
All Product Document

          CDN Abroad

          Log Management


          CDN provides you with complete log management and download features. You can query and download CDN logs based on the actual condition.

          Description of Log Field

          Field Meaning
          remote_addr Client IP
          remote_user Log in the user name, which is generally blank “-”
          host Domain name
          time_local Timestamp
          request_time Request processing time, in ms
          request Request method, path and version, such as “GET /path/of/url? args&a=1&b=2 HTTP/1.1"
          status HTTPStatus code
          bytes_sent Length of the returned byte
          body_bytes_sent Body length returned
          referer Request Referer
          cookie Client-side Cookie
          user_agent Request UA, namely, the User-Agent part in the request Header
          x_forwarded_for That is, the X-Forward-For part in request Header
          connection_id Unique id of the request
          udf_hit Hit status, such as MISS/HIT
          server_ip Server IP

          Download Logs

          1. Log in CDN Management Console, select Log Management.
          2. Select the domain name for which logs have to be downloaded, and you can select single or multiple domain names.
          3. Select the log timeline to check and download. After selecting the timeline, the system displays the logs during the time period. Baidu AI Cloud saves 180 days’ log data.
          4. Select the needed log to load, click Download, to download the log to local disk.


          Refresh Cache
          API Reference