
All Product Document

          Intelligent Edge

          Build a Container Environment in an Edge Device

          The edge core framework Baetyl supports two operating modes,

          • docker container mode
          • native process mode

          This article introduces how to build a container operating environment.

          Install a Container in Linux

          Install the latest version of docker through the following command:

          curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sudo sh 

          For CentOS7 system, docker has to be manually started after installation:

          #Setup powerboot for docker 
          sudo systemctl enable docker 
          #Start docker. 
          sudo systemctl start docker 

          Install a Container in MacOS

          To install Docker in Darwin system, see docker official documentation.

          Then set Baetyl’s configuration directory /usr/local/var and allow it to be mounted to the container.


          View the Container Version

          After installation, you can view docker’s version number:

          docker version 

          Note: Recommend you to install/update Docker to version 19.03 or above.

          For more information, please see Official documentation .

          Create Core in the Cloud
          Install the Edge Core Software Package Baetyl in an Edge Device