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          Include the Authentication String into the Header

          The user can include authorization information in the header of the HTTP request, indicating that the message has been authorized, that is: Add Authorization: <authentication string> to HTTP Header. For schemes of generating authentication strings, please see Generate Authentication String.

          Method to realize

          Based on the result of the "Authentication String Generation Example" in Generate Authentication String, the following HTTP header can be constructed for verification.

          PUT /v1/test/myfolder/readme.txt?partNumber=9&uploadId=a44cc9bab11cbd156984767aad637851 HTTP/1.1
          Authorization: bce-auth-v1/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/2015-04-27T08:23:49Z/1800//d74a04362e6a848f5b39b15421cb449427f419c95a480fd6b8cf9fc783e2999e
          Host: bj.bcebos.com
          Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 16:23:49 +0800
          Content-Type: text/plain
          Content-Length: 8
          Content-Md5: NFzcPqhviddjRNnSOGo4rw==
          x-bce-date: 2015-04-27T08:23:49Z
          Generate V2 Authentication String
          Include the Authentication String into the URL