
All Product Document

          Baidu CloudTrail

          Operation Record

          1. Log in to the management console of Baidu AI Cloud, and select "Baidu Cloud Trail (BCT)".
          1. In the "Cloud Audit", select "Operation Records" to query the user operation records within 90 days.

          Note: It is only for the creation, modification and deletion activities of support services. For details, refer to: Support Events

          1. View the detailed information

          In the event list, the event list can be expanded to view the event details, including access key, region, error code, event name, event source, event time, request ID, source IP address, and user name. Meanwhile, you can click [View Events] to understand the related information of events.

          Currently, the maximum time scope supported for query is 90 days. The users can select the starting and ending time for query in the calendar.

          Trace Storage