Baidu AI Cloud


Data Warehouse


Palo supports the connection to Tableau, you can connect your Tableau according to the following steps.


Install Tableau.

Bind EIP for Leader Node of Palo cluster.

Connect Palo

  1. Create a new file in an arbitrary place: mysql.tdc and add the following contents to the file:

    <connection-customization class='mysql' enabled='true' version='2019.4'>
      <vendor name='mysql' />
      <driver name='mysql' />
          <customization name='odbc-connect-string-extras' value='DEFAULT_AUTH=mysql_native_password'/>

    Then save the file. The file is used for configuring MySQL ODBC Driver, and the default authentication protocol is mysql_native_password.

    Under Windows system: go to the directory C:\Users\<user>\Documents\My Tableau Repository\Datasources to transfermysql.tdc to this directory.

    Under Mac system: go to the directory:/Users/wangyouzhuo/Documents/My Tableau Repository/Datasources to transfer mysql.tdc to this directory.

  2. Restart Tableau,click More and select MySQL.


    Just fill in IP / Host / User name / Password, other items are unnecessary.


    • Server: Fill in the EIP address of Palo Leader Node (LeaderNode protocol public address)
    • Port: Fill in the port number of the MySQL protocol connection target, generally defaulted as 9030. port.png
    • Database: no need to fill in.
    • User name: The account created in Palo cluster, the administrator account is "admin".
    • Password: The connection password when creating the cluster.
  3. Click Sign in to log in.