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          Dedicated Cloud Compute

          Dedicated Cloud Compute (DCC)

          Purchase a DCC

          The DCC is used to provide a dedicated physical host for specific users to meet their needs in terms of controllable performance, exclusive resources, physical resource isolation and so on. Meanwhile, users can easily execute management operations on physical hosts, such as the division and expansion of dedicated instances. For more information on how to purchase a DCC, please see [Purchase a DCC](DCC/Getting Started Guide/Purchase a DCC.md).

          View a DCC

          1. Enter the DCC list. Users can obtain the following information from the instance list:

            • Instance name/ID. Users can click the icon next to the instance name to modify the instance name.
            • Description. Users can customize the description content, and click the corresponding icon to modify the description content.
            • Status, which shows the running status of the current host. "In Running” indicates that the host is running normally.
            • Dedicated instance, which refers to the dedicated instances which have been created successfully on this host.
            • Configuration, which refers to the basic configuration information on this host.
            • Operations, including "Renewal" and "Clear Resources".

            Note: The "Clear Resources" is used to clear all the dedicated instances on your DCC, including their snapshots. After performing this operation, you cannot restore the deleted dedicated instances any longer.

          1. Click "Instance Name" to enter the page of the instance details, and then you can obtain the instance-related information, including "Status", "Expiration Time", "Configuration Information", "Associated Dedicated Instance", and the operation entry of "Delete All Dedicated Instances".
          Getting Started Guide
          Create a Dedicated Instance