
All Product Document

          Dedicated Cloud Compute

          Instructions for Use

          Understanding the following contents can help you enjoy the API-operated DCC service better:

          • API Certification System
          • Typesetting Convention

          API Certification System

          Users can interact with the Baidu AI Cloud with the certification method. For the certification method, the identity of the sender sending a request needs to be verified with the encrypted Access Key Id/Secret Access Key. Access Key Id (AK) is used to identify the user. Secret Access Key (SK) is the key used to encrypt a certification string by the user and verify a certification string by the Baidu AI Cloud. Among them, SK must be kept confidential, except for the concerned user and Baidu AI Cloud.

          After the Baidu AI Cloud receives a request from a user, the system is going to generate a certification string with the same SK and the same certification system, and compare it with the certification string contained in the user's request. If these two certification strings are the same, the system believes that this user has the privilege to perform specified operations. If they are different, the system ignores this operation and returns an error code. For more information on the authentication and certification system, please see Authentication Mechanism.

          Typesetting Convention

          Typesetting Format Meaning
          < > Variable
          [ ] Optional
          { } Required
          | Mutual exclusion
          Monospaced font Courier New Screen output
          API Service Domain Name
          General Description