
All Product Document

          Intelligent Edge

          Application Configuration

          The default configuration file of application configuration is var/db/baetyl/application.yml under working directory, and the configuration is interpreted as follows:

          version: Application version 
          services: Application service list 
            - name: [Must]Service name, which must the unique in the service list 
              image: [Must]Service entry It indicates the service image under Docker container mode; it indicates the position of service operation package under Naitve progress mode. 
              replica: It is 0 by default, the number of service duplicates, indicating the number of service instances enabled. Generally, only one service needs to be enabled. The service is generally set as 0 during the function run, and the service instance is not started by master program, but by the function management service dynamically. 
              mounts: Storage volume mapping list 
                - name: [Must] Storage volume name, corresponding to one in the storage volume list. 
                  path: [Must] Path of storage volume mapping in the container 
                  readonly:Default value: false, Storage volume read only or not 
              ports:Exported port in the Docker container mode, for example: 
                - #If you do not want to expose it to the device rather than the host to access, it may be changed to 
                - 8080:8080/tcp
                - 9884:8884
              devices:Device mapping under Docker container mode, for example: 
                - /dev/video0
                - /dev/sda:/dev/xvdc:r 
              args:Service instance startup parameters, for example: 
                - '-c' 
                - 'conf/conf.yml' 
              env:Service instance environment variables, for example: 
                version: v1 
              restart: Service instance restart strategy configuration item 
                  max: It is empty by default, indicating the maximum number of service restarts of retries. 
                Policy: Default value: Always, Restart strategy. no: No restartalways: Always restart; on-failure: Restart in case of abnormal service exit. 
                  min: Default value: 1s, Minimum restart interval time 
                  max: Default value: 5m, Maximum restart interval time 
                  factor: Default value: 2, Restart interval increase multiple 
              resources: Service instance resource limitation configuration item under Docker container mode. 
                  cpus: The ratio of CPU available for the service instance, for example: 1.5, Indicating that 1.5 CPU cores are available for use. 
                  setcpus:CPU cores available for the service instance, for example: 0-2, Indicating that the 0-2 CPU cores can be used; 0 indicates that the 0 CUP core can be used, and 1 indicates that 1 CPU core can be used. 
                  limit: Memory available for the service instance, for example: 500m, Indicating that 500Mpa memory is available. 
                  swap: Swap space available for the service instance, for example: 1g, means 1 G memory can be used. 
                  limit: Number of processes that can be created for the service instance. 
          volumes: Application storage volume list. 
            - name: [Must] Storage volume name, unique in the storage volume list 
              path: [Must] Path of storage volume on the host machine, relative to the working directory of master program.
          Master Program Configuration
          Baetyl-agent Configuration