshold (the number of successful consecutive health checks before the backend server is made available again).
          healthCheckString String A healthy sent request string that the backend server needs to respond to when it receives it. It supports standard escapes such as \00 and \xf2, which is convenient for configuring binary format requests.


          Parameter name Type Description
          listenerPort int Listening port of listener
          backendPort int Listening port of backend server
          scheduler String Load balance algorithm, the value is "RoundRobin"/"LeastConnection"
          keepSession bool Whether to enable the keep session feature with which requests from the same Client will reach the same backend server;
          keepSessionType String Cookie processing method of keep session; valid only if keep session is enabled; supports "insert"/"rewrite";
          keepSessionDuration int Cookie validity time of keep session (unit: seconds), it is valid if and only if Keep Session is enabled
          keepSessionCookieName String The name of the cookie that needs to be overwritten during keep session. It is valid only if keep session is enabled and keepSessionType = "rewrite".
          xForwardFor bool Whether to obtain the real IP address of the client. After it is enabled, the client's real address can be obtained through the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header on the backend server. It is disabled by default.
          healthCheckType String Health check protocol, the value is "HTTP"/"TCP"
          healthCheckPort int Health check port
          healthCheckURI String Health check URI
          healthCheckTimeoutInSecond int Health check timeout
          healthCheckInterval int Health check interval
          unhealthyThreshold int Unhealthy threshold (the number of failed consecutive health check before the backend server is blocked).
          healthyThreshold int Healthy threshold (the number of successful consecutive health checks before the backend server is made available again).
          healthCheckNormalStatus String HTTP status code in normal health check supports the combination of 5 types of status codes, with a format of http_1xx or http_2xx
          serverTimeout int Backend server timeout (unit: second)
          redirectPort int Forward the request received by this listener to the HTTPS listener specified through this port


          Parameter name Type Description
          listenerPort int Listening port of listener
          backendPort int Listening port of backend server
          scheduler String Load balance algorithm, the value is "RoundRobin"/"LeastConnection"
          keepSession bool Whether to enable the keep session feature with which requests from the same Client will reach the same backend server;
          keepSessionType String Cookie processing method of keep session; valid only if keep session is enabled; supports "insert"/"rewrite";
          keepSessionDuration int Cookie validity time of keep session (unit: seconds), it is valid if and only if Keep Session is enabled
          keepSessionCookieName String The name of the cookie that needs to be overwritten during keep session. It is valid only if keep session is enabled and keepSessionType = "rewrite".
          xForwardFor bool Whether to obtain the real IP address of the client. After it is enabled, the client's real address can be obtained through the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header on the backend server. It is disabled by default.
          healthCheckType String Health check protocol, the value is "HTTP"/"TCP"
          healthCheckPort int Health check port
          healthCheckURI String Health check URI
          healthCheckTimeoutInSecond int Health check timeout
          healthCheckInterval int Health check interval
          unhealthyThreshold int Unhealthy threshold (the number of failed consecutive health check before the backend server is blocked).
          healthyThreshold int Healthy threshold (the number of successful consecutive health checks before the backend server is made available again).
          healthCheckNormalStatus String HTTP status code in normal health check supports the combination of 5 types of status codes, with a format of http_1xx or http_2xx
          serverTimeout int Backend server timeout (unit: second)
          certIds List<String> For SSL certificate loaded, HTTPS listener can only bind one SSL certificate only
          ie6Compatible bool Whether to enable IE6 to be compatible with earlier SSL3.0
          dualAuth bool Whether to enable mutual authentication, which is disabled by default
          clientCertIds List<String> The client certificate chain loaded when dualAuth is true


          Parameter name Type Description
          instanceId String Back-end server identifier
          weight int Back-end server weight, the value range is [0, 100], a weight of 0 indicates not to forward traffic to this back-end server


          Parameter name Type Description
          instanceId String Back-end server identifier
          weight int Back-end server weight
          status String Back-end server health status, the value is "Alive"/"Dead"/"Unknown"


          Parameter name Type Description
          blbId String LoadBalancer identifier
          name String LoadBalancer name
          desc String Description of LoadBalancer
          address String LoadBalancer address, in dotted decimal
          status blbStatus BLB status
          subnetId String subnet ID
          vpcId String vpc short Id
          publicIp String In case EIP has been bound to LoadBalancer, this item will be displayed, otherwise it will not be displayed
          tags List List of tag key-value pairs
          allowDelete Boolean Allow deletion


          Parameter name Type Description
          tagKey String Tag values may include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, Chinese, and - \_ / . special characters, with a length from 1 to 65
          tagValue String Tag values may include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, Chinese, and - \_ / . special characters, with a length from 0 to 65


          Parameter name Type Description
          port String Listener port
          type String Listener protocol type


          Parameter name Type Description
          listenerPort int Listening port of listener
          scheduler String Load balance algorithm, the value is "RoundRobin"/"LeastConnection"
          tcpSessionTimeout int tcp set connection timeout (unit: second); 900 by default; it must be an integer between 10 and 4000


          Parameter name Type Description
          listenerPort int Listening port of listener
          scheduler String Load balance algorithm, the value is "RoundRobin"/"LeastConnection"/"Hash"


          Parameter name Type Description
          listenerPort int Listening port of listener
          scheduler String Load balance algorithm, the value is "RoundRobin"/"LeastConnection"
          keepSession boolean Whether to enable the keep session feature with which requests from the same Client will reach the same backend server;
          keepSessionType String Cookie processing method of keep session; valid only if keep session is enabled; supports "insert"/"rewrite";
          keepSessionTimeout int Cookie validity time of keep session (unit: seconds), it is valid if and only if Keep Session is enabled
          keepSessionCookieName String The name of the cookie that needs to be overwritten during keep session. It is valid only if keep session is enabled and keepSessionType = "rewrite".
          xForwardedFor boolean Whether to obtain the real IP address of the client. After it is enabled, the client's real address can be obtained through the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header on the backend server. It is disabled by default.
          xForwardedProto boolean Whether to enable the feature of getting the monitoring protocol. If enabled, the back-end server can get the monitoring protocol through the HTTP Header X-Forwarded-Proto
          serverTimeout int Backend server timeout (unit: second)
          redirectPort int Forward the request received by this listener to the HTTPS listener specified through this port


          Parameter name Type Description
          port int Listening port of listener
          scheduler String Load balance algorithm, the value is "RoundRobin"/"LeastConnection"
          keepSession boolean Whether to enable the keep session feature with which requests from the same Client will reach the same backend server;
          keepSessionType String Cookie processing method of keep session; valid only if keep session is enabled; supports "insert"/"rewrite";
          keepSessionTimeout int Cookie validity time of keep session (unit: seconds), it is valid if and only if Keep Session is enabled
          keepSessionCookieName String The name of the cookie that needs to be overwritten during keep session. It is valid only if keep session is enabled and keepSessionType = "rewrite".
          xForwardedFor boolean Whether to obtain the real IP address of the client. After it is enabled, the client's real address can be obtained through the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header on the backend server. It is disabled by default.
          xForwardedProto boolean Whether to enable the feature of getting the monitoring protocol. If enabled, the back-end server can get the monitoring protocol through the HTTP Header X-Forwarded-Proto
          serverTimeout int Backend server timeout (unit: second)
          certIds List\<String> SSL certificate chain loaded
          encryptionType String Encryption option supports three types: compatibleIE/incompatibleIE/userDefind ie6Compatible field pass value does not take effect when encryptionType has a value and is legal
          encryptionProtocols List\<String> When the encryptionType value is userDefind, the protocol type list is a string list formed by the combination of four protocols: "sslv3", "tlsv10", "tlsv11", and "tlsv12"
          dualAuth boolean Whether to enable two-way authentication. The default is off.
          clientCertIds List\<String> The client certificate chain loaded when dualAuth is true


          Parameter name Type Description
          listenerPort int Listening port of listener
          scheduler String Load balance algorithm, the value is "RoundRobin"/"LeastConnection"/"Hash"
          certIds List\<String> SSL certificate chain loaded
          encryptionType String Encryption option supports three types: compatibleIE/incompatibleIE/userDefind ie6Compatible field pass value does not take effect when encryptionType has a value and is legal
          encryptionProtocols List\<String> When the encryptionType value is userDefind, the protocol type list is a string list formed by the combination of four protocols: "sslv3", "tlsv10", "tlsv11", and "tlsv12"
          dualAuth boolean Whether to enable two-way authentication. The default is off.
          clientCertIds List\<String> The client certificate chain loaded when dualAuth is true


          Parameter name Type Description
          listenerPort int Listening port of listener
          backendPort int Listening port of backend server
          scheduler String Load balance algorithm, the value is "RoundRobin"/"LeastConnection"/"Hash"
          healthCheckTimeoutInSecond int Health check timeout
          healthCheckInterval int Health check interval
          unhealthyThreshold int Unhealthy threshold (the number of failed consecutive health check before the backend server is blocked).
          healthyThreshold int Healthy threshold (the number of successful consecutive health checks before the backend server is made available again).
          certIds List\<String> SSL certificate chain loaded
          ie6Compatible boolean Whether to enable IE6 to be compatible with earlier SSL3.0
          encryptionType String Encryption option supports three types: compatibleIE/incompatibleIE/userDefind ie6Compatible field pass value does not take effect when encryptionType has a value and is legal
          encryptionProtocols List\<String> When the encryptionType value is userDefind, the protocol type list is a string list formed by the combination of four protocols: "sslv3", "tlsv10", "tlsv11", and "tlsv12"
          dualAuth boolean Whether to enable two-way authentication. The default is off.
          clientCertIds List\<String> The client certificate chain loaded when dualAuth is true
          serverTimeout int Backend server timeout (unit: second); 900s by default; it must be an integer between 10 and 4000


          Parameter name Type Description
          instanceId String Back-end server identifier
          weight int Back-end server weight, the value ranges from 0 to 100
          privateIp String Returned Value during the query. ip address of this server bound to the back end
          portList List<AppRsPortModel> Returned Value during the query. Corresponding strategies have been set. List of RS-opened ports


          Parameter name Type Description
          listenerPort int Listener port
          backendPort String Back-end opened ports
          portType String Port protocol type
          healthCheckPortType String Health check port protocol type
          status String Port status, "Alive"/"Dead"/"Unknown"
          portId String Port id
          policyId String Corresponding policy id


          Parameter name Type Description
          id String Back-end server group identifier
          name String Back-end server group name
          desc String Back-end server group description
          status String Server group status, refer to blbStatus for details
          portList List<AppServerGroupPort> List of server group-opened ports


          Parameter name Type Description
          id String Server group port identifier
          port int Number of server group-opened ports
          type String Port protocol type, "TCP"/"HTTP"
          status String Server group status, refer to blbStatus for details
          healthCheck String Health check protocol, the value is "HTTP"/"TCP"
          healthCheckPort int Health check port
          healthCheckTimeoutInSecond int Health check timeout (unit: second); 3 by default; it must be an integer between 1 and 60
          healthCheckIntervalInSecond int Health check interval (unit: second); 3 by default; it must be an integer between 1 and 10
          healthCheckDownRetry int Unhealthy threshold (the number of failed consecutive health check before the backend server is blocked). 3 by default, must be an integer between 2-5
          healthCheckUpRetry int Healthy threshold (the number of successful consecutive health checks before the backend server is made available again). 3 by default, must be an integer between 2-5
          healthCheckNormalStatus String The HTTP status code when the health check is normal. It supports 5 types of status code combinations like "http_1xx|http_2xx", "http_2xx \ by default
          healthCheckUrlPath String Health check URI, / by default. Effective when the health check protocol is "HTTP"
          udpHealthCheckString String udp health check string, it is valid when the port type is udp
          udpSessionTimeout int The udp session timeout duration. The default value is 90. This parameter needs to be an integer between 5-4000 and in seconds


          Parameter name Type Description
          id String Policy identifier
          desc String Policy description is empty by default
          appServerGroupId String Policy-bound server group identifier
          appServerGroupName String Policy-bound server group name
          frontendPort int Listening port of front end server
          type String The listening port protocol of the front-end server
          backendPort int Target port number. It is necessary to pass in the number of TCP ports opened under corresponding server group (appServerGroupId) in case the policy corresponding to listenerPort is TCP or SSL; it is necessary to pass in the number of HTTP ports opened under corresponding server group (appServerGroupId) in case the policy corresponding to listenerPort is HTTP or HTTPS; it is necessary to pass in the number of UDP ports opened under corresponding server group (appServerGroupId) in case the policy corresponding to listenerPort is UDP
          portType String Port type
          priority int Policy priority, the valid value ranges from 1 to 32768
          ruleList List<AppRule> Policy rule list
          groupType String "Server" means that the backend device is bound to a server group


          Parameter name Type Description
          id String Rule identifier
          key String Rule type, host/uri/*
          value String Wildcard match string, refer to ValueExample for details


          Parameter Name Type Required? Description
          appServerGroupId String Yes Policy binding the server group identifier
          backendPort int Yes The target port number. When the listener corresponding to listenerPort is TCP or SSL, you need to pass in the open TCP port number under the corresponding server group (appServerGroupId). When the server corresponding to listenerPort is HTTP or HTTPS, you need to pass in open HTTP port number under the corresponding server group (appServerGroupId). When the monitor corresponding to listenerPort is UDP, you need to pass in the open UDP port number under the corresponding server group (appServerGroupId)
          priority int Yes Policy priority, whose effective value range is 1-32768
          ruleList List<CreateAppRule> Yes List of policy rules
          desc String No The policy description is empty by default

          Rule Configuration Instance


          key value Description
          * * Fully matched
          host *.baidu.com Match domain names ending with baidu.com
          uri /abc/def.* Match URI paths starting with abc/def.

          Status Code Definition


          Status Description
          creating Creating
          available Operating
          updating updating
          paused Overdue
          unavailable unavailable
          Application BLB Interface
          Document Update Record