
All Product Document

          Intelligent Edge

          Baetyl-timer Configuration

          By default, the module reads configuration file from the etc/baetyl working directory, and the configuration file format is interpreted as follows:

            clientid: Client ID of Client connection Hub. It should not be empty when cleansession is false . 
            address: [Must] Address of Client connection Hub. 
            username: [Must] User name of Client connection Hub. 
            password:If you use account password, you must fill out the password of Client connection  Hub, outherwise you do not need to fill out it. 
            ca: If certificate two-way authentication is adopted, the CA certificate path of Client  connection Hub should be filled out. 
            key: If certificate two-way authentication is adopted, the client private key path of Client  connection Hub should be filled out. 
            cert: If certificate two-way authentication is adopted, the client public key path of Client  connection Hub should be filled out. 
            timeout: Default value: 30s, Time-out period of Client connection Hub 
            interval: Default value: 1m, Maximum interval time for reconnection of Client connection Hub, increasing to the maximum value from 500 microseconds by doubling. 
            keepalive: Default value: 10m, Holding time of Client connection Hub 
            cleansession: Default value: false, Session persistence of Client connection Hub or not. 
            validatesubs: Default value: false, Client checks Hub subscription result or not; exit after reporting of error in case of subscription failure discovered. 
            buffersize: Default value: 10, Size of memory queue for Client to send messages to Hub ; message loss can be caused by abnormal exit, and the messages with QoS = 1 will depend  on Hub to resend. 
          timer: timer association attributes 
            interval: timer module timing interval 
            topic: Timing result published to the subject of Hub 
            #Payload supports golang template, and currently, two types of functions are supported: Time and Rand 
            payload: "{ \"datetime\": {{.Time.Now}},\"timestamp\": {{.Time.NowUnix}},\"timestampNano\": {{.Time.NowUnixNano}},\"random1\": {{.Rand.Int}},\"random2\": {{.Rand.Int63}},\"random3\": {{.Rand.Intn 10}},\"random4\": {{.Rand.Float64}},\"random5\": {{.Rand.Float64n 60}}, \"anyString\": \"inputString\" }" 
          logger: Log configuration item 
            path: It is empty by default, i.e., no file is printed; if a file is appointed, it will be output to file. 
            level: Default value: Info, log level, supporting debug, info, warn and error. 
            format: Default value: Text, log print format, supporting text and json 
              max: Default value: 15, Maximum number of days a log file is retained 
              max: Default value: 50, Log file size limit, unit MB. 
              max: Default value: 15, Maximum number of log files retained. 
          Baetyl-video-infer Configuration
          Best Practices