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          BillingClient is the client of the BILLING service of the trading system, providing a series of methods for developers to interact with the BILLING service, including bills. To use Java SDK to initiate a BILLING service http request, you need to initialize a BillingClient instance and modify the default configuration items of BosClientConfiguration as needed.

          Use AK/SK to Create a BillingClient

          When accessing Billing via AK/SK, You can refer to the following code to create a BillingClient:

           public class Sample {
              public static void main(String[] args) {
                  String ACCESS_KEY_ID = <your-access-key-id>;                    // Users’ Access Key ID 
                  String SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = <your-secret-access-key>;            // Users’ Secret Access Key 
                  // Initialize a BillingClient 
                  BillingClientConfiguration config = new BillingClientConfiguration();
                  config.setCredentials(new DefaultBceCredentials(ACCESS_KEY_ID, SECRET_ACCESS_KEY));
                  BillingClient client = new BillingClient(config);

          In the above code, ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY correspond to the "Access Key ID" and the "Access Key Secret" in the console, respectively. For more information on how to access it, please see the "Operation Guide Manage ACCESSKEY".

          Configure HTTPS Protocol to Access Billing

          Billing supports HTTPS transmission protocol. You can access the Billing service using HTTPS in Billing Java SDK in the following two ways:

          • Indicate https in endpoint

             String endpoint = "http://billing.baidubce.com";
             String ak = "ak";
             String sk = "sk";
             BillingClientConfiguration config = new BillingClientConfiguration();
             config.setCredentials(new DefaultBceCredentials(ak, sk));
             BillingClient client = new BillingClient(config);
          • Set the https protocol by calling the setProtocol method

             String endpoint = "billing.baidubce.com"; // endpoint excluding protocol
             String ak = "ak";
             String sk = "sk";
             BillingClientConfiguration config = new BillingClientConfiguration();
             config.setCredentials(new DefaultBceCredentials(ak, sk));
             config.setProtocol(Protocol.HTTPS); // if it is not specified, use http 
             BillingClient client = new BillingClient(config);

            Note: If protocol is indicated in endpoint, the entry in endpoint takes effect, and a separate call to setProtocol () does not work.

          Configure BillingClient

          If you need to configure parameters for some details of BillingClient, you can introduce the BillingClientConfiguration object when constructing BillingClient. BillingClientConfiguration is the configuration class for the BILLING service. It can configure parameters such as proxy and maximum number of connections for clients.

          Use Agent

          The following codes allow the client to use a proxy to access the BILLING service

           String ACCESS_KEY_ID = <your-access-key-id>;                    // Users’ Access Key ID 
           String SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = <your-secret-access-key>;            // Users’ Secret Access Key 
           String ENDPOINT = <domain-name>;                                // You specify your own name 
           // Create BillingClientConfiguration instance 
           BillingClientConfiguration config = new BillingClientConfiguration();
           // Configure the agent as local 8080 interface 
           // Create Billing client 
           config.setCredentials(new DefaultBceCredentials(ACCESS_KEY_ID,SECRET_ACCESS_KEY));
           BillingClientclient = new BillingClient (config); 

          Using the code segment above, all operations of client are executed as an agent via the 8080 interface of address. For the agent with user authentication, the following code segment can be used to configure username and password.

           // Create BillingClientConfiguration instance 
           BillingClientConfiguration config = new BillingClientConfiguration (); 
           // Configure the agent as local 8080 interface 
           // Set username and password 
           config.setProxyUsername(<username>);                              //Username 
           config.setProxyPassword(<password>);                              // Password 

          Users can set basic network parameters with BillingClientConfiguration:

           BillingClientConfiguration config = new BillingClientConfiguration();
           // Set maximum connections of HTTP as 10.
           // Set TCP connection timeout as 5,000ms. 
           // Set the time of Socket transmission data timeout as 2,000ms. 

          Parameter description

          All parameters that can be designated through BillingClientConfiguration are listed in the following table:

          Parameter Description
          UserAgent User agent, referring to the HTTP User-Agent header
          Protocol Connection protocol type
          ProxyDomain Windows domain name for access to NTLM verified proxy server
          ProxyHost Proxy server host address
          ProxyPort Proxy server interface
          ProxyUsername User name for proxy server authentication
          ProxyPassword Password for proxy server authentication
          ProxyPreemptiveAuthenticationEnabled Whether to set up user agent authentication
          ProxyWorkstation Windows workstation name of the NTLM proxy server
          LocalAddress Local address
          ConnectionTimeoutInMillis Timeout for establishing a connection (unit: millisecond)
          SocketTimeoutInMillis Timeout for transmitting data over open connections (unit: millisecond)
          MaxConnections Maximum number of HTTP connections allowed to open
          RetryPolicy Connection retry policy
          SocketBufferSizeInBytes Socket buffer size
          StreamBufferSize Stream file buffer size
          SDK Installation