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          Intelligent Edge

          Product Feature

          Baidu IntelliEdge - Cloud Management Suite

          The cloud management suite is composed of Node Management, Application Deployment, Configuration Management and Node Pre-configuration.

          • Node Management

            • Monitor the edge nodes, including edge node status and node resource utilization (CPU and memory utilization).
            • Monitor the edge applications deployed on edge nodes, including application status and application resource utilization (CPU and memory utilization).
          • Application Deployment

            • Manage the service arrangement of the application. An application supports one or more services. If it is the kube mode, a service corresponds to a container. If it is the process mode, a service corresponds to a binary program.
            • Manage the application deployment. It supports the directional deployment of applications through node tag matching, and the nodes meeting the deployment tag will be deployed to the edge application automatically.
          • Configuration management

          • Node Pre-configuration

            • It supports the batch registration and activation of edge nodes.

          Baidu IntelliEdge - Edge Local Run Package

          Edge Local Run Package is mainly composed of two parts as follows:

          • BIE Edge Computing Framework: It is provided by the open-source edge computing framework baetyl to carry out the basic edge management and edge application arrangement.
          • BIE Edge Application: For the edge application based on the baetyl framework, the baetyl framework provides the Edge Application Development SDK. BIE provides the common edge applications, mainly including the following capabilities:

            • Function computing, which provides the function runtime to support the edge function computing and support the local operation of python27, python36, and node85 functions.
            • Stream computing, which provides the stream computing runtime and supports the local stream computing.
            • AI inference

              • It can realize the edge AI inference of a specific model through the video-infer module and function computing.
              • It can realize the easyedge-inference transformation model through the easyedge-inference module.
            • Data cache, through the broker module, the offline caching of messages and continuous transmission after disconnection are realized.
            • Data storage, which realizes the edge temporal data storage through the tsdb module.
            • Data collection, which provides the southward data collection module. For example, the Modbus module collects data of associated devices connecting with the edge node.
            • Configuration synchronization, which realizes the real-time synchronization between the cloud configuration and the edge through the system module, and distributes the cloud configuration change to the edge node automatically.
            • Remote data transfer

              • Remote message transfer: It supports transferring the edge message to the remote MQTT Broker through the MQTT protocol.
              • Remote file transfer: It supports transferring the file to the remote object storage, for example, baidu bos, aws s3, and aws s3-compliant object storage service, such as ceph and minio.
          Term Explanation
          Configuration List