
All Product Document

          Baremetal Compute Sevice



          BBC (Baidu Baremetal Compute) is the high-performance baremetal compute that users can exclusively enjoy in the cloud environment. Users have full management privilege of the physical device, and can combine with EIP and BLB for the flexible networking and inteconnect with the BCC private network, to flexibly deal with the user’s business requirements in various complex scenarios, and readily build a private network hybrid cloud.

          Before you use the API document, make sure you have some basic knowledge about BBC, includingProduct Description and Pricing

          If you are calling the API of Baidu AI Cloud product for the first time, you can watch theAPI Getting Started Video Guide to quickly capacity the method of calling the API.

          Interface Use Specification

          Normalized String

          In general, a string can contain any Unicode character.This flexibility can bring a lot of a hassle in programming.Hence the concept of "canonical strings” is introduced.A specification string contains only percent coded Characters and URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) non-reserved Characters. RFC 3986 specifies that non-reserved URI characters include the following: letters (S-z, a-z), digits (0-9), hyphens (-), dot (.), underscores (_), tilde (~) The way to convert any string to a canonical string is:

          • Converts the string to the byte string coded by UTF-8.
          • Leave all URI non-reserved characters as the same.
          • Perform Percent-Encoding on the rest of the bytes according to RFC 3986, that means a % is followed by two hexadecimal letters representing the byte value. All letters are capitalized. Example: The original string: this is an example for test, the corresponding normal string: this%20is%20an%20example%20for%20%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95

          Encoding Specification

          • Resolvable content, and UTF-8 encoding is adopted for all request/response body contents at present. More encoding types will be supported later.
          • When requesting, UrlEncode is required for the following:

            • Objectname, where "/" needs to be ignored when Resource is doing URLEncode.
            • Querystring的Value。
            • x-bce-copy-source(ignore“/”)。
            • Custom Meta:Meta Value only supports visible ASCII characters. If other characters are needed, UrlEncode processing is recommended.

          Password Encryption and Transmission Specification

          All interface parameters involving password need to be encrypted and plaintext transmission is prohibited. All passwords is encrypted with AES 128-bit encryption algorithm, and with the first 16 bits of SK as the key. The binary byte stream generated after encryption is converted to the hexadecimal and transmitted to the server in the form of string. The specific steps are as follows:

          • byte[] bCiphertext= AES(Plaintext,SK)
          • String strHex = HexStr(bCiphertext)

          Date and Time

          Date and time can be represented in many ways. For unification, unless it is established by convention or has corresponding specifications, all the date and time fields specified in the HTTP standard are expressed in GMT, and all other date and time fields are expressed in UTC time, following ISO 8601 and subject to the following restrictions:

          • All dates should adopt the form ofYYYY-MM-DD, for example,2014-06-01is represented as 1 June, 2014.
          • All time should adopt the form ofhh:mm:ssand add a capital Z at the end to indicate UTC time. For example,23:00:10Zindicates that UTC time is 23:0:10
          • As to the combination of date and time, add the letter T between the two. For example2014-06-01T23:00:10Zindicate UTC time is 23:0:10 on 1 June, 2014.

          Request Response Format Standard

          • HTTP request, Key of the parameter in querystring, is camel case. Such as upLoadId, partNumber, etc.
          • All user-defined Meta are placed in the Header in the form of x-bce-meta-*, The total size of the custom meta shall not exceed 2K.x-bce-meta-*key of will be processed by Server side in lowercase.

          For example: if the user uploadsx-bce-meta-DeMo:valueusing the Putobject interface, the Server will uniformly handle it in lowercasex-bce-meta-demo:value, When the user uses the GetObject interface, the return value of the Sever side isx-bce-meta-demo:value

          • In addition to the standard Header specified in RFC2616, other Headers are defined in the form ofx-bce-*.
          • In all JSON, Key is the camel mode with lowercase initial.
          • Each request response hasx-bce-request-id and x-bce-debug-id.
          • Relevant fields such as Date, Content-MD5, Content-Type, Content-Length in Header comply with RFC 2616.
          • According to the HTTP protocol, Content-MD5 must be MD5 and Base64 encoded. The calculation method is as follows:

            Content-MD5 = "Content-MD5" ":" md5-digest md5-digest = <base64 of 128 bit MD5 digest as per RFC 1864>

          Service domain Name

          The domain names of BCC API service are as follows:

          Region Service endpoint Endpoint Protocol
          Beijing bbc.bj.baidubce.com HTTP and HTTPS
          Guangzhou bbc.gz.baidubce.com HTTP and HTTPS
          Suzhou bbc.su.baidubce.com HTTP and HTTPS
          Baoding bbc.bd.baidubce.com HTTP and HTTPS
          Wuhan bbc.fwh.baidubce.com HTTP and HTTPS
          Shanghai bbc.fsh.baidubce.com HTTP and HTTPS

          Public Request Header

          Header field Description Required?
          Authorization Include the Access Key and Request Signature.。 Required
          x-bce-date Means the time of creating the request. The date is represented in the form of YYYY-MM-DD. For example, 2014-06-01 represents June 1, 2014.If the user uses the standard Date field, the header field can be left blank.When both exist, the x-bce-date prevails. Optional
          x-bce-content-sha256 The hexadecimal string representing the SHA256 signature of the Content part, where the content refers to HTTP Request Payload Body, that is, the original data of the content part before being HTTP encode. Optional
          x-bce-if-match Same semantics as If-Match. Optional
          x-bce-if-none-match Same semantics as If-None-Match. Optional

          Public Response Header

          Header field Description
          Content-Length The type of HTTP request content defined in RFC2616.
          x-bce-request-id Means the requestId corresponding to the request

          Error Code

          In addition to the HTTP status code, the error information should also include the parameters in the following table in the HTTP body, as follows:

          Parameter Name Type Description
          requestId String Means the requestId causing the error
          code String It indicates the specific error type.
          message String Detailed description on this error.

          For example:

              "message":"The requested url belongs to domain which is not under acceleration",
              "requestId":" 81d0b05f-5ad4-1f22-8068-d5c9de60a1d7" 

          Common Error Code

          Error code Message HTTP status code Semantics
          AccessDenied Access denied. 403 Forbidden You’ve no permission to access corresponding resources.
          InappropriateJSON The JSON you provided was well-formed and valid, but not appropriate for this operation. 400 Bad Request The JSON format in the request is correct, but its semantics does not meet the requirements. For example, a required item is missing, or the value type does not match. Considering compatibility, all unrecognized items shall be directly ignored and this error shall not be returned.
          InternalError We encountered an internal error. Please try again. 500Internal Server Error Means all other undefined errors. When other types of corresponding errors (including common and service-customized errors) are available, this type of error needs to be avoided.
          InvalidAccessKeyId The Access Key ID you provided does not exist in our records. 403 Forbidden The Access Key ID does not exist.
          InvalidHTTPAuthHeader The HTTP authorization header is invalid. Consult the service documentation for details. 400 Bad Request Means an error in the Authorization header field format.
          InvalidHTTPRequest There was an error in the body of your HTTP request. 400 Bad Request The format of the HTTP body is incorrect. For example, it does not conform to the specified Encoding.
          InvalidURI Could not parse the specified URI. 400 Bad Request The URI form is incorrect. For example, the keywords defined by some services are not matched. For problems such as ID mismatch, more specific error codes should be defined, such as NoSuchKey.
          MalformedJSON The JSON you provided was not well-formed. 400 Bad Request The JSON format is illegal.
          InvalidVersion The API version specified was invalid. 404 Not Found The URI version number is invalid.
          OptInRequired A subscription for the service is required. 403 Forbidden No corresponding service has been opened.
          PreconditionFailed The specified If-Match header doesn't match the ETag header. 412 Precondition Failed For more information, please see Etag.
          RequestExpired Request has expired. Timestamp date is XXX. 400 Bad Request Means the request timeout. XXX must be changed to an x-bce-date value. If there is only Date in the request, you need to change Date to datetime.
          IdempotentParameterMismatch The request uses the same client token as a previous, but non-identical request. 403 Forbidden The API parameters corresponding to clientToken are different.
          SignatureDoesNotMatch The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details. 400 Bad Request The signature contained in the Authorization header field is inconsistent with the server verification.

          BBC Business Error Code

          Error code Message HTTP status code Semantics
          InstanceNotFound The specified CFS instance does not exist. 404 The specified DRDS instance does not exist.
          SubnetTypeInvalid Bbc instance can only use bbc type subnet. 400 The specified subnet is not of a BBC subnet type.
          InternalException Order extra to json failed. 400 The JSON format of order extra field is incorrect.
          InstancetypeInvalid Only Bbc instance is available to renew in this method. 400 The renew CVM server is not of a BBC type.
          ProductTypeInvalid Only prepay Bbc instance is available to create. 400 You can only create the prepaid BBC instance.
          Instance.BbcQuotaLimitExceeded The number of bbc will exceed the limit. 413 The number of BBC instances created exceeds the quota
          InvalidParameter Invalid Parameter. 400 Request Parameter Error
          InvalidParameter Only postpay or expired bbc can be deleted 400 You can only delete expired or postpaid BBC instances
          OPERATION_DENY Operation deny for current user 403 The current user is not authorized to carry out this operation
          InternalException DiskInfo read failed from db 400 diskInfo configuration error
          Bbc.UserPriceConfigurationNotExist user's price configuration for postpay does not exist. 400 The BBC configuration pricing information does not exist
          Instance.BbcTagQuotaLimitExceeded The number of bbc tag will exceed the limit. 413 The number of tag created exceeds the quota
          Instance.RaidDoNotExist Raid requested do not exist. 403 The requested raid does not exist
          Image.ImageTypeInvaild Image type is invaild for this instance. 400 Invalid image type
          Instance.BbcCreateDeny BBC create deny. 403 No right to purchase a BBC instance
          Instance.PasswordInvalid Password format is invalid. 400 The password format is error
          Instance.NameInvalid Instance name is invalid. 400 BBC instance name is invalid
          Instance.BalanceNotEnough the balance is less than 100, please recharge. 403 Insufficient balance
          Instance.TemplateQuotaLimitExceeded Custom image quota exceeds limit. 413 The number of custom images exceeds the quota limit.
          Instance.AdminPassDecryptionException Invalid encryption code found for the admin password. 400 The decrypted password is incorrect.
          FlavorNotSupport Flavor type is not supported 400 Invalid package type
          RaidTypeNotSupport Raid type is not supported 400 Invalid raid type
          SysDiskSizeSupportInvalid Sys disk size should between [20,100] 400 The system disk size should be within 20 GB and 100 GB.
          ImageTypeInvalid image type invalid 400 Invalid image type
          FlavorImageIncompatible the flavor specified is not compatible with the image 400 The specified package is not compatible with the image.
          Instance.MKTImageInstanceNotSupportChangeImageException Instance with mkt image not support change image. 403 The cloud market image does not support the replacement of image reload.
          Instance.MKTImageInstanceNotSupportCreateTemplateException Instance with mkt image not support create template. 403 The cloud market image does not support the creation of system image.
          Instance.KeepDataRebuildNotSupportChangeImageException BBC Instance not support change image when keep data rebuild. 403 BBC does not support the replacement of image during the reload of reserved data.
          Instance.CumulativeRenewTimeException The cumulative renewal time should not longer than ten years. 403 The renew time can not be greater than 10 years.
          Instance.SubnetDoNotExist Subnet requested do not exist. 403 The requested subnet does not exist.
          Instance.DifferentZoneSubnetException new subnet should be same zone. 400 Migration subnet, the destination subnet and the source subnet must be of the same availability zone.
          Instance.InstanceBindedEipCanNotChangeSubnetException instance with eip can't change to NAT subnet. 400 The EIP server can not be changed to the NAT subnet.
          Instance.NotSupportSubnetTypeException not support subnet type. 400 The subnet type is error
          Instance.InstanceBatchRebuildOutOfMaxSizeException Target servers size exceeds maximum allowed 400 Batch installation of BBC, whose number exceeds the limit
          Instance.InstanceBatchRebuildException Batch rebuild bbc partly failed. The instance ids are as follows. 400 Batch installation of BBC, which partially fails and returns the failed instance ID
          OperationLog.DateInvalid *** is invalid. 400 Invalid date
          Vpc.NetworkParamError vpcId or subnetId info error 400 vpcId or subnetId in the request parameter is incorrect.
          Vpc.NewFixIpNotInSubnet new private ip is not in the subnet. 400 The original and new private network IPs are not of the same subnet IP address range.
          Vpc.IpInSubnetNotEnoughExceptions The ip left in the subnet is not enouth for this create 400 The number of IPs in the subnet is insufficient.
          Operation Guide
          Instance Related Interface