
All Product Document

          CDN Abroad

          Forward-to-origin Configuration


          If you need to customize the specific server domain name for CDN code forwarding to origin, you should configure host header domain type. Optional domain name types for HOST header include: Accelerated domain name, custom domain name.

          Steps for Origin Configuration

          1.Log into the CDN Management Console and enter the “Content Delivery Network (CDN) " page.
          2.Click Domain Name Management on the left navigation bar.
          3.Enter the domain name management page, and click the Management of the target domain name operation column.
          4.Enter the “CDN Domain Name Details " page, and select the Origin Configuration tab in the navigation bar at the top of the page.
          5.Enter the origin configuration page, and click Edit in the setting module of Origin Configuration.
          6.Configure the forward-to-origin domain name as Acceleration Domain Name or Custom Domain Name.


          7.After clicking Save, you can see that the Forward-to-origin Configuration has been set successfully in the module of forward-to-origin configuration. A message indicating that "the configuration has been updated successfully, and will take effect in about five minutes" will appear on the page.

          API: Domain Name Configuration Interface

          Access Control
          HTTP Configuration