Baidu AI Cloud


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          It is an open source cache and storage system that complies with the BSD protocol and supports advanced key-value pairs. Its official definition is as follows:

          Redis is an open source, BSD licensed, advanced key-value cache and store.

          Referer white list

          The Referer white list is an access control list, which is a hotlinking prevention method based on HTTP header referer field, with the purpose of preventing the data stored by the user on BOS from being hotlinked by other people. The user can set the white list of Referer field by BOS console. After the white list is set, only the users in the white list of Referer field can access the data stored in Bucket, and those request outside the white list will be refused. However, if the user's Referer is null, it is accessible by default, and is not restricted by white list.

          Region represents an independent region and is an important concept in Baidu AI Cloud. Except few services like account service are globally effective, most of the services in Baidu AI Cloud are regionally isolated. The service of each region is independently deployed, and will not affect each other. The shared data among services need completing by explicit copy. The reference to region in API must uses its ID.

          Relational Database Service

          RDS is a professional, high-performance, highly reliable cloud database service. Users can easily configure and operate database instances using the WEB interface. RDS also provides users with reliable data backup and recovery, complete security management, comprehensive monitoring, and easy expansion. Compared to user-built databases, RDS is more economical, more professional, more efficient, more reliable, and easy to use, which allows you to focus more on your core business.

          Representational State Transfer

          REST is a software architecture style proposed by Dr. Roy Fielding in his Ph.D. dissertation in 2000. Currently in three mainstream Web service implementation schemes, because the REST model is more concise than the complex SOAP and XML-RPC, more and more web services are designed and implemented in REST style. For example, provides a REST-style web service for book searching; the Web service provided by Yahoo is REST-style. It should be noted that REST is design style and not standard. REST is generally based on the use of existing widely popular protocols and standards such as HTTP, URI, and XML, as well as HTML.


          Return On Investment


          The rows of the table, used to record data entered by the user, each row contains a primary key and several attributes


          The primary key is a special column in the table, and its value can uniquely identify each row of the table.


          Real-Time Bidding

          Hot backup

          Backup in the normal working state of the database.
