Instance Related Interface
Create an Instance
Interface description
This API is used to create one or more physical server instances of the same configuration. You need to query the RAID status of the selected package and select the raidId as required before you create BBC.
- Request Syntax
POST /v{version}/instance?clientToken={clientToken} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: authorization string
"name": name,
"imageId": imageId,
"purchaseCount": purchaseCount,
"paymentTiming": paymentTiming,
"reservation": {
"reservationLength": reservationLength
- Request Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the public header field.
- Request Parameter
Name | Type | Description | Required |
version | String | API version number | Yes |
clientToken | String | It is an idempotent Token, which is an ASCII character string with the length of no more than 64 bits. | Yes |
flavorId | String | Physical Server Package | Yes |
imageId | String | Image id | Yes |
raidId | String | RAID configuration ID, which can be obtained by querying the RAID interface | Yes |
rootDiskSizeInGb | int | System disk size of the Physical Server to be created. | Yes |
purchaseCount | int | The number of the virtual host instances created (purchased) in batch, which is an optional parameter. It must be an integer greater than 0, and its default value is 1. | Yes |
zoneName | String | The list of availability zones can be queried by calling the Query List of Availability Zones interface. The ZoneName naming convention is "Country-Region-Availability zone sequence” with lowercase letters, for example, Beijing availability zone A is represented with "cn-bj-a". The dedicated instance uses the zone where the dedicated server is located, without specifying this field. | Yes |
subnetId | String | The specified subnet information. If it is null, cannot be empty. | Yes |
billing | Billing | Order and billing related parameters | Yes |
name | String | Name of Physical Server (optional). The name is not specified by default. | No |
adminPass | String | Machine password, which needs to be encrypted for transmission See Password Encryption and Transmission Specification | No |
- Response Header Field
No special Head Parameter Response
- Response Parameter
Name | Type | Description |
instanceIds | List |
A collection of physical server instance IDs, where IDs conform to the BCE specification,must be a string with fixed length, and can contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, hyphen (-) and underline (_) only. |
- Request Example
POST /v1/instance?clientToken=be31b98c-5e41-4838-9830-9be700de5a20 HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2015-08-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
"name": "test2",
"imageId": "m-JTcDChqz",
"purchaseCount": 2,
"reservation": {
"reservationLength": 1
- Response Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:42:19 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS
"instanceIds": [
Query the Instance List
Query the list and details of all BBC instances.
Request Structure
GET /v{version}/instance?marker={marker}&maxKeys={maxKeys}&internalIp={internalIp} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: authorization string
Request Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the public header field.
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Parameter Position | Description |
version | String | Yes | URI parameter | API version number |
marker | String | No | Query parameter | The start position of querying the list in batch, which is a string generated by the system. |
maxKeys | int | No | Query parameter | Maximum number of master instances per page, which usually does not exceed 1,000, and the default value is 1,000. |
internalIp | String | No | Query parameter | Private network ip |
vpcId | String | No | Query parameter | vpcId |
Return Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the common header field.
Return Parameter
Name | Type | Description |
marker | String | Mark the start position of querying |
isTruncated | boolean | True means there is still data behind, and false means it is already the last page |
nextMarker | String | Get the marker value to be passed on the next page. This field does not display when “isTruncated” is false |
maxKeys | int | The maximum number contained in each page. |
instances | List<InstanceModel> | Instance information, a set of InstanceModels |
Error Code
Without special return error code
Request Example
GET /v1/instance?marker=i-IyWRtII7&maxKeys=1 HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2015-08-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2016 03:31:51 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS
"nextMarker": "i-xktdeMSf",
"marker": "i-IyWRtII7",
"maxKeys": 1,
"isTruncated": true,
"instances": [
"id": "i-IyWRtII7",
"name": "instance-j93wzbn1",
"status": "Running",
"desc": "console",
"createTime": "2015-08-06T13:23:13Z",
"expireTime": null,
"internalIp": "",
"networkCapacityInMbps": 1,
"imageId": "m-3zfBY1Ku",
"tags": [
"tagKey": "jian",
"tagValue": "1"
"region": "bj"
Query Details of a Single Instance
Query the specified instance details.
Request Structure
GET /v{version}/instance/{instanceId} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: authorization string
Request Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the public header field.
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Parameter Position | Description |
version | String | Yes | URI parameter | API version number |
instanceId | String | Yes | URI parameter | Instance ID to be queried |
Return Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the common header field.
Return Parameter
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
instance | InstanceModel | Instance details returned |
Request Example
GET /v1/instance/i-YufwpQAe HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2015-08-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:42:19 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS
"id": "i-IyWRtII7",
"name": "instance-j93wzbn1",
"status": "Running",
"desc": "console",
"createTime": "2015-08-06T13:23:13Z",
"expireTime": null,
"internalIp": "",
"networkCapacityInMbps": 1,
"imageId": "m-3zfBY1Ku",
"tags": [
"tagKey": "jian",
"tagValue": "1"
"region": "bj"
Start an Instance
Start up a specified instance.
- After the API is called successfully, the instance is in the Starting status.
- The instance must be in the Stopped status, so that it returns successfully when this API is called. Otherwise, it prompts an error 409.
Request Structure
PUT /v{version}/instance/{instanceId}?{action} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: authorization string
Request Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the public header field.
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Parameter Position | Description |
version | String | Yes | URI parameter | API version number |
instanceId | String | Yes | URI parameter | Instance ID to start |
action | String | Yes | Query parameter | Action on instance. This parameter value is start in this interface. |
Return Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the common header field.
Return Parameter
No special return parameters are available.
Error Code
Error Code | Error Description | HTTP Status Code | Explanation |
Instance.StartInstanceOperationForbidden | Instance not stopped when starting. | 409 | The instance can be started only when it is in the Stopped status |
Request Example
PUT /v1/instance/i-YufwpQAe?start HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2015-08-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:42:19 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS
Stop an Instance
Stops a specified instance.
- The system backend is in the Stopped status after the instance is stopped successfully.
- This operation can be performed only when the instance is in the Running status. Otherwise, it prompts an error 409.
- You can forcibly stop an instance, which is equivalent to the power failure and may lose the data that is not written to the disk in the instance operating system.
Request Structure
PUT /v{version}/instance/{instanceId}?{action} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: authorization string
Request Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the public header field.
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Parameter Position | Description |
version | String | Yes | URI parameter | API version number |
instanceId | String | Yes | URI parameter | Instance ID to start |
action | String | Yes | Query parameter | Action on instance. This parameter value is Stop in this interface |
forceStop | Boolean | No | Request Body Parameter | It specifies whether the instance is forcibly stopped. Optional value: true and false, false by default |
Return Header Field
Other special header fields are not available, except for common header fields.
Return a parameter
No special return parameters are available.
Error Code
Error Code | Error Description | HTTP status code | Explanation |
Instance.StopInstanceOperationForbidden | Instance not running when shutting down. | 409 | The instance can be stopped only when it is in the Running status. |
Request Example
PUT /v1/instance/i-YufwpQAe?stop HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2015-08-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:42:19 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS
Restart Instance
Restart the specified instance.
- This operation can be performed only when the instance is in the Running status. Otherwise, it prompts an error 409.
- After the API is called successfully, the instance is in the Starting status.
- You can forcibly restart an instance, which is equivalent to the power failure restart of the traditional compute and may lose the data that is not written to the disk in the instance operating system.
Request Structure
PUT /v{version}/instance/{instanceId}?{action} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: authorization string
Request Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the public header field.
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Parameter Position | Description |
version | String | Yes | URI parameter | API version number |
instanceId | String | Yes | URI parameter | Instance ID to start |
action | String | Yes | Query parameter | Action on instance. This parameter value is reboot in this interface. |
forceStop | boolean | No | Request Body Parameter | Whether the instance is forcibly stopped? The optional value is true or false, false by default. |
Return Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the common header field.
Return Parameter
No special return parameters are available.
Error Code
Error Code | Error Description | HTTP status code | Explanation |
Instance.RebootInstanceOperationForbidden | Instance not running when rebooting. | 409 | The instance can be restarted only when it is in the Running status. |
Request Example
PUT /v1/instance/i-YufwpQAe?reboot HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 12:00:00 GMT
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2015-08-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
"forceStop": true
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:42:19 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS
Modify an instance name
Modify the description information of specified virtual machine.
- This API can be called only when the instance is in the Running or Stopped status. Otherwise, it prompts an error 409.
Request Structure
PUT /v{version}/instance/{instanceId}?{action} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: authorization string
"name": name
Request Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the public header field.
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Parameter Position | Description |
version | String | Yes | URI parameter | API version number |
instanceId | String | Yes | URI parameter | Specified instance ID |
action | String | Yes | Query parameter | Action on instance, whose current value is rename. |
name | String | Yes | Request Body Parameter | Means an instance name, which supports uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters such as -_/. It must start with a letter and have a length of 1-65 characters. |
Return Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the common header field.
Return Parameter
No special return parameters are available.
Error Code
Error Code | Error Description | HTTP status code | Explanation |
BadRequest | Bad request parameters or illegal request. | 400 | Invalid request parameter |
Instance.NameInvalid | Instance name is invalid. | 400 | name is invalid |
NoSuchObject | The specified object is not found or resource do not exist. | 404 | The resource does not exist. |
OperationDenied | Operation not available. | 409 | The operation is not available. |
Request Example
PUT /v1/instance/i-YufwpQAe?rename HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2015-08-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
"name": "example"
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:42:19 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS
Modify description information of instances
Modify the description of specified virtual machine.
- This API can be called only when the instance is in the Running or Stopped status. Otherwise, it prompts an error 409.
Request Structure
PUT /v{version}/instance/{instanceId}?{action} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: authorization string
"desc": desc
Request Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the public header field.
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Parameter Position | Description |
version | String | Yes | URI parameter | API version number |
instanceId | String | Yes | URI parameter | Specified instance ID |
action | String | Yes | Query parameter | Action on instance, whose current value is updateDesc |
desc | String | Yes | Request Body Parameter | Instance Description |
Return Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the common header field.
Return Parameter
No special return parameters are available.
Error Code
Error Code | Error Description | HTTP status code | Explanation |
BadRequest | Bad request parameters or illegal request. | 400 | Invalid request parameter |
NoSuchObject | The specified object is not found or resource do not exist. | 404 | The resource does not exist |
OperationDenied | Operation not available. | 409 | The operation is not available |
Request Example
PUT /v1/instance/i-YufwpQAe?updateDesc HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2015-08-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
"desc": "example"
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:42:19 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS
Reinstall an Instance
Rebuild the specified virtual machine through the image.
- After the reinstallation of instance, the custom image based on the original system disk is retained.
Request Structure
PUT /v{version}/instance/{instanceId}?{action} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: authorization string
"imageId": imageId,
Request Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the public header field.
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Parameter Position | Description |
version | String | Yes | URI parameter | API version number |
instanceId | String | Yes | URI parameter | Specified instance ID |
action | String | Yes | Query parameter | Action on instance, whose current value is rebuild. |
imageId | String | Yes | Request Body Parameter | Image ID to specify |
adminPass | String | Yes | Request Body Parameter | Machine password, which needs to be encrypted for transmission |
isPreserveData | bool | No | Request Body Parameter | Whether it retains data, defaults value to true. If the value is “true”, the raidId and sysRootSize fields do not take effect |
raidId | String | No | Request Body Parameter | raid configuration Id, which can be obtained by querying the RAID interface This parameter is required when isPreserveData is false and does not take effect when isPreserveData is true |
sysRootSize | int | No | Request Body Parameter | Root partition size of system disk, which is 20 GB by default and whose range is 20-100 GB. This parameter does not take effect when isPreserveData is true |
Return Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the common header field.
Return Parameter
No special return parameters are available.
Request Example
PUT /v1/instance/i-YufwpQAe?rebuild HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2015-08-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
"imageId": "m-mRjO3cjs",
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:42:19 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS
Release an Instance
Release a single instance, after which all physical resources used by the instance are recovered, and all relevant data is lost and cannot be recovered.
- You can only release the postpaid or prepaid instance expired.
- After the release of instance, the custom image based on the original system disk is reserved.
Request Structure
DELETE /v{version}/instance/{instanceId} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: authorization string
Request Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the public header field.
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Parameter Position | Description |
version | String | Yes | URI parameter | API version number |
instanceId | String | Yes | URI parameter | Instance ID of Physical Server to be released |
Return Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the public header field.
Return Parameter
No special return parameters are available.
Request Example
DELETE /v2/instance/i-3ghjsb67 HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2017-04-10T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2017 04:17:29 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS
Modify an instance password
Change the Admin password of specified virtual machine.
Request Structure
PUT /v{version}/instance/{instanceId}?{action} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: authorization string
Request Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the public header field.
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Parameter Position | Description |
version | String | Yes | URI parameter | API version number |
instanceId | String | Yes | URI parameter | Specified instance ID |
action | String | Yes | Query parameter | Actions on instance, whose current value is changePass. |
adminPass | String | Yes | Request Body Parameter | Admin password of an instance to be specified, which is a 8-16-bit string, containing English letters, numbers and symbols at the same time. For symbols, only !, @, #, $, %, * and () can be used. The password needs to be encrypted for transmission |
Return Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the common header field.
Return Parameter
No special return parameters are available.
Error Code
Error Code | Error Description | HTTP status code | Explanation |
Instance.PasswordOperationForbidden | Instance not stopped when changing password. | 409 | You can change the password only when the instance is in the Stopped status |
Request Example
PUT /v1/instance/i-YufwpQAe?changePass HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2015-08-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
"adminPass": "c5b31add-ffe0-44b0-86eb-063109a1b6fe"
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:42:19 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS
Query the Instance VPC /Subnet Information
Query the VPC/Subnet through the BBC instance ID.
Request Structure
POST /v{version}/vpcSubnet HTTP/1.1
Authorization: authorization string
Request Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the public header field.
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Parameter Position | Description |
version | String | Yes | URI parameter | API version number |
bbcIds | List<String> | Yes | Request Body Parameter | BCC instance ID list to query the VPC/Subnet information |
0 Return Header Field
There are no other special header fields except the common header field.
Return Parameter
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
networkInfo | List<BbcNetworkModel> | Return VPC /Subnet Information of BBC |
Request Example
POST /v1/vpcSubnet HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/json
Authorization: bce-auth-v1/f81d3b34e48048fbb2634dc7882d7e21/2015-08-11T04:17:29Z/3600/host/74c506f68c65e26c633bfa104c863fffac5190fdec1ec24b7c03eb5d67d2e1de
Return Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-bce-request-id: 1214cca7-4ad5-451d-9215-71cb844c0a50
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:42:19 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Server: BWS
"networkInfo": [{
"subnet": {
"vpcId": "vpc-cwtrgdc3cre4",
"name": "System predefined subnet",
"subnetType": "1",
"subnetId": "sbn-tgk8c11e7imb",
"cidr": "",
“zoneName": "cn-bj-a"
"bbcId": "i-CRALHVQx",
"vpc": {
"cidr": "",
"vpcId": "vpc-cwtrgdc3cre4",
"name": “Default private network",
"isDefault": "true",
"description": "default"