Purchase a DCC
For how to purchase a DCC, the detailed operations are as follows:
- Enter the DCC list, and then click "Purchase DCC" to enter the page for purchasing a DCC instance.
Select "Server Type", "Configuration", "Purchasing Information" and "Quantity", and then click "Next" to enter the page for confirming the order.
For more information on the configuration explanation, please see the following table:
Item Description Type Currently, "Compute optimized" and "Big Data model" DCCs are available for purchase. Configuration Currently, four types of packages, including Compute optimized C01 & C02 and big data model S01 & S02 are available. Duration The duration of the server service you can purchase. Monthly or yearly payments are supported. The longest duration you can purchase is 3 years at a time.
The duration cycle is the unit cycle starting from the instance creating time. For example, if you purchase the DCC service for one month on May 20, 2015, the usage cycle is from May 20, 2015 to June 20, 2015 (the default unit monthly duration is 30 days).Quantity The quantity of servers that can be purchased at one time. Currently, the quota that each account can purchase needs to be enabled by the Baidu AI Cloud's pre-sales engineers. If you need to enable or increase the quota, please contact your pre-sales engineers, or submit a ticket for consultation. - After the order information is confirmed, click "Go to Pay" to enter the online payment page. If you have any Baidu AI Cloud's coupons, you can select the "Use Coupons" option to reduce the payment with your coupons. If the number of coupons is not enough, you can use a bank card to complete the payment operation.
- Select the payment method and then click "Go to Pay" to make a payment. After the payment is successful, the system will configure the DCC to perform in the background.
- Return to the DCC list, and then check the status of the DCC. After the creation is successful, the status of this DCC instance is displayed as "Running".
Note: For the procedure of mounting disks to big data models, please see Disk Mounting.
Create a Dedicated Instance
The dedicated instance is a virtual machine which is created with the virtualized system on a DCC instance. Before a dedicated instance is created, you need to create a DCC first, and then perform the following operations:
- Enter the dedicated instance list, and then click "Purchase Instance" to enter the dedicated instance page.
Fill in the relevant configuration information and then click "Create" to complete the instance creation.
For more information on the configuration explanation, please see the following table:
Item Description Select an instance Select the DCC where the dedicated instance is located, and a dedicated instance is going to be created on this DCC. CPU CPU resource used to configure the dedicated instance. MEM Memory resource used to configure the dedicated instance. Disk Local disk resource used to configure the dedicated instance. Create a dedicated instance number of dedicated instances created with the same configuration. The number of dedicated instances that can be created at a time is calculated by the system according to the currently available resources and the resources selected by a single dedicated instance. You are recommended to make a plan in advance upon your actual business needs and make full use of the available resources of the DCC, because you have paid for all resources. Image type Please select the public image, custom image, service integrated image, and corresponding operating system upon your needs. If it is the first time for you to use the DCC service, but you have generated custom images with BCC, you can generate a custom with BCC. Operating system If a public image is used, you can select a specific operating system here. Dedicated instance name It can be randomly generated or customized by the user. The custom name must comply with the following rules, that is, it is composed of "English letters, numbers, and special characters, such as -, _, / and ., and starts with a letter with a length of 1-65". Admin password It can be randomly generated or customized by the user. The custom name must comply with the following rules, that is, it has 8-17 characters, and must consist of English letters, numbers and symbols at the same time. For symbols, only !, @, #, $, %, * and () can be used. Security Group It refers to a set of agreed security access rules for a set of dedicated instances. You can select a default security group or a custom security group. The default security group allows all inbound and outbound access to pass through. If you wants to build a whitelist of inbound and outbound rules for a dedicated instance, you need to create a security group.
Additionally, you can access the "Instance Details" page of the specified DCC to enter the "Associate with Dedicated Instance" tab. Afterwards, click the "Create Dedicated Instance" to create a dedicated instance on the specified DCC. For more information on detailed operations, please see View a DCC.
You can create a custom image based on snapshots. After a custom image has been created, you can create a dedicated instance accordingly. For more information on the detailed operations, please see Use an Image.
You can select one or more instances, and then click "Associate with Security Group". For more information on detailed operations, please see Associate with a Security Group.
Connect a Dedicated Instance
To connect to an instance, you must obtain an initial admin password, which is usually sent to you by text message.
There are two ways to log in to the DCC dedicated instance, that is, Remotely Log in to the Baidu Cloud Compute through VNC and Log in to the Baidu Cloud Compute with the client.
You can monitor the CPU usage of the instances, the number of disk IO reads and writes per second, the volume of disk IO reads and writes per second, network monitoring and so on, and set up alarms based on the selected conditions. For more information on detailed contents, please see BCC's Monitoring and Alarm.
Release a Dedicated Instance
The user can allocate its resources by itself. It can select the hardware resources of a dedicated instance to be released, and then re-configure these resources. For more information on how to release an instance, please see Release a Dedicated Instance.