
All Product Document

          Multimedia Cloud Processing


          Configure MediaClient

          MediaClient is a Python client of Media service, which provides a series of methods for callers to interact with Media service.

          Before create MediaClient, first create a configuration file to configure MediaClient, and in the following, configuration file is named as conf.py, with specific configuration information as follows:

          #!/usr/bin/env python 
          #Import Python standard log module 
          import logging 
          #Import Media configuration management module and security authentication module from Python SDK. 
          from baidubce.bce_client_configuration import BceClientConfiguration 
          from baidubce.auth.bce_credentials import BceCredentials 
          #Set Host, Access Key ID and Secret Access Key of MediaClient 
          media_host = "http://media.bj.baidubce.com"
          access_key_id = "your-access-key-id"
          secret_access_key = "your-secret-access-key"
          #Set handle and log level of log file 
          logger = logging.getLogger('baidubce.services.media.mediaclient') 
          fh = logging.FileHandler("sample.log") 
          #Set output sequence, structure and contents of log file 
          formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') 
          #Create BceClientConfiguration 
          config = BceClientConfiguration(credentials=BceCredentials(access_key_id, secret_access_key), endpoint = media_host) 


          1.In the above code, the variables AK and SK are assigned to user by the system to identify the user and perform signature verification for accessing Media. Among them, AK corresponds to the “Access Key ID” in the console, and SK corresponds to “Access Key Secret” in the console. Please refer to [Operation GuideManage ACCESSKEY].

          2.ENDPOINT parameter can only be defined by the assigned domain name containing the Region; currently, the Media only provides one region, Beijing, so the ENDPOINT only supports domain name http://media.bj.baidubce.com, and other domain names will be supported with the increasing of Regions.

          Create MediaClient

          After completing the above configuration, refer to the following code to create a MediaClient.

          import conf 
          import sys 
          from baidubce import exception 
          from baidubce.services import media 
          from baidubce.services.media.media_client import MediaClient 
          # create new MediaClient 
          client = MediaClient(conf.config) 
          print client.list_pipelines() 

          Parameter Description

          Python SDK sets some parameters in baidubce\bce_client_configuration.py by default; to modify the parameter value, you can refer to this file to create their own parameter configuration function, and introduce it when constructing MediaClient; please see the following for introduced codes:

          from baidubce.retry_policy import BackOffRetryPolicy 
          from baidubce.bce_client_configuration import BceClientConfiguration 
          from baidubce.auth.bce_credentials import BceCredentials 
          from baidubce.protocol import HTTP 
          from baidubce.region import BEIJING 
          my_policy = BackOffRetryPolicy(max_error_retry = 3, 
                  max_delay_in_millis=20 * 1000,
          my_config = BceClientConfiguration( 
                  credentials = BceCredentials('your-access-key-id', 'your-secret-access-key'), 
                  endpoint = media_host, 
                  protocol = baidubce.protocol.HTTP, 
                  region = baidubce.region.BEIJING, 
                  connection_timeout_in_mills = 50 * 1000,
                  send_buf_size = 1024 * 1024,
                  recv_buf_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024,
                  retry_policy = my_policy) 
          # create MediaClient with my config 
          my_client = MediaClient(my_config) 
          pipelines = client.list_pipelines() 
          for pipeline in pipelines.pipelines: 
            print pipeline 

          The parameters are described as follows:

          Parameter Description Default value
          PROTOCOL Protocol baidubce.protocol.HTTP
          REGION Region baidubce.region.BEIJING(Only support Beijing currently)
          CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS Request timeout (unit: millisecond) 120 *1000
          SOCKET_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS Timeout for transmitting data over open connections (unit: millisecond) 300 *1000(0 refers to infinite waiting; if you set a non-zero value, you need to evaluate the file size and network speed, otherwise timeouts will occur when large files are uploaded)
          SEND_BUF_SIZE Send buffer size 5 1024 1024
          RECV_BUF_SIZE Receive buffer size 5 1024 1024
          retry_policy Retry logic Retry can be made for 3 times at most, with the timeout of 20 * 1000, and a retry interval of 300ms

          MediaClient encapsulates optional parameters in config, see introduction to specific interface use method for optional parameters of each method; with create_pipeline method as an example, the setting optional parameters are realized by reference to the following codes:

          #Use options to pass in specified optional parameters when creating Pipeline 
          my_config = BceClientConfiguration( 
                  credentials = BceCredentials('your-access-key-id', 'your-secret-access-key'), 
                  endpoint = media_host, 
                  send_buf_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024) 
          client.create_pipeline('your_pipeline', 'your_source_bucket', 'your_source_bucket', config=my_config);
          Getting Started