
All Product Document


          Data Type

          Model Object Definition


          Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description
          applications List<Application> Information on component to install (e.g. hive, pig, and hbase)
          autoTerminate Boolean Whether to automatically release the cluster after running all steps
          id String The cluster ID is a fixed-length string which only contains uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underlines (_)
          imageType String Image type, and see [BMR Image](#BMR Image) for more information
          imageVersion String Image version, and see [BMR Image](#BMR Image) for more information
          logUri String BOS path used to upload the operating log
          name String Cluster name
          status ClusterStatus Information on cluster status


          Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description
          name String Component name (e.g. hive, pig, hbase, and hue), and see [BMR Image](#BMR Image) for more information
          properties Object Component properties, depending on different components
          version String Component version, and see [BMR Image](#BMR Image) for more information

          Component properties

          The hive component’s properties are defined as follows:

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description
          metastore String How to enable hive metastore. default means the use of the cluster’s metastore service, and mysql means the use of the user’s mysql services.
          host String mysql server address, and this field does not appear when metastore is default
          port int mysql server port and this field does not appear when metastore is default
          database String Name of database used by metastore, and this field does not appear when metastore is default
          userName String User name used to connect mysql server, and this field does not appear when metastore is default

          hbase component, pig component and hue component have no properties fields


          Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description
          creationDateTime String Cluster creation time, conforming to Date and Time Format Constraints
          endDateTime String Cluster end time, conforming to Date and Time Format Constraints
          readyDateTime String Cluster ready time, conforming to Date and Time Format Constraints
          state String [Cluster Status](#Cluster Status)


          Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description
          actionOnFailure String [Step Failure Policy](#Step Failure Policy)
          id String The step ID is a fixed-length string which only contains uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underlines (_)
          name String Step name
          properties Object [Step Description](#Step Description), depending on the step type
          status StepStatus Information on step status
          type String [Step Type](# Step Type)
          logUri String Step log path


          Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description
          creationDateTime String Step submission time, conforming to [Date and Time Format Constraints](#Date and Time Format Constraints)
          endDateTime String Step end time, conforming to [Date and Time Format Constraints](#Date and Time Format Constraints)
          startDateTime String Step starting time, conforming to [Date and Time Format Constraints](#Date and Time Format Constraints)
          state String [Step State](#Step State

          Enumeration Type Definition

          Instance Group Type

          Coding Description
          Master Master node
          Core Computing node with hdfs deployment
          Task Computing node without hdfs, and suitable for expansion

          Cluster Status

          Coding Description
          Starting Initializing
          Running Running
          Waiting Waiting
          Terminating Releasing
          Terminated Released
          TerminatedWithErrors Released with errors
          Suspending Service stopping
          Suspended Service stopped
          Resuming Recovering

          Step Type

          Coding Description
          Streaming MapReduce Streaming program
          Hive HQL program
          Pig pig step
          Java User-defined Java program
          Spark Spark step

          Step Failure Policy

          Coding Description
          Continue Continue other steps
          TerminateCluster Release cluster after step failure
          CancelAndWait Cancel other steps not executed yet after step failure and set the cluster in waiting status

          Step Status

          Coding Description
          Pending Pending
          Running Running
          Completed Completed
          Cancelled Cancelled
          Failed Failed

          BMR Image

          Image Type Image Version Supported Component
          BMR 1.0.0 hadoop 2.7
          spark 1.6.0
          hive 1.2.0
          pig 0.15.1
          hue 3.10.0
          hbase 1.1.2
          BMR 1.1.0 hadoop 2.7
          hive 1.2.0
          pig 0.15.1
          hue 3.10.0
          spark 2.1.0
          hbase 1.1.2
          BMR 1.2.0 hadoop 2.7
          hive 1.2.0
          pig 0.15.1
          hue 3.10.0
          spark 2.1.0
          hbase 1.1.2
          ranger 0.5.0
          BMR 2.0.0 hadoop 3.1
          hive 3.1.0
          spark 2.3.2
          pig 0.17.0
          hue 4.4.0
          presto 0.219
          hbase 2.0.2
          azkaban 3.58.0
          zeppelin 0.8.0
          flink 1.8.2
          druid 0.12.1
          impala 3.2.0
          BMR 2.1.0 hadoop 3.1
          hive 3.1.0
          spark 2.4.2
          pig 0.17.0
          hue 4.4.0
          presto 0.219
          hbase 2.0.2
          azkaban 3.58.0
          zeppelin 0.8.0
          flink 1.8.2
          druid 0.12.1
          impala 3.2.0
          kafka 2.0.1

          Instance Specifications

          For instance specifications, please see Instance Specifications

          Cloud Disk Type

          Coding Type Description
          ssd High-performance cloud disk System disk and data disk support and select this type
          premium_ssd ssd cloud disk System disk and data disk support this type
          sata Last-generation cloud disk Data disk supports this type

          InstanceGroupConfig Data Structure

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Parameter Description
          instanceCount Int Yes Number of virtual machines in the instance group
          instanceType String Yes Type of virtual machines in the instance group; for more information, please see [Instance Specifications](#Instance Specifications)
          type String Yes Master, Core or Task; for more information, please see [Instance Group Type](#Instance Group Type)
          name String No Instance group name, which is blank by default
          rootDiskSizeInGB int Yes Capacity of system disk
          rootDiskMediumType String Yes Medium type of system disk
          cds List<CdsItem> No List of data disks and cloud disks

          Notes: The instanceGroups field includes three instance groups, and the type is Master, Core, or Task; the instanceCount is 1 for Master instance group, not less than 2 and not more than 20 for Core instance group, and not more than 20 for Task instance group.

          ApplicationConfig Data Structure

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Parameter Description
          name String Yes Component name (e.g. hive, pig, hbase, and hue), and see [BMR Image](#BMR Image) for more information
          version String Yes Component version, and see [BMR Image](#BMR Image) for more information
          properties Object No [Component Properties](#Component Properties), depending on different components

          Component Properties

          The hive component’s properties are defined as follows:

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Parameter Description
          metastore String No How to enable hive metastore. Set default if using the cluster’s metastore service, and set mysql if using the user’s mysql services. Default setting: default
          host String No mysql server address, which must be provided if metastore selects mysql
          port int No mysql server port, which must be provided if metastore selects mysql
          database String No Name of database used by metastore, which must be provided if metastore selects mysql
          userName String No User name used to connect mysql server, which must be provided if metastore selects mysql
          password String No Password used to connect mysql server, which must be provided if metastore selects mysql

          The hbase component’s properties are defined as follows:

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Parameter Description
          backupEnabled Boolean No Whether to enable hbase backup function. The default is false
          backupLocation String No BOS path for hbase backup, which must be provided if backupEnabled is true
          backupIntervalInMinutes Int No Backup interval, which must be provided if backupEnabled is true
          backupStartDateTime String No String conforming to [Date and Time Format Constraints](#Date and Time Format Constraints), which must be provided if backupEnabled is true
          restoreEnabled Boolean No true means restoring from hbase backup, and false means enabling a new hbase. The default is false
          restoreLocation String No BOS path used to restore hbase backup files, which must be provided if restoreEnabled is true
          restoreVersion String No Version of backup files when the user restores hbase, which must be provided if restoreEnabled is true

          The pig components and hue components do not need properties.

          StepConfig Data Structure

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Parameter Description
          actionOnFailure String Yes [Step Failure Policy](#Step Failure Policy)
          properties Object Yes [Step Description](#Step Description), depending on the step type
          type String Yes [Step Type](#Step Type)
          name String No Step name, which is my-step by default

          Step Description

          Streaming step’s properties are defined as follows:

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Parameter Description
          input String Yes Input path
          mapper String Yes mapper program
          output String Yes Output path
          arguments String No hadoop streaming execution parameters
          reducer String No reducer program

          Hive step’s properties are defined as follows:

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Parameter Description
          script String Yes Storage path of hql script on the BOS
          arguments String No hql script execution parameters
          input String No Predefined input path, which is referred to via ${INPUT} in the hql script
          output String No Predefined output path, which is referred to via ${OUTPUT} in the hql script

          Pig step’s properties are defined as follows:

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Parameter Description
          script String Yes Storage path of pig script on the BOS
          arguments String No pig script execution parameters
          input String No Predefined input path, which is referred to via ${INPUT} in the pig script
          output String No Predefined output path, which is referred to via ${OUTPUT} in the pig script

          Java step’s properties are defined as follows:

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Parameter Description
          jar String Yes Storage path of custom java program on the BOS
          mainClass String Yes Main entry of custom java program
          arguments String No Executive parameters of custom java program

          Spark step’s properties are defined as follows:

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Parameter Description
          jar String Yes Storage path of custom program on the BOS
          submitOptions String Yes Parameters of spark-submit script
          arguments String No Execution parameters of custom program

          ModifyInstanceGroupConfig Data Structure

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Required Parameter Description
          id String Yes Instance group id
          instanceCount int Yes Number of instances in the modified instance group

          InstanceGroup Data Structure

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description
          id String The instance group ID is a fixed-length string which only contains uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underlines (_)
          instanceType String Type of virtual machines in the instance group; for more information, please see [Instance Specifications](#Instance Specifications)
          name String Instance group name
          type String Master, Core or Task; for more information, please see [Instance Group Type](#Instance Group Type)
          requestedInstanceCount int Number of virtual machines in the instance group

          Instance Data Structure

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description
          id String Instance ID
          privateIpAddress String Instance private ip
          publicIpAddress String Instance public ip, and this field is a blank string in all nodes other than master nodes

          CdsItem Data Structure

          Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description
          sizeInGB int Disk size
          mediumType String Disk medium type: premium_ssd (ssd cloud disk), ssd (high-performance cloud disk)
          Step Operation Interface
          Version Update Records