Baidu AI Cloud


Cloud File Storage

Manage File System

You can view the related information of the current existing file system through the file storage CFS console, and perform management operations on the existing file system, such as viewing basic file system information, mount point information, and mount client information.

File System List

In the file system list, you can view important information such as the ID/name, protocol type, area, availability zone, mount point, used capacity/capacity limit, creation time, and status of the existing file system. You can also add mount targets to, manage, and delete the selected file system. You can use the search box in the upper right corner of the list to quickly search for related file systems by their name or ID.


File System Details

On the file system list page, click the name of the file system to enter the file system's details page. On the file system details page, you can see the basic information of the file system, mount point information, and mounted client information.

Basic File System Information

The basic information of the file system displays basic information such as the file system ID, name, status, protocol type, region, used capacity, capacity limit, and creation time. You can modify the file system name.


Click the "Change” of the instance name and follow the pop-up prompts to modify the file system whose name needs to be modified.


File System Mount Point Information

The file system mount point information displays the current mount point ID, VPC ID, subnet, mount address, privilege group and other information of the file system. You can modify the privilege group or delete the specific mount point operating.


File System Mount Client Information

The file system mount client information shows the IP, availability zone, VPC ID, mount point ID and other information of the currently mounted client for the file system.


Use File System
Delete File System