Baidu AI Cloud


Data Warehouse

Open Source Version

As the main maintenance team of Apache Doris community, Baidu Palo team also maintains 3-bit iterative Version (tags) (What is 3-bit version) based on the official release version of Apache Doris, including fast Bug repair and new function update.

These 3-bit iterations have been tested in Baidu internally and have been made online, which are recommendable.

Open-source users can download our 3-bit iterative version for free. Please refer to the official Apache Doris website at the end of the document for the installation and deployment method.

Download open-source version

  • In some cases, the user may not be able to get the binary file of Doris smoothly through source code compilation. Here we provide the pre-compiled binary download of the corresponding 3-bit version.
  • We strongly recommend users to generate binary files through source code compilation.
  • The pre-compiled binary files provided here only run on CentOS 7.3, Intel (R) Xeon (R) Gold 6148 CPU @ 2.40GHz for execution. In other systems or CPU models, the files may not run because of different glibc versions or different instruction sets supported by CPU.
  • The FE part of the pre-compiled binary file is compiled with Oracle JDK 1.8, so please make sure that Oracle JDK 1.8 is still used at runtime.
  • Pre-compile includes the following components

    1. Frontend
    2. Backend
    3. Broker
    4. Frontend plugins jars
    5. Spark-Doris-Connector jars
Version numbers Size Download link Update time
0.12.21 447MB Link 2020-08-11
0.13.9 547MB Link 2020-10-21
0.13.11 552MB Link 2020-11-15
0.13.15 554MB Link 2021-01-05

Change Log

  • 0.13.15

    1. New functions:

      • A new Join Reorder algorithm is added, which has obvious optimization effect in TPCDS 17, 25, 37, 54, 82, 84, 85 and other complex Join queries. Join Reorder.
      • It supports the calculation of all constant expressions through BE to solve the problem that FE is not able to calculate constant expressions. Constant expression folding.
      • It supports Export the data to ODBC external table.
      • TopN aggregate function is added.
    2. Optimization:

      • It can optimize the data reading logic of storage engine to improve the query performance, including version merging, predicate push down and so on.
      • Through parameter fuzzy_ Parse , it can optimize part loading speed of scenario JSON Data Loading.
    3. Serious bug fix:

      • Fix the problem that loading JSON format data may cause BE memory leak.
      • Fix the problem that BE execution of compact logic may cause disk space not to be released.
      • Fix the problem of BE downtime caused by Delete condition containing predicateIS NULL/IS NOT NULL.
      • Fix the problem that Routine Load consumes Kafka data and may lose data in some cases.
      • Fix some query problems.


All 3-bit iterative version of the source code can be seen here Baidu-Doris

Currently, the official release version of Apache Doris is:

  • 0.9.0
  • 0.10.0
  • 0.11.0
  • 0.12.0
  • 0.13.0

This repository mainly releases 3-bit iterative version based on 2-bit official version. For example:

  • DORIS-0.9.22-release
  • DORIS-0.10.23-release
  • DORIS-0.11.44-release
  • DORIS-0.12.21-release
  • DORIS-0.13.11-release

All 3-bit versions can be safely upgraded from the corresponding official 2-bit version. The 3-bit version itself is compatible and can be upgraded safely. Here are the examples:

  • Official version 0.12.0-rc02 can be upgraded to DORIS-0.12.21-release
  • DORIS-0.11.10-release can be upgraded to DORIS-0.11.44-release
  • DORIS-0.11.44-release can be upgraded to DORIS-0.12.21-release

It is recommended to upgrade to the latest 3-bit version before upgrading to the 2-bit version. Here are the examples:

  1. Current version is DORIS-0.11.10-release, if you want to upgrade it to version 0.12 .
  2. First upgrade to DORIS-0.11.44-release, that is, the latest 3-bit version of 0.11
  3. Then upgrade to DORIS-0.12.21-release, that is, the latest 3-bit version of 0.12.

The 3-bit iterative version can also be safely upgraded with the official 2-bit version. For example, the following upgrade sequence is safe:

Upgrade sequence Version Instruction
1 DORIS-0.11.10-release Baidu library
2 DORIS-0.11.44-release Baidu library
3 0.12-rc02 Official library
4 DORIS-0.12.21-release Baidu library

Docker compile environment image download

We recommend that open-source users compile Doris by themselves through the source code.

But there are some reasons that cause slow download of through the method of docker pull. We can download the image locally through the following links, and then load the image through docker load command:


docker load --input apachedoris-build-env-1.2

After this, we can view the image through docker images.

Apache Doris official website:

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