Video Upload and Storage
To use the video transcoding service, you must have at least one bucket (created in Baidu Object Storage (BOS) product). Recommended setting two buckets for each queue, one for storage of source videos and the other for storage of transcoded videos. The object storage product provides the file storage and management feature for bucket creation, uploading of files, etc.
Video Upload and Storage
1.Register BOS Management Console, find and click + button (“Create Bucket” button) in the navigation bar on the left of the console, create Bucket in the pop-up box according to the reminder.
2.Click OK to complete the creation of Bucket. For detailed description of the configuration items when a bucket is created, please see Create Bucket.
3.In Storage Management Bucket created by area selection, click Upload Files in the files list page on the right Button.
4.You can upload the file by dragging and dropping or selecting the file directly. As for the detailed description of uploading files, please see Upload Files.
5.For more information about BOS products and usage mode, please refer to BOS Operation Guide.
Related API and SDK
Create Bucket
Create the Bucket through API:
Create Bucket through SDK:
Object Uploading
Upload Object by using API:
Use SDK to upload Object :