
All Product Document

          Data Warehouse




          Palo supports the reading and writing operations by creating external tables and accessing external data sources through ODBC protocol. Currently the ODBC data sources supported on the cloud include:

          • MySQL
          • Oracle
          • PostgreSQL

          When creating the ODBC external table, it is required to fill in the external data source connection information in the table building statement.

          There are two ways to provide connection information.

          One is to directly connect the information to describe the table building statement.

          One is to manage the connection information in a unified way by creating resources, and cite the resources in the table building statement.

          It is recommended to use the second method to manage the connection information. Creating resources can be found in Resource Management file.

          CREATA EXTERNAL TABLE [db.]tbl_name
          (column_definition[, column_definition, ...])
          • [db.]tbl_name

            Library name and table name. The names may not be consistent with external data sources, and can be customized. There will be a mapping relationship in properties.

          • column_definition

            Column definition. The name of the column should be consistent with the name in the external data source. The number and order of columns may not be the same. Whether the column is allowed to be NULL should be consistent with that in the source database, otherwise problems may occur in query or write.

            col_name DOUBLE NULL COMMENT "abc" col_name VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL COMMENT "def"

          • tbl_comment

            Table comment

          • properties

            External data source information.

            1. Define external data sources by referencing resources.

              PROPERTIES (
                  "odbc_catalog_resource" = "resource_name",
                  "database" = "oracle_db",
                  "table" = "oracle_tbl"
              • odbc_catalog_resource:specify the name of resource.
              • database:name of the database in the external data source.
              • table:name of table in the external data source.
            2. Define external data sources directly.

              PROPERTIES (
                  "host" = "",
                  "port" = "8086",
                  "user" = "test",
                  "password" = "test",
                  "database" = "test",
                  "table" = "baseall",
                  "driver" = "oracle",
                  "odbc_type" = "oracle"
              • host/port:ODBC protocol connection target of external data source.
              • user/passwd:User name and password for accessing external data source.
              • database/table:name of the corresponding database and table in the external data source.
              • driver:Name of ODBC Driver. Public cloud users may choose:PostgreSQL, MySQL,Oracle,SQLServer.
              • odbc_type: data source type, supporting:oracle, mysql, postgresql.


          1. Create a MySQL external table. Use the ODBC Resource created.

            CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `baseall_oracle` (
              `k1` decimal(9, 3) NOT NULL COMMENT "",
              `k2` char(10) NOT NULL COMMENT "",
              `k3` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT "",
              `k5` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT "",
              `k6` double NOT NULL COMMENT ""
            ) ENGINE=ODBC
            COMMENT "ODBC"
            PROPERTIES (
            "odbc_catalog_resource" = "mysql_odbc",
            "database" = "test",
            "table" = "baseall"
          2. Create an Oracle external table. Set the connection mode directly.

            CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `baseall_oracle` (
              `k1` decimal(9, 3) NOT NULL COMMENT "",
              `k2` char(10) NOT NULL COMMENT "",
              `k3` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT "",
              `k5` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT "",
              `k6` double NOT NULL COMMENT ""
            ) ENGINE=ODBC
            COMMENT "ODBC"
            PROPERTIES (
                "host" = "",
                "port" = "8086",
                "user" = "test",
                "password" = "test",
                "database" = "test",
                "table" = "baseall",
                "driver" = "Oracle",
                "odbc_type" = "oracle"



          Best Practices

          1. Query ODBC external tables

            The query of ODBC external table is the same as the query of ordinary table, so the query can be done by using SQL statement.

            In essence, the query of external tables in Palo is to connect and query external data sources through ODBC client on a Compute Node node. Therefore, the external data source and the Compute Node network should be connected in both directions.

            At the same time, The query of external tables in Palo is not in distributed way but by connecting single Client. Therefore, its performance efficiency is far lower than that of querying the table stored in Palo. External tables are more applicable to the correlation query of some frequently updated dimension tables and fact tables stored in Palo, or synchronization of data from an external data source to Palo by INSERT INTO SELECT .

          2. Write into external table

            Data can be directly written into ODBC external tables by INSERT command. Specific operations can be found in: Export Data to External Tables.

          3. Corresponding relations between column types

            Different data sources have different column types. Here are the mapping relationships between the column types of three ODBC data sources and Palo column types.

            1. MySQL

              MySQL Doris Alternative Plan
              BOOLEAN BOOLEAN
              CHAR CHAR Currently support UTF8 encoding only
              VARCHAR VARCHAR Currently support UTF8 encoding only
              DATE DATE
              FLOAT FLOAT
              TINYINT TINYINT
              INT INT
              BIGINT BIGINT
              DOUBLE DOUBLE
              DECIMAL DECIMAL
            2. PostgreSQL

              PostgreSQL Doris Alternative Plan
              BOOLEAN BOOLEAN
              CHAR CHAR Currently support UTF8 encoding only
              VARCHAR VARCHAR Currently support UTF8 encoding only
              DATE DATE
              REAL FLOAT
              INT INT
              BIGINT BIGINT
              DOUBLE DOUBLE
              DECIMAL DECIMAL
            3. Oracle

              Oracle Doris Alternative Plan
              Not Support BOOLEAN Oracle can use number(1) to replace boolean
              CHAR CHAR
              VARCHAR VARCHAR
              DATE DATE
              FLOAT FLOAT
              None TINYINT Oracle can be replaced with NUMBER
              INT INT
              None BIGINT Oracle can be replaced with NUMBER
              None DOUBLE Oracle can be replaced with NUMBER
              NUMBER DECIMAL