
All Product Document

          Intelligent Edge

          Product Overview

          Product Introduction

          Baidu IntelliEdge (BIE) aims to extend the cloud computing capability to the customer site and provide temporary offline and low latency computing service, including device access, data processing, data reporting, stream computing, function computing and AI inference functions.

          The whole BIE includes **Cloud Management Suite and Edge Local Run Package**:

          • Cloud Management Suite: It is mainly responsible for managing the edge node, including the monitoring, registration management, application layout, and upgrading of edge node, and for implementing the product solution of cloud management, edge operation, and cloud/edge integration.
          • Edge Local Run Package: It includes the Baidu open edge framework baetyl and the edge applications based on baetyl framework, extends the cloud computing capability to the edge, and provides the offline autonomous and low latency computing services.
          Release Notes
          Product Features