
All Product Document

          Dedicated Cloud Compute


          Model Object Definition


          Parameter Name Type Description
          id String The DCC ID, which is a string with a fixed length in line with the BCE specification, and contains only uppercase and lowercase English letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underscores (_)
          name String The name of the DCC
          status DedicatedHostStatus The status of the DCC
          flavorName String The name of the package
          resourceUsage ResourceUsage Package details
          paymentTiming String Payment methods, including the postpaid and prepaid
          createTime String The creation time
          expireTime String The expiration time, which is only applicable to prepaid billing resources
          desc String Information description
          zoneName String The available region name
          tags List <TagModel> The label of the instance’s current configurationList\<


          Parameter Name Type Description
          cpuCount int The total number of CPUs (Cores)
          freeCpuCount int The number of remaining idle CPUs (Cores)
          memoryCapacityInGB int The total memory capacity (unit: GB)
          freeMemoryCapacityInGB int The remaining idle memory capacity (unit: GB)
          ephemeralDisks List\<EphemeralDisk> Local disk information


          Parameter Name Type Description
          storageType StorageType The disk storage type
          sizeInGB int The total disk space
          freeSizeInGB int The remaining free disk space


          Parameter Name Type Description
          tagKey String Tag key
          tagValue String The tag value

          Type encoding definition


          Encoding Description
          Starting During startup
          Running During running
          Expired Expired or in arrears
          Error An error


          Encoding Description
          sata The sata disk
          ssd The ssd disk

          Definition of the DCC package specifications

          Specification Category Specification Code CPU (Core) Memory (GB) Disk Type Disk Size (GB)
          calculation C01 22 78 SSD 1,200
          C02 30 112 SSD 1,200
          storage S01 22 48 SATA 6,144*7
          S02 30 112 SATA 6,144*7

          Order information definition


          Status Type Description
          paymentTiming string Payment time for the prepaid and postpaid
          reservation Reservation Reserved information, which is required to be set up for the prepaid, but not required for the postpaid


          Status Type Description
          reservationLength int Duration, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 24 and 36]
          reservationTimeUnit string The time unit is month. Currently, only monthly payment is supported.
          Interface Introductions
          Update Records