
All Product Document

          Multimedia Cloud Processing

          Interface Specification

          Content of Request Header(HTTP Request Header)

          The API service of MCT needs to contain the following information in HTTP header field of the request:

          • host(Required)
          • x-bce-date(Required)
          • x-bce-request-id(Optional)
          • authorization(Required)
          • content-type(Optional)
          • content-length(Optional)

          As an example, the following is the content of a standard request header field when a user accesses the lists of queue:

          GET /v3/pipeline/high_priority_pipe HTTP/1.1 
          accept-encoding: gzip, deflate 
          x-bce-date: 2015-03-24T13:04:26Z 
          host: media.bj.baidubce.com 
          accept: */* 
          connection: keep-alive 
          x-bce-request-id: 47281222-f0ff-4f80-9a4d-0140ff77dcd0
          content-type: application/json
          authorization: bce-auth-v1/46bd9968a6194b4bbdf0341f2286ccce/2015-03-24T13:04:26Z/1800/host;x-bce-date/b1ad7075b37616b846a356d1db86e73abba1aed51b4d7b0d95321f69f17250b1 

          Format of Request Message Body(HTTP Request Body)

          The API service of MCT requires a structural body of JSON format to describe the details of a request. As an example, the following is a standard request message body format when the user creates a task:

              "targetKey": "output_example.flv", 
              "sourceKey": "input_example.mp4", 
              "presetName": "bce.video_mp4_1920x1080_3660kbps" 

          Request Return Format(HTTP Response)

          The MCT API service adopts the message body of JSON format as the format of response returned. As an example, the following is a complete request return of a standard user query pipeline:

          HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
          Transfer-Encoding: chunked 
          x-bce-request-id: 47281222-f0ff-4f80-9a4d-0140ff77dcd0
          Cache-Control: no-cache
          Server: BWS 
          Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2015 13:04:27 GMT 
          Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 
              "pipelineName": "high_priority_pipe", 
              "sourceBucket": "examplesourceBucket", 
              "targetBucket": "exampletargetBucket", 
              "pipelineSize": 5, 
              "lastUpdateTime": "15-03-24T13:02:00Z", 
              "description": "Example Pipeline for Demo Purpose.", 
                  "total": 0, 
                  "running": 0, 
                  "pending": 0, 
                  "success": 0, 
                  "failed": 0 

          Error Message Format

          HTTP State CodeError Code Error Information Description
          404NoSuchPreset The requested preset does not exist. Please double confirm your preserId or the existence of the preset. The accessed cluster does not exist. Please re- Confirm if the specified cluster ID is correct or confirming that specifies exists.
          404NoSuchPipeline The requested pipeline does not exist. Please confirm your pipelineName or the existence of the pipeline. The accessed pipeline does not exist. Please confirm whether the specified pipelineName is correct or the specified pipeline exists.
          404NoSuchJob The requested job does not exist. Please confirm your jobId or the existence of the job. The accessed Job does not exist. Please re- Confirm if the specified jobId is correct or confirming that Job exists.
          400PipelineFull The requested pipeline is full. Please wait for the pipeline to fullfill more jobs or have a new one. The requested pipeline is full . Please wait for the pipeline to fulfill more jobs or create a pipeline.
          400InvalidBucket You have no access to bucket: {bucket name}. Please confirm your bucket name or the existence of the bucket. The bucket specified by users cannot be accessed. Please confirm whether the bucket name is correct or the bucket exists.
          400PipelineNotEmpty Pipeline have jobs in pending or running status. Please wait for the jobs to be completed and try again. For there are pending or running jobs in the pipeline, you cannot continue with the next operation. Please wait for the jobs to complete and try again.
          404PipelineNotActive Pipeline has been deleted. Please confirm your pipelineName or specify another pipeline. The pipeline has been identified as deleted. Please confirm your pipelineName or specify another pipeline.
          400PresetNotEmpty Preset has jobs applied in pending or running status. Please wait for the jobs to be completed and try again. The jobs using this template are in pending or running status. Please wait for all jobs using this template to complete.
          400InvalidParameterException There are field(s) invalied in the request messsage body, please check. There are one or more field errors in the requested message body. Please check it.
          400InvalidDelogo Delogo (in paint) is not supported if preset is transmux The delogo is  not supported in the transmux mode.
          System Limit