
All Product Document

          Multimedia Cloud Processing


          You can click Buy a Transcoding Package and place an order to buy it on the “Transcoding package " page of the MCT console.

          Price of Transcoding Package

          The unit price of the transcoding duration package is shown as follow:

          Duration of transcoding package (minute)Unit price of H264LD transcoding package (Yuan)Unit price of H264SD transcoding package (Yuan)Unit price of H264HD transcoding package (Yuan)Discount

          Billing Rules

          • Payment Method: Prepaid.
          • Region: Available in Beijing and Guangzhou.
          • Only support three common transcoding specifications, namely H264LD, H264SD and H264HD (excluding H265, extreme-speed transcoding, intelligent sense and super-definition), only the transcoding duration costs can be deducted correspondingly for each duration package.
          • The transcoding package is valid for 12 months, and will take effect immediately after procurement. The expiry time of every duration pack is calculated independently, and the expiry time of multiple packs are not multiplied.
          • You can buy multiple transcoding packages at the same time.
          • Priority is given to the deduction of transcoding package when the bill is generated, and the priority for deduction is given to the package that the period of validity ends first; when all packages are deducted, it will change to Bill-by-Traffic automatically for deduction.
          • Billing cycle: Charge by hour (once an hour Beijing time) and generate a bill. Billing time is within 1 hour after the end of the current billing cycle. For example, a bill from 10:00 to 11:00 will be generated before 12:00, which is subject to the billing time of the system. Billing example: (Actual service time/total duration) x package price, for example: If you purchase a package of 5,000 minutes, and use 500 minutes in a day, and then the cost is (500/5000) 80= RMB 8.
          • When the service expires, the residual unused charges will be deducted in the expiry day one time.
          • *Accounts in arrears: If your account is in arrears, but MCT transcoding packet is still valid and also not used up, it can be continued to use until it is deducted completely.

          Transcoding Package Refund Rules

          • Official refund

            • When you buy a duration package within 7 days and have not used it, you can refund in full;
            • Refund is not supported if it has been used for more than 7 days. You can directly refund in the console -> Finance Center -> Unsubscribe Management menu. 。
          • Special refund

            • The user who does not meet the above-mentioned condition for refund but still need refund, if the duration package is valid and has residue traffic, needs to submit Ticket for approval by sales department and refunding by manual osp. Refund amount= (deduced duration/decoding pack duration) * amount of duration pack purchase.
          • After the resource package expires, the remaining traffic cannot be unsubscribed or refunded.
          Product Description