
All Product Document




          This document mainly introduces the installation and use of the Java SDK for the certificate management module.

          Install SDK Toolkit

          Operating environment

          The Java SDK toolkit can run under the environment of jdk1.8 or higher.

          Method 1: Install with Maven

          Add the bce-java-sdk dependency in Maven's pom.xml file:


          Where, {version} is version number which can be found in SDK Download Page

          Method 2: Install directly using JAR package

          1. Download the Java SDK compression toolkit at Official Website.
          2. Unzip the downloaded bce-java-sdk-version.zip and copy it to the project folder.
          3. Right-click "Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Add JARs" in Eclipse.
          4. Add SDK toolkit lib/bce-java-sdk-version.jar and third-party dependency toolkit third-party/*. Jar. Among them, version is the version number.

          SDK's directory structure

          ├── auth                                        //  BCE's signature related class 
          ├── http                                        /  / BCE's Http communication related class 
          ├── internal                                    //  SDK's internal class 
          ├── model                                       //  BCE's public model class 
          ├── services 
          │        └── cert                                 //  Certificate Management Services Related Class 
          │          ├── model                            //  Certificate management service internal model, such as Request or Response 
          │          └── CertClient.class                 //  Certificate Management Service Client Entry Class 
          ├── util                                        //  BCE's utility tool class 
          ├── BceClientConfiguration.class                //  Configuration of BCE's HttpClient 
          ├── BceClientException.class                    //  Exception class of BCE's client 
          ├── BceServiceException.class                   //  The exception class after interacting with the BCE's server 
          ├── ErrorCode.class                             //  BCE's general error code 
          └── Region.class                                //  BCE's service region 

          Create CertClient

          The user can refer to the following code to create a new CertClient, which needs to pass in AKSK and endpoint (url of the certificate service)

          String endpoint = "https://certificate.baidubce.com";                               //  Service url 
          String accessKey = "your-access-key-id";                                            //   User ak 
          String secretKey = "your-secret-access-key";                                        //  User sk 
          CertClient certClient = CertClient.createCertClient(accessKey, secretKey, endpoint);

          Method List

          1. Create Certificate

          Request parameter

          Parameter name Parameter Type Required or not Description
          certName String Required Name of the certificate. The length is limited to 1-65 characters. It starts with a letter and only contains letters, numbers, ’-‘, ‘/‘, ‘.‘, '', Java regular expressions ^ [a-zA-Z]a-zA-Z0-9 \-/ \.]{2,64} $
          certServerData String Required Data content of the server certificate (Base64 encoded)
          certPrivateData String Maybe require The private key data content of the certificate (Base64 encoding). Required when the certificate type is 1.
          certLinkData String Optional Certificate chain data content (Base64 encoded)
          certType Integer Optional Certificate type, 1 for server certificate, 2 for client certificate, the default is 1

          Return value: CertCreateResponse

          Attribute name Attribute type Description
          certId String Certificate id
          certName String Certificate name

          Reference Code

          // Prepare parameters 
          String certName = "Your-certificate-name"; 
          String certServerData = "Your-certificate-server-data";
          String certPrivateData = "Your-certificate-private-data";
          String certLinkData = "Your-certificate ";
          // Construct request 
          CertCreateRequest request = new CertCreateRequest();
          // Make a request to get the results 
          CertCreateResponse createResponse = certClient.createCert(request);

          Possible exception

          Exception code Description
          CertExceedLimit (409) Exceed the maximum number of users
          UnmatchedPairParameterInvalidException (400) Certificate validity time does not include current time
          PrivateKeyParameterInvalid (400) Private key parsing exception
          CertificateParameterInvalid (400) Certificate parsing exception
          CertChainParameterInvalid (400) Certificate chain parsing exception
          UnmatchedPairParameterInvalid (400) Public key and private key do not match

          2. Get the Certificate List

          Request parameter: None

          Return value: CertCreateResponse

          Attribute name Attribute type Description
          certs List<CertificateMeta> List of certificate information


          Attribute name Attribute type Description
          certId String Certificate ID
          certName String Certificate name
          certCommonName String Certificate Common Name
          certStartTime DateTime Certificate effective time
          certStopTime DateTime Certificate expiration time
          certCreateTime DateTime Certificate creation time
          certUpdateTime DateTime Certificate renewal time

          Reference Code

          // Make a request to get the results 
          CertListResponse listResponse = certClient.listUserCerts();

          3. Get the Information of a Single Certificate (not including the certificate public key and private key information)

          Request parameter

          Parameter name Parameter Type Required or not Description
          certId String Required Certificate id

          Return value: CertificateMeta

          Attribute name Attribute type Description
          certId String Certificate ID
          certName String Certificate name
          certCommonName String Certificate Common Name
          certStartTime DateTime Certificate effective time
          certStopTime DateTime Certificate expiration time
          certCreateTime DateTime Certificate creation time
          certUpdateTime DateTime Certificate renewal time

          Reference Code

          // Prepare parameters 
          String certId = "Your-cert-id";
          // Make a request to get the results 
          CertificateMeta certificateMeta = certClient.getCertInfo(certId);

          4. Rename the Certificate

          Request parameter

          Parameter name Parameter Type Required or not Description
          certName String Required Name of the certificate. The length is limited to 1-65 characters. It starts with a letter and only contains letters, numbers, ‘-‘, ‘/‘, ‘.‘, '', Java regular expressions ^ [a-zA-Z]a-zA-Z0-9 \-/ \.]{2,64} $
          certId String Required Certificate id

          Return value: CertInServiceListResponse

          Attribute name Attribute type Description
          certId String Certificate id
          certName String Certificate name

          Reference Code

          // Prepare parameters 
          String certId = "Your-cert-id";
          String newName = "Cert-new-name";
          // Make a request 
          certClient.updateCertName (certId, newName); 

          Possible exception

          Exception code Description
          AccessDeniedException (403) No access
          ResourceNotFoundException (404) Certificate does not exist

          5. Delete Certificate

          Request parameter

          Parameter name Parameter Type Required or not Description
          certId String Required Certificate id

          Return value: None

          Reference Code

          // Prepare parameters 
          String certId = "Your-cert-id";
          // Make a request 
          certClient.delete (certId); 

          Possible exception

          Exception code Description
          OperationNotAllowedException (409) Certificate in use
          AccessDeniedException (403) No access
          ResourceNotFoundException (404) Certificate does not exist

          6. Replace Certificate

          Request parameter

          Parameter name Parameter Type Required or not Description
          certId String Required Certificate id
          certName String Required Name of the certificate. The length is limited to 1-65 characters. It starts with a letter and only contains letters, numbers, ‘-‘, ‘/‘, ‘.‘, '', Java regular expressions ^ [a-zA-Z]a-zA-Z0-9 \-/ \.]{2,64} $
          certServerData String Required Data content of the server certificate (Base64 encoded)
          certPrivateData String Maybe require The private key data content of the certificate (Base64 encoding). Required when the certificate type is 1.
          certLinkData String Optional Certificate chain data content (Base64 encoded)
          certType Integer Optional Certificate type, 1 for server certificate, 2 for client certificate, the default is 1

          Return value: None

          Reference Code

          // Prepare parameters  
          String certId = "Your-certificate-id";
          String certName = "Your-certificate-name"; 
          String certServerData = "Your-certificate-server-data";
          String certPrivateData = "Your-certificate-private-data";
          String certLinkData = "Your-certificate ";
          // Construct request 
          CertCreateRequest request = new CertCreateRequest();
          // Make a request 
          certClient.replaceCertData(certId, request);

          Possible exception

          Exception code Description
          OperationNotAllowedException (409) Certificate in use
          AccessDeniedException (403) No access
          ResourceNotFoundException (404) Certificate does not exist
          UnmatchedPairParameterInvalidException (400) Certificate validity time does not include current time
          PrivateKeyParameterInvalid (400) Private key parsing exception
          CertificateParameterInvalid (400) Certificate parsing exception
          CertChainParameterInvalid (400) Certificate chain parsing exception
          UnmatchedPairParameterInvalid (400) Public key and private key do not match

          Version Description


          First release.

          API Reference