
All Product Document

          Intelligent Edge

          baetyl-broker Module


          baetyl-broker is developed based on the Golang language, and it is a stand-alone message subscription and release center. It adopts the MQTT3.1.1 protocol and can provide a reliable message transfer service in low bandwidth and unreliable network. As the message middleware on the baetyl framework end side, it has message-driven interconnection capability for all services.

          At present, it supports four access modes: TCP, SSL (TCP+SSL), WS (Websocket), and WSS (Websocket+SSL), and the support of MQTT protocol is as follows:

          • Support the functions such asConnect, Disconnect, Subscribe, Publish, Unsubscribeand Ping .
          • Support the message release and subscription with QoS level 0 and 1.
          • Support Retain, Will and Clean Session
          • Support the subscription of the topics with wildcards, such as + and #
          • Support the checksum of ClientID and Payload in accordance with the convention.
          • Support the authentication, uses the TLS certificate for two-way authentication at the transport layer, and support the ACL access control at the application layer.
          • Do not support the Keep Alive feature of the Client and the release and subscription with QoS level 2 temporarily.


          The following gives the complete configuration files of baetyl-broker and explains the configuration field correspondingly:

          listeners: # [Required] Monitoring address, for example:
            - address: tcp:// # tcp connection
            - address: ssl:// # ssl connection, ssl connection must be configured with a certificate
              ca: example/var/lib/baetyl/testcert/ca.crt # Server's CA certificate path
              key: example/var/lib/baetyl/testcert/server.key # Server's server private key path
              cert: xample/var/lib/baetyl/testcert/server.crt # Server's server public key path
              anonymous: true # true # If anonymous is true, the server will not perform ACL verification on the port
            - address: ws:// # ws connection
            - address: wss:// # wss connection, wss connection must be configured with a certificate
              ca: example/var/lib/baetyl/testcert/ca.crt # Server's CA certificate path
              key: example/var/lib/baetyl/testcert/server.key # Server's server private key path
              cert: example/var/lib/baetyl/testcert/server.crt # Server's server public key path
              anonymous: false # If anonymous is true, the server will not perform ACL verification on the port
          principals: # ACL permission control, support account password and certificate authentication
            - username: test # username
              password: hahaha # password
              permissions: # Access control
                - action: pub # pub Privilege
                  permit: ["test"] # Allowed topic, supports wildcard
                - action: sub # pub Privilege
                  permit: ["test"] # Allowed topic, supports wildcard
            - username: client # If the password is empty, the username represents the common name of the client certificate, which is used for the ACL verification of the client connecting to the certificate
              permissions: # Access control
                - action: pub # pub Privilege
                  permit: ["#"] # Allowed topic, supports wildcard
                - action: sub # pub Privilege
                  permit: ["#"] # Allowed topic, supports wildcard
          session: # Client session related settings
            maxClients: 0 # The maximum number of client connections on the server, if it is 0 or a negative number, there is no limit
            maxMessagePayloadSize: 32768 # The maximum message length that can be transmitted, the default is 32768 bytes (32K), the maximum is 268,435,455 bytes (approximately 256MB)-1
            maxInflightQOS0Messages: 100 # QOS0 message flying window
            maxInflightQOS1Messages: 20 # QOS1 message flying window
            resendInterval: 20s # Message retransmission interval. If the client does not reply to an acknowledgment (ack) within the message retransmission interval, the message will be retransmitted until the client replies confirmation or the session is closed
            persistence: # Message persistence related configuration
              store: # Underlying storage plugin configuration
                driver: boltdb # Low-level storage plugin, default boltdb
                source: var/lib/baetyl/broker.db # Storage file path
              queue: # Storage
                batchSize: 10 # Message channel buffer size
                expireTime: 24h # Message expiration time interval. The messages released before this interval will be cleaned up the next time.
                cleanInterval: 1h # Message cleaning interval, the background will periodically clean up expired messages according to this interval
                writeTimeout: 100ms # Batch write timeout interval. Write operations are performed according to this interval. If the buffer is full within the interval, the write operation will also be triggered
                deleteTimeout: 500ms # The timeout interval for batch deletion of confirmed messages. Delete confirmed messages according to this interval. If the confirmed message cache is full within the interval, the delete operation will also be triggered
            sysTopics: ["$link", "$baidu"] # System theme
          logger: # Log
            level: info # Log level

          The following provides a configuration demo, which can access to the broker quickly:

            - address: tcp://
            - username: test
              password: hahaha
                - action: pub
                  permit: ["test"]
                - action: sub
                  permit: ["test"]
            level: info

          Users can configure the user name, password, and address through the MqttBox software to connect with the broker shown in the figure below:


          You can send the message to the test topics and subscribe to the test topics message.


          Note: The broker will load the system certificate issued on the end side by default and listen to the 50010 port. Users shall avoid using this port.

          baetyl-rule Module
          Historical Versions