Strict Mode
Strict mode (strict_mode) is a parameter configuration in load operation. This parameter will affect the load behavior of some values and the final loaded data.
This document mainly describes how to set strict mode and the impact of strict mode.
How to set
Default setting of strict mode is False, which means OFF status.
Different load methods have different ways to set strict mode.
LOAD LABEL example_db.label1 ( DATA INFILE("bos://my_bucket/input/file.txt") INTO TABLE `my_table` COLUMNS TERMINATED BY "," ) WITH BROKER bos ( "bos_endpoint" = "", "bos_accesskey" = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "bos_secret_accesskey"="yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" ) PROPERTIES ( "strict_mode" = "true" )
curl --location-trusted -u user:passwd \ -H "strict_mode: true" \ -T 1.txt \ http://host:port/api/example_db/my_table/_stream_load
CREATE ROUTINE LOAD example_db.test_job ON my_table PROPERTIES ( "strict_mode" = "true" ) FROM KAFKA ( "kafka_broker_list" = "broker1:9092,broker2:9092,broker3:9092", "kafka_topic" = "my_topic" );
Set through Session variables:
SET enable_insert_strict = true; INSERT INTO my_table ...;
Functions of strict mode
Strict mode means to carry out strict filtering for column type converting during load.
The strategy of strict filtering is as follows:
For column type converting, the error data will be filtered if strict mode is started. The error data here refer to the kind of data whose original data are not null
but whose result are null
after column type converting.
"Column type converting
" here does not include null
value calculated by functions.
If the loaded column type contains range restriction and if the original data can pass the type converting normally but cannot pass the range restriction, the strict mode will not affect it. For example, if the type is decimal(1,0)
, and the original data is 10, then it belongs to the range that can pass the type converting but not to the column statement. This data can not be affect by strict mode.
Take column type Tinyint as an example:
Original data type original data example Value converted to Tinyint Strict mode Results Null \N NULL On or off NULL Non-null "abc" or 2000 NULL On Invalid value(filtered) Non-null "abc" NULL Off NULL Non-null 1 1 On or off Correct load Notes:
- Null values are allowed to be loaded in table columns.
- After
are converted to TinyInt, they will become Null due to type or precision. These data will be filtered when strict mode is on. Andnull
will be loaded if strict mode is off.
Take column type Decimal(1,0) as an example
Original data type original data example Value converted to Decimal Strict mode Results Null \N null On or off NULL Non-null aaa NULL On Invalid value(filtered) Non-null aaa NULL Off NULL Non-null 1 or 10 1 or 10 On or off Correct load Notes:
- Null values are allowed to be loaded in table columns.
- After
is converted to Decimal, it will become Null due to the type. These data will be filtered when strict mode is on. Andnull
will be loaded if strict mode is off. - Although
is a value beyond the range, strict mode has no effect on it because its type meets the requirements of decimal, and10
will be finally filtered in other load processes, but it will not filtered by strict mode.