
All Product Document


          Refund Problems

          What are the refund rules?

          • You can apply for refunds within 7 days from the date of purchase.
          • A maximum of three instances can be refunded unconditionally for every type of product and every account in every calendar month.
          • The system will refund cost of the remaining service duration to the original account. Refund amount = (Remaining contract days/Total contract days) * Amount of purchasing instances.
          • The actual payment amount will be refunded to the original account, and the vouchers used will not be refunded.
          • The fee incurred during the refund period will not be refunded, that is, the fee incurred from submission of the cancellation application to successful cancellation will not be refunded.
          • On-demand bills for refunded products will not be refunded.

          Where will the refund be returned?

          The refund amount will be returned to the account balance.

          Invoice Problems
          Withdraw Problems