
All Product Document



          Model Object Definition


          Parameter name Type Description
          vendor String Vendor name, default is Baidu AI Cloud
          accountId String ID of the account of the bill
          serviceType String Product name
          serviceTypeName String The name ofproduct
          productType String Billing Type: prepay/postpay, which means pay before/pay after respectively
          region String Region
          instanceId String Resource ID
          orderId String Prepay field, order id for purchasing resource
          orderType String Prepay field, order type
          orderTypeDesc String Prepay field, order type (EN)
          orderPurchaseTime String Prepay field, order payment time, utc time
          startTime String Order creation time (prepay)/start time of the resource bill (postpay), utc time
          endTime String End time of the resource bill (postpay), utc time
          configurationCH String Configuration of product
          tag String Resource tag information
          duration String Prepayment service duration
          chargeItem String English name for postpaid billing items
          chargeItemDesc String Name for postpaid billing items
          amount String amount
          amountUnit String amount unit
          unitPrice String unit price
          pricingUnit String pricing unit
          discountUnit String Discount rate, if multiple discounts exist, separate them by "/"
          tex BigDecimal tax rate
          originPrice BigDecimal Bill amount
          financePrice BigDecimal Amount payable
          cash BigDecimal Amount paid in cash
          rebate BigDecimal Rebate amount
          creditCost BigDecimal Outstanding amount in the billing period
          creditRefund BigDecimal Refund amount in the billing period
          debt BigDecimal Debt amount
          noPaidPrice BigDecimal Preferential amount
          voucherPrice BigDecimal voucher amount
          discountvoucherPrice BigDecimal Discount voucher amount
          discountPrice BigDecimal Discount amount
          sysGold BigDecimal Amount written off

          Note: 1.If the field has no actual value, the default value is "/".
          2 In order to keep the logic of Financial Management of Enterprises Organizations consistent, when sub-accounts added to the financial circle query the bill details separately, the amount fields will be assigned with the value 0 by default except the voucher amount and discount voucher amount.
          3.Amount formulas:
          Amount payable = Amount paid in cash + Rebate amount + Outstanding amount in the billing period + Refund amount in the billing period + Debt amount
          Preferential amount = voucher amount + Discount voucher amount + Discount amount + Amount written off
          Bill amount = Amount payable + Preferential amount

          Monthly Resource Bill
          Release Notes