The BBC instance is a physical server operation instance on Baidu Cloud, and is also a management entity for advanced functions such as billing and privilege control.
Create Instance
Use the following codes to create a physical machine instance:
createInstanceArgs := &CreateInstanceArgs{
// Enter ID of your selected flavor (package). Please refer to the package section for the method of obtaining the available flavor ID through SDK
FlavorId: "your-choose-flavor-id",
// Enter the image ID you want to create the instance to use. For the method of obtaining the available image ID through SDK, please refer to the Image chapter
ImageId: "your-choose-image-id",
// Enter the raid ID you want to use to create the instance. For the method to obtain the available raid ID through SDK, see the package section.
RaidId: "your-choose-raid-id",
// Enter the size of the physical disk to create, the unit is GB, and the default is 20
RootDiskSizeInGb: 20,
// The number of virtual machine instances created (purchased) in batches, must be an integer greater than 0, optional parameter, 1 by default
PurchaseCount: 1,
// Availability zone, the format is: Country-Region-Availability Zone, for instance, 'China-Beijing-Availability Zone A'is'cn-bj-a'
ZoneName: "cn-bj-a",
// Specify subnet ID, required parameter
SubnetId: "your-choose-subnet-id",
// Specify the security group id, optional parameter
SecurityGroupId: "your-choose-security-group-id"
// Use uuid to generate an ASCII string no longer than 64 bits in length
ClientToken: "random-uuid",
// Choose the payment method
Billing: Billing{
PaymentTiming: PaymentTimingPostPaid,
Reservation: Reservation{
Length: 1,
TimeUnit: "Month",
// Specify the deployment set id to be used, optional parameters; for the method to obtain the available deployment set id through SDK, please refer to the deployment set chapter
DeploySetId: "your-choose-raid-id",
// Set the instance administrator password (8-16 characters, English, numbers and symbols must exist at the same time, and symbols are limited to! @#$%^*())
AdminPass: "your-admin-pass",
// Instance name
Name: "your-choose-instance-name",
if res, err := bbcClient.CreateInstance(createInstanceArgs); err != nil {
fmt.Println("create instance failed: ", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("create instance success, instanceId: ", res.InstanceIds[0])
Payment method (PaymentTiming) optional:
- Post-payment: PaymentTimingPostPaid
- Prepayment: PaymentTimingPrePaid
Query Instance List
Use the following codes to query the list and details of all BBC instances:
listArgs := &ListInstancesArgs{
// The starting position of the query to obtain the list in batches is a string generated by the system
Marker: "your-marker",
// Set the size of the returned data, the default is 1000
MaxKeys: 100,
// Filter BBC list by internal Ip
InternalIp: "your-choose-internal-ip",
if res, err := bbcClient.ListInstances(listArgs); err != nil {
fmt.Println("list instances failed: ", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("list instances success, result: ", res)
Query Instance Details
Use the following codes to query the detailed information of a specified BBC instance:
// Set the instanceId you want to operate
instanceId := "your-choose-instance-id"
if res, err := bbcClient.GetInstanceDetail(instanceId); err != nil {
fmt.Println("get instance detail failed: ", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("get instance detail success, result: ", res)
Start Instance
Use the following codes to start the specified BBC instance, the instance status must be Stopped, and the interface can be called to return successfully, otherwise a 409 error is displayed:
// Set the instanceId you want to operate
instanceId := "your-choose-instance-id"
if err := bbcClient.StartInstance(instanceId); err != nil {
fmt.Println("start instance failed: ", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("start instance success.")
Stop Instance
Use the following codes to stop the specified BBC instance, only the instance with the status Running can perform this operation, otherwise a 409 error will be displayed:
// Set the instanceId you want to operate
instanceId := "your-choose-instance-id"
// Whether to stop the instance forcefully, True means force stop
forceStop := true
if err := bbcClient.StopInstance(instanceId, forceStop); err != nil {
fmt.Println("stop instance failed: ", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("stop instance success.")
Reboot Instance
Use the following codes to reboot the specified BBC instance, only the instance with the status Running can perform this operation, otherwise a 409 error will be displayed:
// Set the instanceId you want to operate
instanceId := "your-choose-instance-id"
// Whether to stop the instance forcefully, True means force stop
forceStop := true
if err := bbcClient.RebootInstance(instanceId, forceStop); err != nil {
fmt.Println("reboot instance failed: ", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("reboot instance success.")
Modify the Name of Instance
Use the following codes to modify the name of the specified BBC instance:
modifyInstanceNameArgs := &ModifyInstanceNameArgs{
Name: "new_bbc_name",
// Set the instanceId you want to operate
instanceId := "your-choose-instance-id"
if err := bbcClient.ModifyInstanceName(instanceId, modifyInstanceNameArgs); err != nil {
fmt.Println("modify instance name failed: ", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("modify instance name success.")
Modify the Description of Instance
Use the following codes to modify the description of the specified BBC instance:
modifyInstanceDescArgs := &ModifyInstanceDescArgs{
Description: "new_bbc_description",
// Set the instanceId you want to operate
instanceId := "your-choose-instance-id"
if err := bbcClient.ModifyInstanceDesc(instanceId, modifyInstanceDescArgs); err != nil {
fmt.Println("modify instance desc failed: ", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("modify instance desc success.")
Rebuild Instance
Use the following codes to reconstruct the specified BBC instance by imaging:
rebuildArgs := &RebuildInstanceArgs{
// Set the image id used
ImageId: "your-choose-image-id",
// Set administrator password
AdminPass: "your-new-admin-pass",
// Whether to keep the data. When the value is true, the raidId and sysRootSize fields do not take effect
IsPreserveData: false,
// This parameter is required when isPreserveData is false, and does not take effect when isPreserveData is true
RaidId: "your_raid_id",
// The size of the system disk root partition, the default is 20G, and the value range is 20-100. This parameter does not take effect when isPreserveData is true
SysRootSize: 20,
// Set the instanceId you want to operate
instanceId := "your-choose-instance-id"
// Set whether to keep data
isPreserveData = false
if err := bbcClient.RebuildInstance(instanceId, isPreserveData, rebuildArgs); err != nil {
fmt.Println("rebuild instance failed: ", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("rebuild instance success.")
IsPreserveData indicates whether to retain data:
- When IsPreserveData is set to false, RaidId and SysRootSize are required parameters.
- When IsPreserveData is set to true, the RaidId and SysRootSize parameters do not take effect.
Release the Instance
For BBC instances with Postpaid and expired Prepaid, you can Use the following codes to release them:
// Set the instanceId you want to operate
instanceId := "your-choose-instance-id"
if err := bbcClient.ReleaseInstance(instanceId); err != nil {
fmt.Println("release instance failed: ", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("release instance success.")
Modify Instance Password
Use the following codes to modify the administrator password of the specified BBC instance:
modifyInstancePasswordArgs := &ModifyInstancePasswordArgs{
AdminPass: "your_new_password",
// Set the instanceId you want to operate
instanceId := "your-choose-instance-id"
if err := bbcClient.ModifyInstancePassword(instanceId, modifyInstancePasswordArgs); err != nil {
fmt.Println("modify instance password failed: ", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("modify instance password success.")
BBC Example password requirements:
- A password contains 8-16 characters among which English, numbers and symbols must coexist, and the symbols are only limited to!. @#$%^*()
Query Instance VPC/Subnet Information
Use the following codes to query VPC/Subnet information through the BBC instance id:
// Set the instanceId you want to operate
instanceId := "your-choose-instance-id"
getVpcSubnetArgs := &GetVpcSubnetArgs{
BbcIds: []string{instanceId},
if res, err := bbcClient.GetVpcSubnet(getVpcSubnetArgs); err != nil {
fmt.Println("get vpc subnet failed: ", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("get vpc subnet success. res: ", res)