
All Product Document

          Intelligent Edge

          Baetyl-function-sql Configuration

          By default, the module reads configuration files from the etc/baetyl directory, and the configuration file format is interpreted as follows:

          server: Configured upon independent start as GRPC Server ; not configured when hosted to baetyl-function-mnager. 
            address: CRPC Server monitoring address, <host>:<port> 
              max: No restriction by default, and maximum number of concurrent connections. 
                max: Default value: 4m, Maximum message length allowed to receive/send by function instance 
            ca: CA certificate path of Server 
            key: Server-side private key path of Server 
            cert: Server-side public key path of Server 
          functions: Function list 
            - name: [Must] Function name, unique in the list 
              handler: [Must] SQL expression, for example:'select * where id > 10' 
          logger:Log configuration item 
            path: It is empty by default, i.e., no file is printed; if a file is appointed, it will be output to file. 
            level: Default value: Info, log level, supporting debug, info, warn and error. 
            format: Default value: Text, log print format, supporting text and json 
              max: Default value: 15, Maximum number of days a log file is retained 
              max: Default value: 50, Log file size limit, unit MB 
                  max:Default value: 15, Maximum number of log files retained 
          Baetyl-function-python27 Configuration
          Baetyl-remote-mqtt Configuration