
All Product Document

          Intelligent Edge

          Customize Function Running Packet and Distribute It to Edge Node

          Typically, we need to refer to the third-party dependency during the writing of functions. This section introduces how to upload the code and third-party dependency to BOS and introduces this function into the function application.

          The following takes Python3.6 as an example for illustration.

          Create Configuration Item

          Code development

          Before the code is uploaded to the cloud, we need to develop and test the code on the development machine.

          We write the case to get the headers information of https://cloud.baidu.com/ , and create a new folder with the code file naming index.pyas follows:

          #!/usr/bin/env python3
          # -*-coding: utf-8 -*-
          import requests
          def handler(event, context):
            data: {"action": "A"}
            if 'action' in event:
              if event['action'] == 'A':
                r = requests.get('https://cloud.baidu.com/')
                if str(r.status_code) == '200':
                  event['info'] = dict(r.headers)
                  event['info'] = 'exception found'
              else:      event['info'] = 'action error'
              event['error'] = 'action not found'
            return event

          You can see that we use the requests library. Next, we need to download the requests source code to this folder and type the codes in the command line:

          pip3 download requests


          After downloading, we find that several compressed packages end with .whl in the folder.


          Decompress the .whl compressed package to get the source code.

          unzip -d . "*.whl"


          In this way, we get the source code, but we do not need the compressed packages and .dist-info. To minimize the file size, we can delete these files by typing the following codes in the command line:

          rm -rf *.whl *.dist-info


          Then, we can carry out a simple test to view index.py whether outputs what we want correctly.

          Create a test.py file in this folder, whose code is shown as follows:

          import index
          event = {}
          event['action'] = "A"
          print(index.handler(event, ""))

          You can see that it outputs the handler content we want correctly. After the test, we can delete this file.


          Compress index.py and 5 source code folders into the ZIP package, and then upload it to BOS.


          Create configuration item

          We need to create the "Configuration Item" to import the function uploaded to BOS in the previous step.

          We need to set the configuration item function tag to indicate that this is a function configuration item that can be referenced by the function application.


          Then select "Import File", select the file uploaded to BOS at just, select "Decompress", and click "OK" to complete the import operation.


          Application Creation

          Create the function application, and select the configuration item created in the previous step.


          Create Node

          Next, we configure the edge rule modules baetyl-broker and baetyl-rule to call the functions above.

          Create the node on the Create Node interface.


          And bind the applications created in the previous step to this node.


          Configure baetyl-rule

          Select the module baetyl-rule on the "Application Deployment" menu bar, and click "View".


          Then click "Data Volume", and select the first configuration item for configuration.


          The configuration of baetyl-rule is shown as follows:

            - name: rule1
                topic: broker/topic1
                topic: broker/topic2
                name: bie-python/process
            level: debug
            encoding: console

          The full path of function is [Service Name/Function Entry] and the full call path of python function in the above process is bie-python/process.

          Configure baetyl-broker

          Configure the baetyl-broker by follow the steps above. The configuration files are shown as follows:

            - address: tcp://
            - username: test
              password: hahaha
                - action: pub
                  permit: ["#"]
                - action: sub
                  permit: ["#"]
            level: info

          Add the port 8004 on the Service Configuration interface of baetyl-broekr, and expose the service to the host.


          After successful configuration, we can see the following phenomena when kubectl is executed on the end side.


          End side verification

          After the above services are deployed to the end side, we send the message to the baetyl-broker with the MQTT Box for testing.

          Firstly, we connect it with the MQTT Box, and the connection information is shown as follows:


          After successful connection, it is shown as follows:


          Our input case is the {"action":"A"} result as shown in the figure below, and the output result is the header content of the request <25>https: //cloud.baidu.com/</25>.


          Configure Several Functions in CFC and Distribute Them to Edge Node
          Acquire Temperature and Humudity Sensor Using Modbus