
All Product Document

          Multimedia Cloud Processing

          Control Interface


          Parameter list: String -Player DIV container id for containing the player

          Return type: Object

          Interface features: Create a player instance in the assigned DIV container

          Code example:

          var myPlayer = cyberplayer("playerContainer").setup({ 
              image: "<Image_File>" 


          Parameter list: Object

          Return type: None

          Interface features: Create a player

          Code example:

          var myPlayer = cyberplayer("playerContainer").setup({ 
              flashplayer:"player/cyberplayer.flash.swf ", 
              file:" http://ip:port/playlist.m3u8", 
              image: "<Image_File> 
              controlbar: { 
                  barLogo: false 

          Detailed parameter annotation: There is only one Object type parameter in setup, the parameter is a parameter set, and the parameter elements and usage methods of the set are described as follows:

          Parameter nameParameter interpretationComments
          flashplayerSpecify the storage address for swf files of the flash player. It can be a relative path or an absolute path beginning with the http protocol.
          If this parameter is omitted, it automatically searches the cyberplayer.flash.swf file in the path where js is located.
          widthAssign the play window width to create. Specify the height of the playback window to be created.
          heightSpecify the height of the playback window to be created. Required
          playlistPlease see:Fulfill list playback.
          imageAdvsDisplay the image ads at the beginning, end and pause of the video, with the image in the format of gif, png and jpeg supported.
          The start is the opening advertisement parameter, pause is the pausing advertisement parameter and end is the ending advertisement parameter. Image parameter means to display the image address, url means link address and time means the opening advertisement display duration, with the unit of second.
          When displaying the pausing advertisement image, it is zoomed to be 400x300, you are suggested to use the image with the width and height proportion of 4:3 as the pausing advertisement.
          imageAdvs : {
          start : {
          image : "http://xxxx/abc.gif",
          url : "http://xxxx",
          time : 10
          pause : {
          image : " http://xxxx/abc.gif ",
          url : " http://xxxx" },
          end : {
          image : " http://xxxx/abc.gif ",
          url : " http://xxxx"
          autostartSet whether to auto play after loading the player: true :Automatic playback;false : Do not play automatically. Optional
          repeatSet repeat play modes of the videos, the repeat modes are:
          1.false:No duplicates;
          2.true:Repeat playback
          fileSet media stream name or filename or M3U8 playlist addressRequired
          imageSet the media stream previewOptional
          volumeSet the player sound volume size, range(0 - 100)Optional
          controlsSet the player control bar display modes, which include:
          1.none:Do not show;
          2.over:Suspension(The mouse is automatically hidden if there is no operations)
          barLogoSet whether to display Logo, sub-parameter of `controls`, the selectable values are true (display) and false (not display)Optional
          skinSet player skin packsOptional
          stretchingSet the player zoom methods, which include:
          1.none:No zoom;
          2.uniform:Add black-edge scaling;
          3. exactfit:Change the aspect ratio to the maximum;
          4.fill:Cut and zoom to the max(uniform method by default)
          Parameter name Parameter interpretation Comments
          flashplayer Specify the storage address for swf files of the flash player. It can be a relative path or an absolute path beginning with the http protocol.
          If this parameter is omitted, it automatically searches the cyberplayer.flash.swf file in the path where js is located.
          width Assign the play window width to create. Specify the height of the playback window to be created.
          height Specify the height of the playback window to be created. Required
          playlist Please see Realize List Play Optional
          imageAdvs Display the image ads at the beginning, end and pause of the video, with the image in the format of gif, png and jpeg supported.
          The start is the opening advertisement parameter, pause is the pausing advertisement parameter and end is the ending advertisement parameter. Image parameter means to display the image address, url means link address and time means the opening advertisement display duration, with the unit of second.
          When displaying the pausing advertisement image, it is zoomed to be 400x300, you are suggested to use the image with the width and height proportion of 4:3 as the pausing advertisement.
          imageAdvs : {
          start : {
          image : "http://xxxx/abc.gif",
          url : "http://xxxx",
          time : 10
          pause : {
          image : " http://xxxx/abc.gif ",
          url : " http://xxxx"
          end : {
          image : " http://xxxx/abc.gif ",
          url : " http://xxxx"
          autostart Set whether to auto play after loading the player: true :Automatic playback;false : Do not play automatically. Optional
          repeat Set repeat play modes of the videos, the repeat modes are:
          1.false:No duplicates;
          2.true:Repeat playback
          file Set media stream name or filename or M3U8 playlist address Required
          image Set the media stream preview Optional
          volume Set the player sound volume size, range(0 - 100) Optional
          controls Set the player control bar display modes, which include:
          1.none:Do not show;
          2.over:Suspension(The mouse is automatically hidden if there is no operations)
          barLogo Set whether to display Logo, sub-parameter of controls, the selectable values are true (display) and false (not display) Optional
          skin Set player skin packs Optional
          stretching Set the player zoom methods, which include:
          1.none:No zoom;
          2.uniform:Add black-edge scaling;
          3. exactfit:Change the aspect ratio to the maximum;
          4.fill:Cut and zoom to the max(uniform method by default)

          cyberplayer: remove

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: None

          Interface features: Remove the current player.

          Code example:


          cyberplayer: getPlaylist

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Array

          Interface features: Get the current playlist.

          Code example:

          var playlist = myPlayer. getPlaylist();

          cyberplayer: getPlaylistIndex

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Number

          Interface features: Get the currently played video position in the playlist, 0 stands for the first and so forth.

          Code example:

          var playlistIndex = myPlayer. getPlaylistIndex();

          cyberplayer: getPlaylistItem

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Object

          Interface features: Get the currently played video object.

          Code example:

          var playlistItem = myPlayer. getPlaylistItem();

          cyberplayer: playlistItem

          Parameter list: Number

          Return type: Object

          Interface features: Play the assigned play list and return the item object, the list begins counting from 0.

          Code example:

          var item = myPlayer.playlistItem(2); 

          cyberplayer: playlistNext

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Object

          Interface features: Play the item after the current playing item, and return the item object.

          Code example:

          var item = myPlayer.playlistNext(); 

          cyberplayer: playlistPrev

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Object

          Interface features: Play the previous item of the currently played item, and return the item object.

          Code example:

          var item = myPlayer.playlistPrev(); 

          cyberplayer: getBuffer

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Object

          Interface features: Get the currently played video cache duration, with the unit of second.

          Code example:

          var buffer = myPlayer. getBuffer(); 

          cyberplayer: getState

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: String

          Interface features: Get the current player status.

          Code example:

          var state = myPlayer.getState(); 

          Value range: {“playing”、“paused”、“idle”、“buffering”}

          cyberplayer: play

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: None

          Interface features: Start to play the current media contents.

          Code example:


          cyberplayer: pause

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Number

          Interface features: Pause the current media contents.

          Code example:


          cyberplayer: stop

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: None

          Interface features: Stop playing the current media content.

          Code example:


          cyberplayer: getDuration

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Number -The total duration of the currently played media file

          Interface features: Get the total duration of the currently played media file.

          Code example:

          var duration = myPlayer.getDuration(); 

          cyberplayer: getPosition

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Number

          Interface features: Get the play position of the currently played media file.

          Code example:

          var position = myPlayer.getPosition(); 

          cyberplayer: seek

          Parameter list: Number -The play time duration of the target

          Return type: None

          Interface features: Locate the place where the current media content begins to play.

          Code example:


          cyberplayer: getMute

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Boolean - true :Enable the sound; false : Open the sound

          Interface features: Get whether the sound of the current player is enabled.

          Code example:

          var mute = myPlayer.getMute(); 

          cyberplayer: getVolume

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Number

          Interface features: Get the current player volume.

          Code example:

          var volume = myPlayer.getVolume(); 

          cyberplayer: setMute

          Parameter list: Boolean - true :Turn off sound;false : Enable sound

          Return type: None

          Interface features: Set the sound switch for current player.

          Code example:


          cyberplayer: setVolume

          Parameter list: Number -Volume(0-100)

          Return type: None

          Interface features: Set the player volume.

          Code example:


          cyberplayer: getWidth

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Number

          Interface features: Get the current player window width.

          Code example:

          var width = myPlayer.getWidth(); 

          cyberplayer: getHeight

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Number -Player height

          Interface features: Get the current display window height of the player.

          Code example:

          var height = myPlayer.getHeight(); 

          cyberplayer: getFullscreen

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Boolean - true :Full-screen ;false : Non full screen

          Interface features: Get whether the current player is in full-screen status.

          Code example:

          var fullscreen = myPlayer.getFullscreen(); 

          cyberplayer: resize

          Parameter list: Number -Width of the player, Number -Player height

          Return type: None

          Interface features: Adjust the player size.

          Code example:

          myPlayer.resize(600, 400); 

          cyberplayer: setFullscreen

          Parameter list: Boolean - true :Full-screen;false : Non full screen

          Return type: None

          Interface features: Set whether the current player is full-screen.

          Code example:


          cyberplayer: getQualityLevels

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Array

          Interface features: Get all the code rates of the current video.

          Code example:

          var qualityLevels = myPlayer.getQualityLevels(); 

          cyberplayer: getCurrentQuality

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Number

          Interface features: Get the currently played video code rate index, starting with 0.

          Code example:

          var currentQuality = myPlayer.getCurrentQuality(); 

          cyberplayer: setCurrentQuality

          Parameter list: Number

          Return type: Object

          Interface features: Set to play the video with certain code rate.

          Code example:


          cyberplayer: getControls

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Boolean

          Interface features: Get whether the controlbar of the player can be showed.

          Code example:

          var controls = myPlayer.getControls(); 

          cyberplayer: getSafeRegion

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Object

          Interface features: Get the location object of the player.

          Code example:

          var region = myPlayer.getSafeRegion(); 

          cyberplayer: setControls

          Parameter list: Boolean - true :display;false : Do not show

          Return type: Object

          Interface features: Set whether the player displays controlbar.

          Code example:


          cyberplayer: getMeta

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Object -Metadata object

          Interface features: Get the currently played media file metadata object.

          Code example:

          var meta = myPlayer.getMeta(); 

          cyberplayer: getRenderingMode

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: String -Rendering mode

          Interface features: Get the rendering mode of the current player.

          Code example:

          var mode = myPlayer.getRenderingMode(); 

          Value range: {“flash”、“html5”}

          cyberplayer: getCaptionsList

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Array

          Interface features: Get all the character objects of the current video.

          Code example:

          var captionList = myPlayer.getCaptionList(); 

          cyberplayer: getCurrentCaptions

          Parameter list: None

          Return type: Number

          Interface features: Get the currently used character file index, starting with 0.

          Code example:

          var currentCaptions = myPlayer.getCurrentCaptions(); 

          cyberplayer: setCurrentCaptions

          Parameter list: Number

          Return type: Object

          Interface features: Set to use a certain specific subtitle.

          Code example:


          cyberplayer: on

          Player event monitoring method, which is activated after executing a certain action. E.g.:

          myPlayer.on('play', function () { 
                   alert('The video has already played'); 

          Similar incidents are ready, setupError, playlist, playlistItem, playlistComplete, bufferChange, play, pause, buffer, idle, complete, error, seek, seeked, time, mute, volume, fullscreen, resize, levels, levelsChanged, captionsList, captionsChange, controls, displayClick, meta, etc.

          Version Update Record
          Event Response Interface