
All Product Document

          Log Service



          View the log records (LogRecord) in the specified log stream, and you can get the latest log records or filter by time range.


          • Request syntax
          GET /v1/logstore/{logStoreName}/logrecord HTTP/1.1 
          Host: <Endpoint> 
          Authorization: <Authorization String> 
          • Request header

          Except for the public request header, there are no other special headers.

          • Request parameter
          Parameter name Type Required or not Parameter location Description
          logStoreName String Yes Path Log set name
          logStreamName String Yes Query Log stream name
          startDateTime DateTime No Query Start date and time, including start time
          endDateTime DateTime No Query End date and time, not including end time
          limit Int No Query Specify the maximum number of entries returned, 1000 by default
          marker String No Query Specify the position marker for viewing

          Note: The date and time are all UTC time, in format ISO8601, for example: 2020-01-10T13:23:34Z.


          • Response header

          Except for the public response header, there are no other special headers.

          • Response parameter
          Parameter name Type Description
          result List<LogRecord> A set of log records
          marker String Returned position marker
          isTruncated Boolean true: Indicates that there is data behind, false: Indicates that it is the last page
          nextMarker String The starting position of the next view can be used as a marker when turning the page, and the LogRecord field description is carried in the request
          timestamp Int Log timestamp, accurate to the millisecond
          message String The log content, if the log uploaded by the user is of TEXT type, then it is the original log, otherwise it is a json string composed of k-v pairs in the log

          The structure of each LogRecord element in the result array in the above table is as follows:

          Field name Type Description
          message String What the log records
          timestamp Int Timestamp of the log record, accurate to the millisecond

          Error Code

          In addition to general error codes, the following error codes may also appear.

          Error code Error message Description HTTP status code
          LogStoreNotFound LogStore [logStoreName] not exists LogStore does not exist 404


          • Request example
          GET /v1/logstore/demo/logrecord?logStreamName=my-stream&marker=JpJYBIUoFqHA4wxXzeRGREbUVg&limit=500&startDateTime=2019-09-01T22:00:00Z&endDateTime=2019-09-10T22:00:00Z HTTP/1.1 
          Host: bls-log.bj.baidubce.com 
          Authorization: bce-auth-v1/18717522d39411e9b721df098b0b908c/2019-09-10T07:00:20Z/1800/content-type;host;x-bce-date;x-bce-request-id/6a7cb6c9ac7ec156c805e55e7d0bcfc443b47feee97cf099c1c0d93a0b4c8304 
          • Response example
          HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
          Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 
            "marker": "JpJYBIUoFqHA4wxXzeRGREbUVg", 
            "isTruncated": true, 
            "nextMarker": "dGhpcyBpcyBhbiBleGFtcGxl" 
            "result": [ 
                "message": "this is a raw message", 
                "timestamp": 1542156107000 