Baidu AI Cloud


Log Service

Log Store

Log Store

The log store is the storage unit of log data. Users can use the Collector Agent or API to write log data into the specified log store.

1.Log in to official website of Baidu AI Cloud, and click "Management Console" in the upper right corner to quickly enter the console interface.

2.Select "Product Service> Baidu Log Service BLS" to enter the "Log store" page.


3.Click "Create Log store" to pop up the new log store page, fill in the configuration information, including:

  • Name: Set the log store name, 1-128 characters, numbers, English and symbols, symbols are limited to: _-.. The name cannot be modified after it is created, and the name in the same region is unique.
  • Storage period: Support storage period ranging from 1 to 30 days. If you need a larger storage period, please submit a ticket.


4.After completing the configuration, click "OK" to complete the creation of the log store.

5.Return to the "Log Store List" page.

View Log Store

View the basic information and data content of the log store, and edit the name and storage period of the log store.

1.Select "Product Service> Log Service BLS" to enter the "Log Store List" page.

2.Click the log store name to enter the log store details page.

View Details

Enter the log store details page, and you can view the log data content of the log store, and it provides real-time loading of log data. In the real-time loading state, the latest log data will be automatically loaded every 2S; in the real-time loading off state, the time range can be set to view the log data content within the specified range.


The left navigation bar represents the log stream contained in the log store. A log stream represents a series of log records from the same log collector source. The user can create any number of log streams for a specified log store. When naming log streams, follow these guidelines:

  • The log stream names cannot be repeated in the same log store
  • The length of the log stream name cannot exceed 255 characters
  • The characters contained in the log stream name are limited to: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '_', '-', '.'

Click "Log Query" to enter the log query page, write query statements according to query syntax, and execute the query to get the desired data results.

Edit Log Store

The user can modify the storage period of an existing log store. The storage period ranges from 1 to 30 days.


  • After modifying the storage period and saving, it will take effect immediately.
  • If the storage period of the log store is shortened, the system will delete the log data beyond the storage period according to the new storage period.


Delete Log Store

Click "Delete", a delete prompt box appears, prompting that the log store and data content cannot be restored after deletion.

Usage Restriction

The log store has the following usage restrictions:

  • LogStore (LogStore): A maximum of 50 log stores can be created under each accountID. For more, please submit a ticket application.
  • Storage period: The storage period of each log store is 1-30 days (including 1, 30 days). For more, please submit a ticket application.
  • Log Record (logRecord): The maximum size of a single log record is 512KB.
  • Batch processing: Each batch supports up to 1MB of data.
Log Query
Development Guide