
All Product Document

          Multimedia Cloud Processing

          Create Watermark Preset


          The watermark preset can be customized for the processing of video and audio, and you can understand how to use the console to create a watermark preset through this document.


          • Watermark icon formats only support png (recommended) and gif.
          • Please refer to Upload Object for information concerning how to upload image with watermark to BOS.

          Create Watermark Preset

          1.Log in MCT Console.

          2.Select Product Configuration->Watermark Preset in the left navigation bar , enter the video watermark list page.

          3.Click Create Watermark Preset, and enter the Create Watermark Preset page.


          4.The user fills the corresponding configuration information according to the demands:

          • Display position: The position of the watermark icon in the target video image, adopting Nine grids positioning strategy. As is shown in the following figure, we have equally divided the video picture into 9 grids, and according to the default position of each grid in the figure, you can set horizonal decentering and vertical decentering. The rules are shown as follows:

            • Decentering value is the decentering amount of the image relative to every grid border of the nine grids, and the decentering unit can set pixel value and percentage value.
            • The figure shows the default position when the horizontal and vertical offsets are zero (0).
            • Vertical offset: When the parameter unit is pixel, the value range is 0-3,072; when the parameter unit is a percentage, the value range is 0-100.
            • Horizontal offset: The parameter unit is pixel, with the value range of 0-4096; when the parameter unit is a percentage, the value range is 0-100.


          • Watermark width, watermark height: You can specify the size of the watermark to be inserted.
          • Offset unit: Select the location mode of watermark.
          • Start time: The occurrence time of the assigned watermark.
          • Duration time: The continuously appearing time of the assigned watermark, which is default to be all the videos.
          • Count of repeated display: The times of assigned watermark recurrence, which is infinite loop by default.

            5.Click Create Immediately, to complete the creation of watermark.

          Note: The watermark is a configuration item to create the custom Preset.

          Example: When you select the top right, if the horizontal offset is 5, and the vertical offset is 0, with the unit of pixel value, indicating that the top right Sudoku is shifted horizontally to the left from the right boundary by 5 pixels.

          Transcoding Preset
          Check Watermark Preset